library(survival); ##### Program for the pump failure data #### Prior Pars. #### Cost or repair vs cost of maintenance, for utlity func CRCM.ratio <- 4.46; down.time <- 1; ###hours of down time due to repair or maintenance ### Prior for theta alpha1 <- 1/2; beta1 <- 1/2; ### Prior for lambda mX <- 7*24 ##hours, 10 days sX <- 7*24 ##+- hours of operation (10 days), a priori ### a priori mean and squared coeficient of variantion for alpha mu.alpha <- 3/2 C2.alpha <- 1/27 if (((sX/mX)^2 - (1/mu.alpha + C2.alpha)) < 0) cat("ERROR: WE REQUIRE", (sX/mX),"= (sX/mX)^2 > sqrt(1/mu.alpha + C2.alpha)=", sqrt(1/mu.alpha + C2.alpha), "\n" ) alpha2 <- 1 + ((sX/mX)^2 + 1)/((sX/mX)^2 - (1/mu.alpha + C2.alpha)) beta2 <- mX*(alpha2 - 1)/mu.alpha #### Now jump to the end, to the MakeAllPlots() function. rber <- function( n, p) { (runif(n) < p); } ReadData <- function( sel=0,, { dat <- read.table("DatosBomba.txt", header=TRUE); if (sel[1] == 0) { ### automatically chooses all data ntt <<- dim(dat)[1]; sel <- 1:ntt; } else { ntt <<- length(sel); } if ( { sort.per <- order(dat[,1]); dat <- dat[ sort.per, ]; } tt <<- dat[sel,1]; mt <<- sum(tt); eps <<- dat[sel,2]-1; ##eps[rber( ntt, p=0.5)] <<- 1; meps <<- sum(eps); if (meps == ntt) { cat("WARNING: No failure times!!\n", "tt=", tt, "eps=", eps, "\n"); } nomeps <<- ntt-meps log.mteps <<- sum(log(tt[which(eps == 0)])) if ( { cat("i t_i eps_i\n"); for (i in 1:ntt) cat( i, tt[i], eps[i], "\n"); cat("\n"); } } PlotThetaDens <- function( al1=alpha1, be1=beta1, xlim=c(0,1), xlab="Theta", ylab="Density", main="Posterior for theta (and prior in grey)") { curve( dbeta( x, meps+al1, ntt-meps+be1), xlim=xlim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main); curve( dbeta( x, al1, be1), xlim=c(0.0001,0.9999), col="grey", add=TRUE); } SimThetaPost <- function( m, al1=alpha1, be1=beta1) { rbeta( m, meps+al1, ntt-meps+be1); } PlotCondPriorW <- function( la, al) { curve( dgamma( x, shape=al-1, rate=la), xlim=c(0,3*((al-1)/la)), xlab="W", ylab="Density", main=paste("Prior for W given lambda=", la, "and alpha=", al) ); } SimCondPriorW <- function( m=1, la, al) { rgamma( m, shape=al-1, rate=la); } PlotCondPostLambda <- function( al, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2, xlim=c(0,3*sh/rt), xlab="Lambda", ylab="Density", main=paste("Cond. posterior of Lambda given alpha=", al), ...) { sh <- al2+ntt+(al-1)*nomeps; rt <- be2+mt; curve( dgamma( x, shape=sh, rate=rt), xlim=xlim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...); } SimCondPostLambda <- function( m=1, al, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2) { sh <- al2+ntt+(al-1)*nomeps; rt <- be2+mt; rgamma( m, shape=sh, rate=rt); } ### Here Nu = (la,al) not including theta. U = -log post NuPostU <- function( la, al, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2) { (1-(ntt+al2+(al-1)*nomeps))*log(la) + la*(mt+be2) + ## la | al -1*al*log.mteps + nomeps*lgamma(al); ## Rest, Uniform prior for al } VecNuPostU <- function(x) { NuPostU( x[1], x[2], al2=alpha2, be2=beta2); } SuppNuPost <- function( la, al) { if ((la > 0) && ((1 < al) && (al <= 2))) TRUE else FALSE; } VecSuppNuPost <- function(x) { SuppNuPost( x[1], x[2]); } AlphaPostU <- function(al, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2) { (al*nomeps)*log(be2+mt) + -1*al*log.mteps + -1*lgamma( al2 + al*nomeps + meps) + nomeps*lgamma(al) } PlotAlphaPost <- function( al2=alpha2, be2=beta2, add=TRUE, ...) { C <- AlphaPostU( 1.5, al2=al2, be2=be2); dens <- function(al) { exp( -1*AlphaPostU( al, al2=al2, be2=be2) + C); } C <- C - log(integrate( dens, 1, 2)$value); curve( dens(x), add=add, ...); } SimPrioNu <- function( al2=alpha2, be2=beta2) { c( rgamma( 1, shape=al2, rate=be2), runif( 1, min=1, max=2)); } ### Simulate from the marginal of alpha with the gamma terms removed ### quite similar to the actual posterior marginal SimChopOffAlphaPost <- function( m=1, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2) { logC <- log.mteps - nomeps*log(be2+mt) + log.mteps #= D + log.mteps ... we add this term to have a wider prop. and better mixing 1 + log(runif(m)*(exp(logC)-1) + 1)/logC; } SimNuPost <- function( m, sel=0,, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2, al0=SimChopOffAlphaPost( 1, al2=al2, be2=be2), plot.time.series=TRUE) { ReadData(sel=sel,; ### Do a MCMC to simulate from alpha. Use SimChopOffAlphaPost ### as a propolsal Tr = 1000+10*m; ## ten times the required sample size + burn in al <- al0; ### Initial values U <- -1*lgamma( al2 + al*nomeps + meps) + nomeps*lgamma(al) + al*log.mteps output <- matrix( 0, nrow=Tr+1, ncol=3); output[ 1, 2] <- al; output[ 1, 3] <- AlphaPostU( al, al2, be2); for (j in 2:(Tr+1)) { ### the only remaining part in the M-H are the gamma terms. ### al is always in the correct support, 1 < al <= 2 propal <- SimChopOffAlphaPost( 1, al2=al2, be2=be2); propU <- -1*lgamma(al2 + nomeps*propal + meps) + nomeps*lgamma(propal) + propal*log.mteps A <- exp(U-propU); ### Acceptance ratio if (runif(1) < A) { ### Accepted al <- propal; U <- propU; } output[ j, 2] <- al; output[ j, 3] <- AlphaPostU( al, al2, be2); } if (plot.time.series) plot( 1:(Tr+1), -1*output[,3], type="l", main="MCMC output for Alpha", xlab="Iteration", ylab="LogPost"); ### We will output only m points sampling every 3 iterations ### output[ (1:m)*3, 2]; ### But first we need to sample from la | al_i, data output[ 1000+(1:m)*10, 1] <- SimCondPostLambda( m=m, al=output[ (1:m)*3, 2], al2=alpha2, be2=beta2); output[ 1000+(1:m)*10, ]; } SampDist <- function( x, smpl) { length(which(smpl <= x))/length(smpl); } SimAll <- function(m=10000, sel=0,, layout.mat=matrix( 1:8, nrow=4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE), al1=alpha1, be1=beta1, al2=alpha2, be2=beta2, n=101) { layout(layout.mat); ### col 1 has the lambdas and col 2 the alphas col 3 the U's output <- SimNuPost( m=m, sel=sel,, al2=al2, be2=be2) ### The predective, given Nu: Ga( al_i, la_i) pred <- rgamma( n=m, shape=output[,2], rate=output[,1]); ### The independent marginal for theta simth <- SimThetaPost( m, al1, be1); ### The cond dist of W given Nu: Ga( al_i-1, la_i) simW <- rgamma( n=m, shape=output[,2]-1, rate=output[,1]); ### Plot the posterior (and prior) for theta PlotThetaDens( al1, be1); ### Plot the posterior and prior for Lambda hist( output[,1], freq=FALSE, breaks=20, xlab="Lambda", main="Post. for Lambda (and prior in grey)"); curve( dgamma( x, shape=al2, rate=be2), add=TRUE, col="grey"); ### Plot the posterior (apporx) and the exact posterior for Alpha hist( output[,2], freq=FALSE, breaks=20, xlab="Alpha", main="Exact (black line) and Monte Carlo post. for Alpha\nPrior in grey"); PlotAlphaPost( al2=al2, be2=be2); ### and the prior curve( dunif( x, min=1, max=2), col="grey", add=TRUE); #### Calculate the cdf os the pred. post for X mX <- mean(pred); sdX <- sqrt(var(pred)); len <- length(pred); cat("Mean for pred X:", mX, "and sd. dev:", sdX, "\n"); pred.dens <- density( pred, from=0); XS <- pred.dens$x; Dist <- sapply( XS, function(x) { length(which(pred <= x))/len; } ) #### Cut off for Dist < 0.99 to avoid noise mx <- max(which(Dist < 0.99)) XS <- XS[1:mx]; Dist <- Dist[1:mx] #### and print the critical time (tst or tstar) at Eps PEps <- (al1+meps)/(al1+be1+ntt); ## P(eps=1 | Data) tmp <- abs(Dist-(1-PEps)); tst <-which(tmp == min(tmp))[1]; ### tstar = XS[tst] ### Calculate the empirical cdf ditribution ### (never mind the matainence times) EmpDist <- sapply( XS, function(x) { length(which(tt <= x))/ntt; } ) #### Plot the post. pred for X and W plot(density(simW), col="red", xlab="Units of X", main="Pred. post. for X (black) and W (red)"); lines(pred.dens); ### Add the observations jitt <- runif( ntt, 0, 0.005); points( tt, jitt); ### Mark the maintenance times mn <- which(eps == 1); points( tt[mn], jitt[mn], pch=20, col="red"); ### Mark tstar lines( rep( XS[tst], 2), c(0,0.005), col="blue"); ### Plot the Kaplam-Meier estimator pump.Surv <- Surv( tt, 1-eps); pump.survfit <- survfit(pump.Surv); plot(pump.survfit, col="magenta", xlim=c( XS[1], XS[mx]), xlab="Units of X", ylab="Probability", main="Survival func. for the pred. post. of X (black),\n Empirical (green) and kaplan-meier (magenta)"); #### add the cdf and 1-cdf of the post pred for X lines( XS, 1-Dist); ### and the emp. cdf lines( XS, 1-EmpDist, col="green"); #### Plot the hazard function plot( XS, pred.dens$y[1:mx]/(1-Dist), type="l", xlab="Units of X", ylab="Risk", main="Hazard Function"); ### Finally plot the h function Plotsimh(list( X=XS, densX=pred.dens$y[1:mx], DistX=Dist), main="(t + d) x hazard function"); cat("P(eps=0)=", 1-PEps, "tc=", XS[tst]); list( predEps=PEps, tc=XS[tst], th=simth, la=output[,1], al=output[,2], predX=pred, densX=pred.dens$y[1:mx], DistX=Dist, X=XS, mx=mx, predW=simW); } ####Plot the h function, the hazard function times t of a Ga( alpha, 1) Ploth <- function(alpha=seq( 1, 2, by=0.2), xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1.5), xlab="t", ylab="h1(t)") { h <- function(x, shape) { x*dgamma( x, shape=shape)/(1-pgamma(x,shape=shape)); } curve( h(x, shape=alpha[1]), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab); for (al in alpha) curve( h(x, shape=al), xlim=xlim, add=TRUE); } ####Plot the h function, the hazard function times (t+d) of the simulated values #### use as input the output of SimAll. ratio is the CR/CM ratio to obtain the optimal t* Plotsimh <- function( sim, ratio=CRCM.ratio, d=down.time, ylim=c(0,1), xlab="hours", ylab="ratio", ...) { h <- (sim$X + d)*sim$densX/(1-sim$DistX); ### Assuming h is increasing the proper cutoff and t* sel <- which(((ylim[1] < h) & (h < ylim[2]))); plot( sim$X[sel], h[sel], type="l", axes=FALSE, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...); ### Add the observations jitt <- runif( ntt, 0.0, 0.05); ### Mark the failure times mn <- which(eps == 0); points( tt[mn], jitt[mn], pch=20); ### Mark the maintenance times mn <- which(eps == 1); points( tt[mn], jitt[mn]); axis( 1, at=axTicks(1)); ## Tick marks for the x axis axis( 4, at=axTicks(2)); ## Tick marks for the y axis rt <- seq( from=1/ylim[2] + 1, to=10, by=0.5); ### CR/CM ratios to be plotted axis( 2, at=1/(rt-1), labels=paste(rt)) if (0 < ratio) { istar <- max(which(h < 1/(ratio-1)))[1]; tstar <- sim$X[istar]; cat("t* =", tstar, "\n"); ### line for the intercept lines( c( sim$X[sel[1]], sim$X[sel[max(sel)]]), c(1/(ratio-1),1/(ratio-1)), col="grey"); #### Tick marks for the ratio and t* axis( 2, at=1/(ratio-1), labels="", col="red", tcl=-0.5); axis( 2, at=1/(ratio-1), labels="", col="red", tcl=1); axis( 1, at=tstar, labels="", col="red", tcl=-0.5); axis( 1, at=tstar, labels="", col="red", tcl=1); } tstar; } ### Produce all plots for the paper using global parameters MakeAllPlots <- function(m=10000, pointsize=16) { ### The Correcting Factor plot cat("Creating:", "../text/CorrFactor.png\n"); png("../text/CorrFactor.png", pointsize=pointsize) curve( 1/(x-1), xlim=c(1.2,5), xlab="ratio", ylab=""); axis( 1, at=1.2);; cat("Redoing all the sampling ...\n"); sim <<- SimAll(m); ### The h function plot cat("\nCreating:", "../text/hfun.png\n"); png("../text/hfun.png", pointsize=pointsize); Plotsimh(sim);; ### Plot the posterior (and prior) for theta cat("Creating:", "../text/PostTheta.png\n"); png("../text/PostTheta.png", pointsize=pointsize); PlotThetaDens(main="", xlab="Probability", xlim=c(0,0.5));; ### Plot the posterior and prior for Lambda cat("Creating:", "../text/PostLambda.png\n"); png("../text/PostLambda.png", pointsize=pointsize); hist( sim$la, freq=FALSE, breaks=20, xlab="1/hour", main=""); curve( dgamma( x, shape=alpha2, rate=beta2), add=TRUE, col="grey");; ### Plot the posterior (apporx) and the exact posterior for Alpha cat("Creating:", "../text/PostAlpha.png\n"); png("../text/PostAlpha.png", pointsize=pointsize); hist( sim$al, freq=FALSE, breaks=20, xlab="", main=""); PlotAlphaPost(); ### and the prior curve( dunif( x, min=1, max=2), col="grey", add=TRUE);; #### Plot the post. pred for X cat("Creating:", "../text/Pred.png\n"); png("../text/PostPred.png", pointsize=pointsize); hist( sim$predX, xlab="hours", freq=FALSE, main="", breaks=20); ###lines( sim$X, sim$densX); axis( 1, at=sim$tc, labels="", col="blue");; ### plot the post. pred. survival function ### along with the Kaplam-Meier estimator cat("Creating:", "../text/KMandPostPredSurv.png\n"); png("../text/KMandPostPredSurv.png", pointsize=pointsize); pump.Surv <- Surv( tt, 1-eps); pump.survfit <- survfit(pump.Surv); plot(pump.survfit, col="grey", xlim=c( sim$X[1], sim$X[sim$mx]), xlab="hours", ylab="Probability", main=""); #### add the cdf and 1-cdf of the post pred for X lines( sim$X, 1-sim$Dist) }