Noticimat: 03

Actividades del 18 al 22 de enero de 2010


Seminario de Probabilidad y Estadística

Lunes 18 de enero

Titulo: On proving consistency of non-standard kernel estimators
Ponente: Prof. David Mason
Lugar: Salón Diego Bricio Hernàndez
Hora: 13:00 hrs.
Resumen: I shall discuss a general method based on empirical process techniques to prove uniform in bandwidth consistency of a class of non-standard kernel-type function estimators. Examples include biased corrected kernel density and Nadaraya-Watson function estimators, projection pursuit regression and conditional distribution estimation and kernel estimation of the density of linear regression residuals. Our results are useful to establish uniform consistency of data driven bandwidth kernel-type function estimators. My talk will be based upon joint work completed and in progress with Julia Dony, Uwe Einmahl and Jan Swanepoel.

Seminario de Computación

Viernes 22 de enero

Titulo: Progress and Challenges in Vision-based Driver Assistant Systems
Ponente: Prof. Reinhard Klette, Universidad de Auckland, Nueva Zelanda
Lugar: Salón Diego Bricio Hernàndez
Hora: 12:30 hrs.
Resumen: The talk will discuss computer vision challenges in the context of vision-based driver assistant systems, certainly one of the most difficult areas of current 3D image analysis due to (1) the expectation of being "legally soundproof" at night or in the rain, at 120km/h, in main street at rush hour, and so forth, also due to (2) the real time request, and (3)expectations to look about 2-10 seconds ahead - what may happen next in front of the car, at the location where the ego-vehicle is expected to be?
Actually, car companies have started in 1995 to add vision solutions into their top-end models. The talk will focus on stereo and motion analysis of real-world sequences recorded with a test vehicle on Auckland's roads, with special emphasis on performance evaluation.

Estancias del Personal en otras Instituciones

Del 13 al 20 de enero el Dr. Joaquín Ortega realiza una estancia académica en la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Participación del Personal en Eventos

El Dr. José Héctor Morales Bárcenas participará en el WIPA2010 Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications que se llevará a cabo del 18 al 29 de enero en la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.

Visitantes en el Centro

Dr. Reinhard Klette Universidad de Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, Cubículo I-18. Ext. 40636 realiza una estancia académica en nuestro Centro de enero a junio, en el Área de Ciencias de la Computación. Anfitrión. Dr. José Luis Marroquin.

Eventos en el Centro

Del 18 al 23 de enero se llevará a cabo el 3er Taller de Solución de Problemas Industriales. Comité Organizador: M. I. Maximino Tapia Rodríguez, M. C. Rocky Bizuet García, M. C. Luz Angélica Caudillo Mata, M. C. David De La Rosa Hilario, M. C. Ivete Sánchez Bravo.