Noticimat: 48

Actividades del 12 al 16 de diciembre de 2011


Seminario de Geometría Algebraica
Martes 13

Titulo: Serre multiplicity
Ponente: Mohammad Reza Rahmati
Lugar: Salón 4
Hora: 12:30 hrs
Resumen: In previous lecture we discussed; A system of invariants (localized chern characters), which generalize Euler characteristics in dimension zero could be used to prove the vanishing theorem for intersection multiplicity of two modules when they have finite projective dimension. In this lecture I explain the Serre intersection multiplicity as the special case of the product in K-theory with support.

The ordinary definition of intersection multiplicity (due to Samuel) of two subvarieties Y and Z which intersect properly in a variety X, can be applied when one of them namely Y is a local complete intersection in X. For general case one reduces to intersection with diagonal. The point is diagonal is a local complete intersection. The Serre Tor-formula or its generalization as product in K-group (Grothendieck group) works for arbitrary regular scheme X.

Seminario de Probabilidad
Miércoles 14

Título: Solving optimal stopping problems for Lévy processes by fluctuation theory
Ponente: Erik Baurdoux, London School of Economics and Political Sciences
Lugar: Salón Diego Bricio Hernández
Hora: 13:00 hrs.
Resumen: We review some fundamental properties of Lévy processes and show that fluctuation theory turns out to be very useful for solving various optimal stopping problems

Seminario de Geometría Diferencial
Miércoles 14

Título: Approximate Hermitian-Yang-Mills structures and semistability for Higgs bundles
Ponente: Sergio Andrea Holguin Cardona, SISSA Italia
Lugar: Salón Diego Bricio Hernández
Hora: 15:30 hrs.
Resumen: This seminar is about the notion of Higgs bundle over a compact K"ahler manifold and some of its main properties. In particular, we are interested in the study of the Mumford-Takemoto semistability, originally introduced in algebraic geometry, and the existence of approximate special metrics, usually called approximate HYM-structures and that arise naturally in complex differential geometry. After a brief introduction, we will construct a funcional (known as Donaldson's lagrangian), which plays an important role in the understanding of these properties. In fact, the Donaldson lagrangian is used to prove an equivalence between semistability and the existence of Approximate HYM-structures on Higgs bundles. This last result is in fact one of the several extensions of the so-called Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence.

Visitantes en el Centro

Dr. Frank Neumann, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. (Del 12 al 21 de diciembre). Anfitriona: Dra. Leticia Brambila Paz.

Prof. W. Heil de la Universidad Estatal de Florida. (Del 12 al 16 de diciembre). Anfitrión: Dr. José Carlos Gómez Larrañaga.

Eventos en el Centro

Mini course on 3-manifolds, del 12 al 16 de diciembre. Comité Organizador: Dr. José Carlos Gómez Larrañaga.

Mini curso Algebraic stacks and moduli of vector bundles, del 12 al 16 de diciembre. Comité Organizador: Dra. Leticia Brambila Paz.

Participación del Personal en Eventos

Del 5 al 9 de diciembre la Dra. Mónica Moreno Rocha participó en la Escuela de Ecuaciones Diferenciales: Aspectos Determinásticos y Estocásticos, organizada por la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática de la Universidad de El Salvador, en donde impartió el curso Ecuaciones Diferenciales en el Plano.

Del 26 de noviembre al 11 de diciembre, los Dres. José Alfredo López Mimbela y Ekaterina Todorova colaboraron por parte del Proyecto CNRS-CONACYT "Blowup of Parabolic Stochastic Partial Differential Equations", en el Instituto Élie Cartan, Universidad de Nancy, Francia.

Alumnos Graduados

Felicitaciones a Oscar Gutiérrez Luna por la obtención del grado de Maestro en Ciencias con Especialidad en Computación y Matemáticas Industriales, el pasado 8 de diciembre, con la tesis: Segmentación Basada en Métodos de Curvas de Nivel: Plugin  para el Sistema de Visualización y Procesamiento 3D-Marvin. Sinodales Dr. Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Presidente; Dra. Claudia Elvira Esteves Jaramillo (UG), Secretario; Dr. Cuauhtémoc Lemus Olalde, Vocal y Co-Director de Tesis; Dr. Mariano José Juan Rivera Meraz, Lector Especial y Co-Director de Tesis.