I. ARTICULOS DE INVESTIGACION (en revistas con árbitro):
(Research papers)

[1] `Transversal Holomorphic Structures'.
Journal of Differential Geometry 15 , (1980), 161-185.

[2] `Deformations of Hyperelliptic curves'.
Boletin de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 26 (1), (1981), 21-27.

[3] `On Families of Rational Vector Fields'.
Memorias Col. Sistemas Dináamicos, Guanajuato, Mex. Ed. J. Seade y G. Sienra. Aportaciones Matemáticas, Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 1, (1985), 36-65.

[4] `Transverse Deformations of Holomorphic Foliations'.
Proceedings of Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 58, part. I, (1986), 127-139.

[5] `Foliations by Curves of Complex Analytic Spaces'.
Proceedings of Lefschetz Centennial Conference, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 58, part. III, (1987), 123-141.

[6] `Remarks on the Versal Families of Deformations of Holomorphic and Transversely Holomorphic Foliations'.
Coautor: D. Sundararaman.
Deformations of Mathematical Structures, ed. J. Lawrynowicz, Kluwer Academic Publ., 205-213 (1989).

[7] `Universal Families of Foliations by Curves.'
Proc. Conf. Dyn. Sys., Dijon, ed. R. Moussu, D. Cerveau, Asterisque, Societé Mathematique de France, 150-151, (1987), 109-129.

[8] `The Transverse Dynamics of a Holomorphic Flow'.
Annals of Mathematics, 127, (1988), 49-92.

[9] `Persistent Cycles for Holomorphic Foliations having a Meromorphic First Integral'.
Coautor: J. Muci~no.
Proc. Cong. Hol. Dyn. (México), Springer Lecture Notes, 1345, (1988), 129-162.

[10] `Holomorphic Foliations in Ruled Surfaces'.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 312 (1989),179-201

[11] `Stability of Meromorphic Vector Fields in Projective Spaces'.
Coautor: G. Kempf.
Commentari Mathematici Helvetici, 64 (1989), 462-473.

[12] `Sistemas Dinámicos Holomorfos en Superficies'.
Coautor: L. Ortiz.
Aportaciones Matemáticas, Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 1989, 207p.

[13] `Integrals for Holomorphic Foliations with Singularities Having all Leaves Compact'.
Annals de L'Institut Fourier, 39, (1989), 451-458.

[14] `Unfoldings of Foliations'.
Publ. Mat. U. A. Barcelona, 33 (1989), 501-515.

[15] `On Closed Leaves of Holomorphic Foliations by Curves'.
Algebraic Geometry and Complex Analysis, Proc. Cong. Pátzcuaro 1987, Springer Lecture Notes 1414 (1990), 61-98.

[16] `On the Spaces of Polynomial Vector Fields Modulo Projectivities',
en Proceedings. Cong. Dynam. Syst., Trieste, 1988, Pitman, 112{127, (1990).

[17] `Structural Stability of Singular Holomorphic Foliations Having a Meromorphic First Integral'.
Coautor: A. Lins-Neto.
Topology, (1991), 30, 315 - 334 .

[18] `The Index of a Holomorphic Flow with an Isolated Singularity'.
Coautor: J. Seade y A. Verjovsky.
Mathematischen Annalen, 291, 737- 751, (1991).

[19] `Germs of Holomorphic Vector Fields in C3 without a Separatrix'.
Coautor: I. Luengo.
Inventiones Mathematicae, 109, 211 - 219, (1992).

[20] `On Foliations in CP2 tangent to an Algebraic Curve'.
Proceedings. Cong. Alg. Geom., Cimat, 1989, Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigaciµon, 5, 87 - 99, (1992).

[21] `The Index of Holomorphic Vector Fields on Singular Varieties I'.
Coautor: Ch. Bonatti.
Asterisque, 222 (1994), 9 - 35.

[22] `On the topology of a holomorphic vector field around an isolated singularity',
Coautor: J. Seade, A. Verjovsky,
Functional Analysis and its Applications, 27 (1993), no. 2, 97-103 .

[23] `Uniformization of the Leaves of a Rational Vector Field'
Coautor: A. Candel.
Annals Inst. Fourier, 45 (1995), no. 4, 1123-1133.

[24] `Order and Chaos in Dynamical Systems'.
Coautor: L. Ortiz.
Dynamics of Nonlinear and Disordered Systems, ed. G. Martínez-Mekler, T. Seligman, World Scientific Series on Non-linear Science, series B, vol 6, 1-24 (1995).

[25] `On Fixed Points of Conformal Pseudogroups'.
Coautor: B. Wirtz.
Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 26, no.2, 201-209 (1995).

[26] `Integration of Algebraic Functions and the Riemann-Kempf Singularity Theorem'
Algebraic Geometry, ed. S. Sertoz. Lect. No. in Pure and Applied Math. vol 193 (1997), Marcel Dekker, 89-134.

[27] `The Bott Polynomial of a Holomorphic Foliation'
Coautor: I. Luengo.
Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Singularidades, J. Mozo (editor), Ciencias 15, U. Valladolid, 1997, 123{141.

[28] `The Index of a Vector Field Tangent to a Hypersurface and the Signature of the Relative Jacobian Determinant'
Coautor: P. Mardesic.
Ann. Inst. Four., 47, 5 (1997), 1523-1539.

[29] `An Algebraic Formula for the Index of a Vector Field on a Variety with an Isolated Singularity'
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 7 (1998), 731-752.

[30] `The Index of a Vector Field Tangent to an Odd dimensional Hypersurface and the Signature of the Relative Hessian'
Coautor: P. Mardesic.
Functional Analysis and its Applications, (1999), 33, 1 -10.

[31] `Computations of Topological Numbers via Linear Algebra: Hypersurfaces, Vector Fields and Vector Fields on Hypersurfaces'.
Coautor: L. Giraldo y P. Mardesic.
Contemporary Mathematics, 1999, 240, 175-182.

[32] `An Inequality Between Entropies of Pseudogroups of Holomorphic Germs'
Coautor: B. Wirtz.
en Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex, 6, (2000), 97 - 109.

[33] `On the Complex Formed by Contracting Differential Forms with a Vector Field on a Hypersurface Singularity'.
Coautor: L. Giraldo.
Boletin de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 2001, 7, 211-221 .

[34] `Fatou and Julia Components of Transversely Holomorphic Foliations'.
Coautor: E. Ghys, J. Saludes.
Monographie de L'Enseignement Mathématique, 38, 2001, 287-319.

[35] `Sur le comportement statistique des feuilles de certains feuilletages holomorphes'.
Coautor: Ch. Bonatti.
Monographie de L'Enseignement Mathématique, 38, 2001, 15-41.

[36] `On the Index of Vector Fields Tangent to Hypersurfaces with Nonisolated Singularities'.
Coautores: L. Giraldo, y P. Mardesic.
Journal London Math. Soc., 65, (2002), 418-438.

[37] `A law of conservation of number for Local Euler Characteristics'.
Coautor: L. Giraldo.
Contemporary Math., 311, (2002), 251 - 259.

[38] `Généricité d'exposants de Lyapunov non-nuls pour des produits déterministes de matrices'.
Coautor: Ch. Bonatti y M. Viana,
Publ. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire, 20 (2003),no.4, 579-624.

[39] `Flags in Zero Dimensional Complete Intersection Algebras and Indices of Real Vector Fields'
Coautor: L. Giraldo, P. Mardesic.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 77{91, 260, (2008)

[40] ` An Algebraic Formula for the Index of a Vector Field on an Isolated Complete Intersection Singularity'.
Coautor: H.-Ch. Graf von Bothmer, W.Ebeling ,
Annals Institut Fourier, 58, (2008) 1761{1783.

[41] `Statistical Behaviour of the Leaves of Riccati Foliations'.
Coautor: Ch. Bonatti, R. Vila,
to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2009 .


[E1] `Holomorphic Dynamics', Proceeding of Int. Cong. of Dyn. Syst., México, 1986.
Coautor: J. Seade y A. Verjovsky). Springer Lecture Notes 1345, (1988), New York.

[E2] `Riemann Surfaces', Proceedings of School on Riemann Surfaces, ICTP, 1987.
Coautor: M.Cornalba y A. Verjovsky), World Scientific, Singapur, 1989.

[E3] `Algebraic Geometry, CIMAT, 1989',
Coautor L. Brambila.
Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigación, 5, 1992.

[E4] `Memorias de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Matemáticas',
Coautor: J. Seade, J.A. de la Pe~na.
Aportaciones Matematicas, 1995

[L1], Meromorphic functions and cohomology on a Riemann surface