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Large dimensional random matrices


·       Díaz M. y V. Pérez-Abreu

On the capacity of block multiantenna channels,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63, 3, 5286-5298 (2017).


·       Vargas, C.

          A general solution to (free) deterministic equivalents

Memorias Segundo Encuentro Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo (2017). Por aparecer.


·       Domínguez-Molina, J.A. y Rocha-Arteaga, A.

Matrices aleatorias y la función zeta

Por aparecer Miscelánea Matemática, Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (2017).


·       Domínguez-Molina, J. A.

The Tracy-Widom distribution is not infinitely divisible

Statistics and Probability Letters, 123, 56-60 (2017).


·       Manrique, P., Pérez-Abreu, V., Roy, R.

On the universality of the non-singularity of general Ginibre and Wigner random matrices,

Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 5, no 1 1650002-21 (2016).


·       Díaz, M.

On the symmetries and the capacity achieving input covariance matrices of multiantenna channes.

International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (2016).


·       Arizmendi, O., Nechita I., Vargas, C.

          On the asymptotic distribution of block-modified random matrices

         Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57, 015216 (2016).


·       Belinschi S., Speicher R., Treilhard J., Vargas, C.

          Operator-valued free multiplicative convolution: analytic subordination theory and applications to random matrix theory.

          International Mathematical Research Notices 14, 5933-5958 (2015).


·       Bolivar-Cimé, A., Pérez-Abreu, V.

          PCA and eigen-inference for a spiked covariance model with largest eigenvalues of same asymptotic order,

          Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 28, 255-274 (2014).


·       Speicher, R., Vargas, C.

          Free deterministic equivalents, renctangular random matrix models and operator-valued free probability.

          Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 01, 1150008 (2012). arXiv:1110.1237.


·       Domínguez-Molina, J.A., Rocha-Arteaga, A.   

          Random matrix models of stochastic integral type for free infinitely divisible distributions,

          Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, Vol 64 (2), 145-160 (2012).


·       Domínguez-Molina, J.A., Rocha-Arteaga, A.  

El teorema de Wigner para matrices aleatorias.

Miscelanea Matemática, Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 52, 31-51 (2011).



·       Manrique, P., Barrera, G.

Minimum singular value of circulant random matrices using random polynomials

(Preprint 2016).