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CMP 1 809 305 (2001:07) 37Jxx
Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM); Sánchez-Morgado, Héctor(MEX-NAM-IM)
A minimax selector for a class of Hamiltonians on cotangent bundles. (English. English summary)
Internat. J. Math. 11 (2000), no. 9, 1147--1162. [To journal home page]

{A review for this item is in process.}


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CMP 1 785 184 (2001:02) 37J50 (37J45 58E10)
Contreras, G.(MEX-CIM); Iturriaga, R.(MEX-CIM); Paternain, G. P.(MEX-CIM); Paternain, M.(UR-UREPS-CM)
The Palais-Smale condition and Mañé's critical values. (English. English summary)
Ann. Henri Poincaré 1 (2000), no. 4, 655--684. [To journal home page]

Let $N$ be a closed connected smooth manifold, and $\scr L\colon TN \to {\Bbb R}$ a smooth convex superlinear autonomous Lagrangian. Let $M$ be a covering for $N$ and $L$ a lift of $\scr L$ to $TM$. Denote by $S\sb {L}(\gamma) = \int\sb {a}\sp {b} L(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t)) \,dt$ the action of the curve $\gamma \colon [a,b] \to M$, by $C(q\sb {1}, q\sb {2}; T)$ the set $\{\gamma \colon [0, T] \to M\vert\ \gamma(0) = q\sb {1}, \gamma(T) = q\sb {2}\}$ and by $\Phi\sb {k}(q\sb {1}, q\sb {2}) = \inf\{S\sb {L+k}(\gamma)\vert \gamma \in \bigcap\sb {T > 0} C(q\sb {1}, q\sb {2}; T)\}$ the action potential.

The critical value $c(L)$ was introduced by Mane as the infimum of $k \in {\Bbb R}$ such that, for some $q \in M$, $\Phi\sb {k}(q,q) > -\infty$.

The authors show that such a critical value can also be characterized (whenever the Peierls barrier $h\sb {c}(q\sb {1}, q\sb {2})$ is finite) as the infimum of the levels $k$ such that the functional ${\scr A}\sb {L} \colon {\Bbb R} \times \{x \in H\sp {1}(0,T; M)\vert x(0) = q\sb {1}, x(T) = q\sb {2}\}\to {\Bbb R}$, ${\scr A}\sb {L}(b, x) = b\int\sb {0}\sp {1} L(x(t), \dot{x}(t)/b) \,dt$, satisfies the (PS) condition at level $k$. The condition on the Peierls barrier is shown to hold whenever the static set is not empty, in particular whenever $M$ is compact.

If $M$ is the universal covering of $N$ and $q\sb {0} \in N$ has no conjugate point, then it is also shown in the paper that for every $q \in M$ there is a unique solution with energy $k$ joining $q\sb {0}$ and $q$ provided $k > c(L)$, and, conversely, that the existence of such a unique solution for every $q \in M$ implies that $k \geq c(L)$.

Reviewed by Vittorio Coti Zelati


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CMP 1 720 372 (2000:03) 37J50 (37J45 53D25)
Contreras, Gonzalo(MEX-CIM); Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
Global minimizers of autonomous Lagrangians.
22$\sp {\rm o}$ Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. [22nd Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium]
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, 1999. 148 pp. ISBN 85-244-0151-6

This book gives an up-to-date presentation of J. Mather's theory of minimizing measures for positive definite Lagrangian systems [see J. N. Mather, Math. Z. 207 (1991), no. 2, 169--207; MR 92m:58048; Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 43 (1993), no. 5, 1349--1386; MR 95c:58075] and surrounding areas. It is based on R. Mane's approach to this topic [see R. Mane, in Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vol. 1, 2 (Zurich, 1994), 1216--1220, Birkhauser, Basel, 1995; MR 97e:58090; Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.) 28 (1997), no. 2, 141--153; MR 98i:58092].

The introduction presents classes of interesting examples to which the theory developed in the book applies: mechanical Lagrangians, magnetic Lagrangians and twisted geodesic flows. In Section 4-2 relations to Finsler geometry are treated via the Maupertuis principle. Chapters 2 and 3 form the core of the book. Here the authors present complete proofs for existence and properties of minimizing measures, minimizing orbits, Mather's minimal average action and Mane's critical value, Peierls's energy barrier, etc. Chapter 4 treats the relation to weak solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation as developed by A. Fathi [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 324 (1997), no. 9, 1043--1046; MR 98g:58151] and to G. P. and M. Paternain's work [Math. Z. 217 (1994), no. 3, 367--376; MR 95k:58117] on Anosov energy levels. The final chapter is based on work by Mane and by the authors and investigates how the theory is simplified and sharpened if one assumes the Lagrangian to be generic.

A non-expert will often have to refer to the original literature in order to find more motivation for concepts and results. Apart from this the book is a very useful and almost everywhere reliable source of information.

Reviewed by Victor Bangert


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2001f:37073 37J05 (37J45 37J50 70H03)
Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
A face of Lagrangian systems. (Spanish)
Fourth Summer School on Geometry and Dynamical Systems (Spanish) (Guanajuato, 1997), 143--164,
Aportaciones Mat. Comun., 21,
Soc. Mat. Mexicana, México, 1998.

From the text (translated from the Spanish): "These notes are the result of an introductory minicourse of five sessions on Lagrangian systems. When such a broad area of study is restricted in this way, we can only hope to see one of its facets. The idea behind this course was to interest students in this branch of mathematics. To that end, we presented three talks covering classical material: Lagrangian systems, Hamiltonian systems and the Tonelli theorem, and two on recent contributions to the topic by J. Mather and R. Ma ne. The more ambitious goal of these notes is to have the idea of the course reach more people than those who were in attendance."

\{For the entire collection see MR 2001e:00023.\}


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2001e:00023 00B25
IV Escuela de Verano de Geometría y Sistemas Dinámicos. (Spanish) [Fourth Summer School on Geometry and Dynamical Systems]
Proceedings of the school held in Guanajuato, 1997. Edited by Omegar Calvo and Renato Iturriaga.
Aportaciones Matemáticas: Comunicaciones [Mathematical Contributions: Communications], 21.
Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, México, 1998. ii+313 pp. ISBN 968-36-6853-4

Contents: Ricardo Berlanga Zubiaga, Luis Hernandez Lamoneda and Adolfo Sanchez Valenzuela, Introduction to the geometry of Lie groups (1--93); Omegar Calvo Andrade, Complex linear systems (95--120); Xavier Gomez-Mont, Geodesic flow: the Frida Kahlo of mathematics (121--142); Renato Iturriaga, A face of Lagrangian systems (143--164); Jesus Mucino-Raymundo, Hyperbolic geometry: an introduction using calculus and complex variables (165--196); Victor Nunez, Knots (197--250); Fausto Ongay [Fausto Ongay-Larios], Electromagnetism and differential forms (251--288); Adolfo Sanchez Valenzuela, Electromagnetism, harmonic analysis and the conformal group (289--313).

\{The papers, all in Spanish, are being reviewed individually.\}

Cited in: 1 787 550 1 787 545 1 787 543 2001g:37067 2001f:57008 2001f:37073


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2001d:37099 37J50 (53C60 70H03)
Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM); Sánchez-Morgado, Héctor(MEX-NAM-IM)
Finsler metrics and action potentials. (English. English summary)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), no. 11, 3311--3316 (electronic). [ORIGINAL ARTICLE]

Summary: "We study the behavior of Mane's action potential $\Phi\sb k$ associated to a convex superlinear Lagrangian, for $k$ bigger than the critical value $c(L)$. We obtain growth estimates for the action potential as a function of $k$. We also prove that the action potential can be written as $\Phi\sb k(x,y)=D\sb {\rm F}(x,y)+f(y)-f(x)$ where $f$ is a smooth function and $D\sb {\rm F}$ is the distance function associated to a Finsler metric."


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2001c:37022 37C27 (55M25 57M25)
Contreras, Gonzalo(MEX-CIM); Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
Average linking numbers. (English. English summary)
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 19 (1999), no. 6, 1425--1435. [To journal home page]

This paper investigates the average linking number (which takes the periods of the orbits into account) of orbits in a flow generated by a vector field on $S\sp 3$. In case orbits are not closed, a "good set of short curves" is used to close the orbits, and limits are taken as time goes to infinity. A definition that closely resembles the Gauss integral, but uses the given vector field for tangent vectors, is shown to be independent of the good set of short curves, under quite general conditions on invariant measures on $S\sp 3$.

Reviewed by Mark E. Kidwell


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2000h:37102 37J99 (37D25 37D40 37J50)
Contreras, Gonzalo(MEX-CIM); Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
Convex Hamiltonians without conjugate points. (English. English summary)
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 19 (1999), no. 4, 901--952. [To journal home page]

The authors study Hamiltonian flows associated to superlinear convex Hamiltonians, restricted to regular energy levels. They define a notion of conjugate points for such a flow, generalizing the usual notion of conjugate points in the setting of Riemannian geometry. They construct canonical invariant bundles along orbits without conjugate points, analogous to the Green bundles in the particular case of geodesic flows [L. W. Green, Michigan Math. J. 5 (1958), 31--34; MR 20 #4300].

They give necessary and sufficient conditions for these bundles to define an Anosov splitting for the flow, extending the previously known results in the case of geodesic flows.

By comparing the Green bundles with the splitting provided by Oseledets and Pesin theory, they obtain a formula for the metric entropy of the Liouville measure, generalizing the results of A. Freire and R. Mane [Invent. Math. 69 (1982), no. 3, 375--392; MR 84d:58063] for the case of geodesic flows.

In the dual language of Lagrangian flows, Mane [Nonlinearity 9 (1996), no. 2, 273--310; MR 97d:58118] proved that for any Lagrangian $L\colon TM \toR$, there is a generic set of potentials $\Phi$ for which the Lagrangian flow of $L+\Phi$ has a unique minimizing measure. In the paper under review, the authors prove the following conjecture of Mane: potentials for which the support of the unique minimizing measure is a periodic orbit can be arbitrarly approximated by potentials for which the minimizing measure is still supported by a periodic orbit, and with the following additionnal properties: the periodic orbit is hyperbolic, and its stable and unstable manifolds have only transverse intersections.

Reviewed by Thierry Barbot


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99f:58075 58F05 (58F17 58F27)
Contreras, G.(MEX-CIM); Iturriaga, R.(MEX-CIM); Paternain, G. P.(UR-UREPS-CM); Paternain, M.(UR-UREPS-CM)
Lagrangian graphs, minimizing measures and Mañé's critical values. (English. English summary)
Geom. Funct. Anal. 8 (1998), no. 5, 788--809. [ORIGINAL ARTICLE]

For a convex superlinear Lagrangian $L$ on a closed connected manifold $N$, R. Mane defined the critical value $c(L)$ and the action potential $\Phi\sb {k}$. His results can be extended to any lift $\tilde{L}$ on a covering $\tilde{N}$. The first theorem in this paper states that for any lift, $c(\tilde{L})$ is the infimum of the values $k$ such that $\tilde{H}\sp {-1}(-\infty,k)$ contains an exact Lagrangian graph, where $\tilde{H}$ is the Hamiltonian associated with $\tilde{L}$ . As a consequence, for $k>c(\tilde{L})$ the Euler-Lagrange flow of $\tilde{L}$ on the energy level $k$ can be reparametrized as the geodesic flow on the unit tangent bundle of an appropriately chosen Finsler metric on $\tilde{N}$. The second theorem states that if the Euler-Lagrange flow of $L$ on the energy level $k$ is Anosov, then $k>c\sb {u}(L)=$ critical value of the lift of $L$ to the universal covering of $N$. It follows that given $k<c\sb {u}(L)$, there exists a potential $\psi$ with arbitrarily small $C\sp {2}$-norm such that the energy level $k$ of $L+\psi$ possesses conjugate points. In the last theorem, a weak KAM solution for any covering is explicitly given in terms of the action potential.

Reviewed by Hector Sanchez-Morgado


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99a:58063 58F05 (58F15 58F17)
Contreras, G.(BR-PCRJ); Iturriaga, R.(MEX-CIM); Sánchez-Morgado, H.(MEX-NAM-IM)
On the creation of conjugate points for Hamiltonian systems. (English. English summary)
Nonlinearity 11 (1998), no. 2, 355--361. [To journal home page]

Let $M$ be a closed connected smooth manifold and let $H\colon T\sp {*}M\to {R}$ be a convex superlinear Hamiltonian. For $e\in {R}$, let ${\scr A}\sb {e}$ be the set of $\phi\in C\sp {\infty}(M)$ such that the flow of the Hamiltonian $H+\phi$ is Anosov on the energy level $(H+\phi)\sp {-1}(e)$ and let ${\scr B}\sb {e}$ be the set of $\phi\in C\sp {\infty}(M)$ such that the energy level $(H+\phi)\sp {-1}(e)$ contains no conjugate points. The authors show that ${\scr A}\sb {e}$ is precisely the interior of ${\scr B}\sb {e}$ in the $C\sp {2}$ topology. This theorem extends to the Hamiltonian setting a result of R. O. Ruggiero [Math. Z. 208 (1991), no. 1, 41--55; MR 92i:58143] for the geodesic flow.

The proof goes as follows. It is well known that in the $C\sp {k}$ topology the set ${\scr A}\sb {e}$ is open and the set ${\scr B}\sb {e}$ is closed. G. P. Paternain and M. Paternain [Math. Z. 217 (1994), no. 3, 367--376; MR 95k:58117] showed that ${\scr A}\sb {e}$ is always contained in ${\scr B}\sb {e}$, hence to prove their theorem the authors need to show that an interior point of ${\scr B}\sb {e}$ lies in ${\scr A}\sb {e}$. For this they take a system without conjugate points which is not Anosov, then they show that they can make a $C\sp {2}$ small perturbation in a neighborhood of an orbit segment to end up with a system that has conjugate points. This is achieved by showing that the index form of the perturbed system is not positive definite on that segment.

Reviewed by Gabriel P. Paternain


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98i:58093 58F05 (49Q20 58E05)
Contreras, Gonzalo(BR-PCRJ); Delgado, Jorge(BR-PCRJ); Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
Lagrangian flows: the dynamics of globally minimizing orbits. II. (English. English summary)
Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.) 28 (1997), no. 2, 155--196.

In this work the authors provide proofs of most of the theorems of R. Mane's last and unfinished work [Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.) 28 (1997), no. 2, 141--153; MR 98i:58092; see the preceding review].

Cited in: 98i:58092


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97d:58077 58F05 (58F11 70H30)
Iturriaga, Renato(MEX-CIM)
Minimizing measures for time-dependent Lagrangians.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 73 (1996), no. 1, 216--240.

This is a very nice paper in which the author develops R. Mane's ideas towards generalizing the Aubry-Mather theory to the context of time-dependent, but not periodic, Lagrangians.

In a seminal paper [Math. Z. 207 (1991), no. 2, 169--207; MR 92m:58048], J. N. Mather studied periodic Lagrangians on closed Riemannian manifolds, introducing concepts such as the homology of an invariant measure, minimizing measures, etc. Here the author considers a Lagrangian system $(d/dt)(\partial L/\partial v)(x,x',y)=(\partial L/\partial x)(x,x',y)$, where the parameter $y$ belongs to a compact Riemannian manifold $N$ and varies according to an autonomous system $y'=X(y)$. This setting covers for instance the case where $N$ is a torus and $X$ an irrational linear flow (the quasiperiodic case) or when the flow on $N$ is hyperbolic. In the latter, the results come closer to those of Mather.

Reviewed by Jair Koiller


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(c) 2001, American Mathematical Society