To celebrate the 70th birthday of Fico González Acuña

December 17-20, 2012
Cimat, Guanajuato, México.

This school will consist of a series of minicourses on current topics of interest on Knot Theory and 3-manifold Topology, plus some invited lectures.

Invited Speakers:

Ken Baker, University of Miami
Michel Boileau, Université Paul Sabatier
Cameron Gordon, University of Texas at Austin
Wolfgang Heil, Florida State University
Fabiola Manjarrez, Cimat
Makoto Ozawa, Komazawa University
Hamish Short, Université de Provence
Scott Taylor, Colby College
Luis Valdez-Sánchez, University of Texas at El Paso
Mariel Vázquez, San Francisco State University

Photo Courtesy of Stephanie Dunbar

Contact: Please address all the correspondence regarding the conference to
mailto: Mario Eudave-Muñoz.

@site maintainer
Last updated 7-XII-2012