Noticimat 21

Del 10 al 14 de junio de 2019

Coloquio y seminarios

Seminario de computación
Lunes 10
Título: RRT* with Visibility Constraints for Robotic Dynamical Systems and their Local Planners Properties
Ponente: Heikel Yervilla Herrera (estudiante de doctorado del CIMAT)
Lugar: Salón de seminarios “Diego Bricio Hernández” (G101)
Hora: 12:30 pm
Resumen: In this talk, a complex robotic system is contemplated, namely, a mobile manipulator robot that includes visibility constraints in the planning requirements. Relevant concepts for complex robotic systems such as detachability and time dominance are introduced. Furthermore, we study some properties of several local planners for nonholonomic dynamical systems to achieve asymptotic global optimality through a sampling-based planner, namely, the RRT*.  We also present formal results about local planners such as the finding that the topological property is not a necessary condition in the current context. Besides, an experimental setup is used to evaluate the performance of the local planners in terms of resulting trajectory cost and time of convergence. Finally, experiments in a physical mobile manipulator robot, equipped with a camera in the arm’s end-effector, are shown, which validate the proposed theoretical modeling.

Seminario de matrices aleatorias y probabilidad libre
Lunes 10
Título: Free probability for purely discrete eigenvalues of random matrices
Ponente: Noriyoshi Sakuma (Aichi University of Education)
Lugar: Salón K201
Hora: 3:00 pm
Tansmisión a través del sistema BlueJeans. Solicite el enlace a
Resumen: In this talk, we study random matrix models which are obtained as a non-commutative polynomial in random matrix variables of two kinds: (a) a first kind which have a discrete spectrum in the limit, (b) a second kind which have a joint limiting distribution in Voiculescu's sense and are globally rotationally invariant. We assume that each monomial constituting this polynomial contains at least one variable of type (a), and show that this random matrix model has a set of eigenvalues that almost surely converges to a deterministic set of numbers that is either finite or accumulating to only zero in the large dimension limit. For this purpose we define a framework (cyclic monotone independence) for analyzing discrete spectra and develop the moment method for the eigenvalues of compact (and in particular Schatten class) operators. We give several explicit calculations of discrete eigenvalues of our model. This is a joint work with B. Collins and T. Hasebe.


Del 13 al 15 de junio se llevará a cabo en el salón K201 del CIMAT Guanajuato el Primer encuentro “CIMAT sobre divulgación”, organizado por la Coordinación de Divulgación  del Centro.
Programa: (archivo adjunto).

El viernes 14 se realizará un homenaje y reconocimiento a nuestra compañera Toquina Carrillo Carrillo con el siguiente programa:

- Ceremonia de agradecimiento y reconocimiento
Auditorio “José Ángel Canavati”.
11:00 a 12:45 hrs.
- Brindis.
Patio del CIMATEL
13:00  a 14:45 hrs.
- Pozolada con cerveza al son de la marimba.
Casa del Dr. Xavier Gómez Mont.
17:00 a 21:00 hrs.

Visitas y participación en eventos externos

Del 3 al 6 de junio el Dr. Adrián Pastor López Monroy participó en el evento 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT-2019), celebrado en Minneapolis, EU, donde presentó la conferencia “Detecting depression in social media using fine-grained emotion”. El trabajo es resultado de una colaboración con especialistas del INAOE y la UACH, y consiste en analizar el lenguaje escrito a través de técnicas de deep que modelen las emociones de los usuarios. Intenta ser una herramienta complementaria para detectar, casos de usuarios en depresión y que se expresan por medio de mensajes escritos en plataformas sociales.

El próximo viernes 14 la Dra. Graciela González Farías participará en el taller “CIDESI+CIMAT: Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) & Analytics Predictive Maintenance for industrial solutions”, como parte del evento Smart Move 4.0, un evento industrial de alcance internacional sobre transformaciones digitales, a celebrarse en el Showcenter Complex de la ciudad de Monterrey.