Noticimat 46

Del 9 al 13 de diciembre de 2019

Seminario de computación

Lunes 9
Título: Coverage Planning for Mobile Robots With Constrained Motion and Limited Sensing
Ponente: Dr. Jason M. O'Kane (University of South Carolina)
Lugar: Salón K201
Hora: 12:30 pm
Resumen: Autonomous mobile robots must operate effectively in spite of movement and sensing capabilities that are often incomplete and unreliable. One recurring example of this confluence of challenges is the task of coverage, in which the robot must move across every point in a region of interest.  Coverage algorithms have important applications in environmental monitoring, cleaning, humanitarian demining, painting, and exploration.  Known algorithms for such problems generally cannot account directly for realistic limitations on the robot's sensors and actuators. This talk will present our work that overcomes these limitations, leading to results that include both hardness results and practical coverage algorithms for terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial robots.

Seminario de Teoría de Lie
Martes 10
Título: Reflection positivity on the sphere
Ponente: Gestur Ólafsson (LSU)
Lugar: Salón D503
Hora: 11:00 am
Resumen: Reflection positivity, or Osterwalder-Schrader quantization, has its origins in the work of Osterwalder and Schrader  (1973/1975) on constructive quantum field theory. Their goal was to build a bridge from euclidean quantum theory to relativistic quantum field theory by analytical continuation to imaginary time.
Interpreting the physical system as a unitary (or anti-unitary) representation of the corresponding symmetry group this can be seen as transforming a representation from one Lie group to a unitary/anti-unitary representation of
a dual Lie group, e.g. from the euclidean motion group to the Poincaré group.
In this talk we discuss recent developments, starting with the basic concept of reflection positive Hilbert spaces and a simple example from Riemannian geometry due to Jaffe-Ritter and Dimock. We then specialize to the sphere $S^n$. We  discuss how those ideas relates to harmonic
analysis on the hyperboloid $mathbb{H}^n= O_{1,n}^uparrow/SO_n$ and the representation theory of $O_{1,n}^uparrow$.

Minicurso “Geometric regularity theory for (nonlinear) partial differential equations”

Martes 10 y Viernes 12
Título: Geometric regularity theory for (nonlinear) partial differential equations
Ponente: Edgard Pimentel
Lugar: Salón D604
Hora: 9:00 am
Resumen: In this course we examine the regularity theory for partial differential equations, both in the linear and nonlinear settings. The main goal of the course is to expose the audience to a class of methods and techniques entitled regularity transmission by approximation methods. In this framework, we approximate a given problem of interest by an auxiliary one, for which a richer theory is available. Then, by intrinsic geometric methods, we import information from the latter to the former one. This program contemplates important examples, such as fully nonlinear equations (including degenerate models), non-convex problems (e.g. the Isaacs equation), roughly degenerate diffusions, double divergence operators and perturbations of the porous medium equation.


Del 9 al 13 de diciembre se realizará en la sede Guanajuato el 12th Americas Conference on Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis (Americas XII), dedicado a la memoria deAntonmaria "Tim" Minzoni (IIMAS-UNAM), Gilberto Flores y Walter Craig (McMaster University).

Comité organizador local:
Renato Iturriaga
Renato Calleja
Antonio Capella
Juan Carlos Pardo
Eric Ávila

Más información en el sitio

Actividades de divulgación

El sábado 7 de diciembre, se realizará el taller "Uso de TICs para la enseñanza de las matemáticas" en los municipios de Salamanca e Irapuato. Este taller está dirigido a docentes de preescolar, primaria y secundaria y tiene el objetivo de mostrar un panorama del uso de tecnologías como herramienta para enseñar matemáticas. Participan: Rocío González Sánchez, Luis Islas Cruz, Carmen Mares Orozco, Paulina de Graaf Núñez y estudiantes del Departamento de Matemáticas de la UG. Horario: 9:00 am a 3:00 pm.

Del lunes 11 al jueves 14, Luis Islas Cruz, Valentina Muñoz Porras, Rocío González Sánchez y Ricardo Candás Vega ofrecerán clases de matemáticas a los niños de la Escuela Primaria "Amado Nervo", ubicada en la colonia Valenciana, Guanajuato, Gto. Horario: 8:30 a 10:30 am.

Del miércoles 11 al viernes 13, se llevará a cabo la Escuela de Matemáticas para Profesores, dirigido a docentes del Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Santa Fe. El objetivo principal de la Escuela es transmitir diversos enfoques de las matemáticas que permitan a los participantes conocer nuevas técnicas lúdicas e innovadoras, para posteriormente adecuarlas tanto a su vida cotidiana como a sus aulas de clase. Participan: Valentina Muñoz Porras, Marco Figueroa Ibarra y Ricardo Candás Vega.

El viernes 13, CIMAT recibirá la visita de un grupo de estudiantes del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de San Felipe del Progreso. Los estudiantes recibirán un recorrido por las instalaciones del Centro para posteriormente asistir a las siguientes charlas:

11:30, Dr. Salvador Botello Rionda “Métodos Numéricos en la Solución de problemas de ingeniería"
12:30, Dr. Gil Bor, "Áreas de países y la Ley de Benford"
13:30, Información sobre los posgrados