Banner Biblioteca CIMAT

Catálogo de Revistas por área

ver todas en orden alfabético

Nota: un asterisco (*) a continuación del título denota subscripción vigente.

ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Journal of Computer Documentation
ACM journal on computing and cultural heritage *
ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems *
ACM Queue *
ACM Transactions on accessible computing *
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception *
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization *
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing *
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic *
ACM Transactions on Computer - Human Intercation *
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems *
ACM Transactions on Database Systems *
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems *
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
ACM Transactions on Graphics *
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security *
ACM Transactions on Information Systems *
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology *
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems *
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software *
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation *
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications *
ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems *
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems *
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks *
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology *
ACM Transactions on Storage *
ACM Transactions on the web *
Amus.Log: Journal of the Alpha Micro User Society
Ansys Solutions
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
AT&T Technical Journal
Bell Labs Technical Journal
BMS (Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique)
Boletín de Política Informática
BRS Bulletin
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
C/C ++ Users Journal
Caell Journal
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
Communications of the ACM
Complex Sistems
Complexity International
Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences
COMPTES RENDUS De l Académie Des Sciences
Computación y Sistemas
Computational Statistics
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Computer Bulletin
Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Graphics World
Computer Language
Computer Vision and Image Understandig
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
Computers & Geosciences: an International Journal
Computers in Entertainment
Computing Reviews
Computing Teacher
Comunidad Informática
Contactos: Revista de Educación en Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería
Crosstalk: Journal of Defense Software Engineering
CVGIP Image Understanding
CWI Newsletter
CWI Quarterly
Data Based Advisor
Data Science Journal
Database Programming and Desingn
DB2 Magazine
DBMS: Tools & Strategies for is professionals
Discrete and Computational Geometry
Distributed Computing
Dr. Dobbs Journal
Duke Mathematical Journal
E-Business Advisor
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
Elemente der Mathematik
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Extremes. Statistical Theor& Apps. in Science, Engineering and Economics
First Monday
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Functional Analysis and Its Applications
Functional Analysis Approximation and Computational
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research
Geoinformatica - (International Journal on Advances of Computer...)
Graphical Models
IBM Journal of Research and Development
IEEE / ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
IEEE / ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
IEEE Software
IEEE Spectrum
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE transactions on cybernetics
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B
IIE Transactions
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and related Topics
Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Enterprise
Interactions (new visions of human-computer intraction)
Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer – Enhanced Learning
International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Control
International Journal of Design Computing
International Journal of Network Management
International Mathematics Research Notices
IT Architect
Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Approximation Theory
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Design Communication
Journal of Electronic Imaging
Journal of Enviromental Engineering and Science
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
Journal of Graphics Tools
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Object Technology
Journal of Quality Technology
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Journal of Statistical Software
Journal of the ACM
Journal of the Association for History and Computing
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing
Lan Magazine
Learning and Leading with Technology
Linux Journal
Logo Exchange
Machine Learning
MacUser (España)
MacWorld (San Francisco, Ca.)
Mathematical Programming
Mathematical Programming Study
Mathematics and Computer Education
Mathematics of Computation
Micro (Chelmsford, Ma.)
Mobile Business Advisor
Mobile Networks and Applications
MSDN Magazine
Multiscale Modelling & Simulation
Mundo Electrónico
Network Magazine
Network: Computation in Neural Systems
Networks: An International Journal
Neural Computation
Neural Networks
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Oracle Magazine
Pattern Recognition
PC Magazine (New York, N.Y.)
PC Magazine en Español
Personal Computing
Proceedings of the IEEE
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Quality and Reliability Engineering International
Research Technology Management
Revista de Computación 010
Revista del IEEE America Latina
Revue du Cethedec
SAS Communications
SIAM Journal on Computing *
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics *
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing *
Statistics and Computing
Studies in Informatics and Control
Technology Review
The Computer Journal
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
The Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism
Unix Review
UNIX Review's Performance Computing
Urisa Journal
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web
Windows User
Wireless Networks

inicio de la página

Acta Universitaria (Guanajuato, Gto.)
American Educational Research Journal
Avance y Perspectiva
Biometric Bulletin
Boletin de la Academia de la Investigación Científica
Business Week
Carta Informativa
Chronolog (Palo Alto, C a.)
Ciencia -Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
Ciencia y Desarrollo
Ciencia y tecnologia al alcance de todos
Ciencia y Tecnología Guanajuato
Ciencias (México, D.F.)
CINVESTAV (centro de investigacion y de estudios avanzados)
Colmena Universitaria
Comunidad CONACyT
Correo del Maestro: Revista para Profesores de Educación Básica
Current Index to Journals in Educations
Diario Oficial de la Federación (CD-ROM & Internet)
Educational Research
Educational Researcher
Geografía Universal
Gestión y Política Pública
Ichan Tecolotl
Información Científica y Tecnológica
Información: Producción, Comunicación y Servicios
Investigación Bibliotecológica
Investigación y Ciencia
Investigación y Ciencia (Aguascalientes, Ags.)
Istor: Revista de Historia Internacional
Journal of Educational Research
La Tecnología en la Enseñanza
La Vie des Sciences
Le Monde Diplomatique: Edición Española
Le Monde Diplomatique: Edición Mexicana
Management Science
National Geographic
Naturaleza: gaceta ambiental cuatrimestral
New Yorker
Oxford Today: The University Magazine
Política y Gobierno
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Ame
Psychological Abstracts
Recherche (Paris. 1970)
Review of Educational Research
RV: Revista de Vinculación Empresa-Educación Superior
Scientific American
Sky & Telescope
Technology Review
Tecnociencia Chihuahua

inicio de la página

Abstract and Applied Analysis
Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society
ACM Transactions on algorithms *
ACM Transactions on computation theory *
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software *
Acta Arithmetica
Acta Mathematica
Acta Mathematica Hungarica
Acta Mathematica Universitalis Comenianae
Advances in Applied Mathematics
Advances in Mathematics
Algebra and Logic
Algebra Universitalis
American Journal of Mathematics
American Mathematical Monthly
AMRX-Applied Mathematics Research Express
Anales del Instituto de Matemáticas
Analysis International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Application
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae : Mathematica
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica: Dissertationes
Annales de L'Institut Fourier
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Section A: Physique Théorique
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré: Analyse non Linéaire
Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse Mathematiques
Annales de la Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa: Classe di Scienze
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
Annals of Mathematical Logic
Annals of Mathematics - second series
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
Anziam Journal
Applicable Analysis: An international Journal
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Applied Mathematics & Optimization
Archiv der Mathematik
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Arenario: Revista del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Univ. de Sonora
Arithmetic Teacher: Mathematics Education Through the Middle Grades
Arkiv for Matematik
Arquivo do Instituto Gulbenikian de Ciencia. Serie A Estudos Matematicos
Astérisque (Véase como Libro)
Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico
Australian Mathematics Teacher
Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften
BIT Numerical Mathematics
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática
Boletin Asociacion Matematica Venezolana
Boletin de Enseñanza (México, D.F.)
Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas Matemáticas y Naturales
Boletin de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana A
Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana B
Bulletin - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France
Bulletin de L´Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Physiques
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques
Bulletin New Series of the American Mathematical Society
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Bulletin of Number Theory and Related Topics
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Café y Matemáticas
Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
Carta Informativa
Ciencias Matemáticas (La Habana)
Ciencias Técnicas, Físicas y Mathemáticas
College Mathematics Journal
Colloquium Mathematicum
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
Commentationes Mathematicae Prace Matematyczne
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Communications in Algebra
Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Communications in Mathematical Physics
Communications in Partial Diferential Equations
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Complex Sistems
Compositio Mathematica
Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences
COMPTES RENDUS De l Académie Des Sciences
Comptes Rendus Mathematiques (de l'academie des sciences)
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Comunicación Técnica e Investigación
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Conferencias
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Divulgación
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Matemáticas en Provincia
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Memorias de Seminario
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Monografías
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Notas de Clase
Comunicaciones Internas: Serie Textos
Comunicaciones Técnicas: Serie Amarilla, Desarrollo
Comunicaciones Técnicas: Serie Azul, Monografías
Comunicaciones Técnicas: Serie Naranja, Investigaciones
Comunicaciones Técnicas: Serie Verde, Notas
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
Crux Mathematicorum
Cuadernos del Instituto de Matemática
Cubo: Matemática Educacional
Current Developments in Mathematics
Current Mathematical Publications
CWI Newsletter
CWI Quarterly
Czechoslovac Mathematical Journal
Differential Geometry and its Applications
Discrete and Computational Geometry
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Serie A
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Serie B
Discrete Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Doklady Mathematics
Duke Mathematical Journal
Economic Systems Research
Educación Matemática
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Electronic Research Announcements
Elementa (Uppsala)
Elemente der Mathematik
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Europan Journal of Operational Research
Expositiones Mathematicae
Extremes. Statistical Theor& Apps. in Science, Engineering and Economics
Facta Universitatis series: mathematics and informatics
Fibonacci Quarterly
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Focus - Mathematical Association of America
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics
Forum Mathematicum
Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
Functional Analysis and Its Applications
Fundamenta Mathematicae
Gaceta Matematica
Games and Economic Behavior
Geometriae Dedicata
Geometric and Functional Analysis
Glasgow Mathematical Journal
Glasnik Matematicki
Historia Mathematica
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal
Houston Journal of Mathematics
Illinois Journal of Mathematics
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
IMA Preprint Series
Indagationes Mathematicae
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and related Topics
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
International Journal of Game Theory
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
International Journal of Mathematics
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
International Mathematics Research Notices
International Mathematics Research Papers
International Mathematics Research Survey
Inventiones Mathematicae
Inverce problems and imaging
Inverse Problems
Investigación Operacional
Israel Journal of Mathematics
Izvestiya Mathematics
Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereinigung
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)
Journal of Algebra
Journal of Algebraic Geometry
Journal of Algorithms
Journal of Applied Analysis
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Journal of Approximation Theory
Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory: Series B
Journal of Differential Equations
Journal of Differential Geometry
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of Geometry
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Journal of Graph Theory
Journal of Group Theory (1999-2004)
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
Journal of lie theory
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Bahavior
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan
Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University
Journal of Modern Dynamics
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (An International Journal)
Journal of Number Theory
Journal of Operator Theory
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Journal of Recreational Mathematics
Journal of Soviet Mathematics
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Serie A
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Serie B
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics
Kyoto Journal of mathematics
Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
L'Enseigment Matematique
Letters in Mathematical Physics
Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal
Manuscripta Mathematica
Manuscripta Mathematica (vol. 1 - vol. 95)
MaPhySto: Lecture Notes
MaPhySto: Miscellanea
MaPhySto: Research Report
Markov Processes and Related Fields
Matemática cultura e societá rivista del'unione matematica italiana
Matemáticas - Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sonora
Matemáticas : Boletin de Ciencias Básicas
Matematicky Casopis
Mathematica Scandinavica
Mathematical Biosciences
Mathematical Chronicle
Mathematical Finance
Mathematical Gazette
Mathematical Geology
Mathematical Geosciences
Mathematical Intelligencer
Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Science
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Mathematical Programming
Mathematical Programming Study
Mathematical Research Letters
Mathematical Reviews
Mathematical Systems Theory
Mathematics and Computer Education
Mathematics in School
Mathematics Magazine
Mathematics of Computation
Mathematics of the USSR Izvestiya
Mathematics of the USSR Sbornik
Mathematics Reports Toyama University
Mathematics Seminar Notes
Mathematics Teacher
Mathematics Teaching
Mathematische Annalen
Mathematische Nachrichten
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Mathesis: Filosofía e Historia de las Matemáticas
Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Michigan Matematical Journal
Micromath (Oxford)
Miscelánea Matemática de la sociedad matematica mexicana
MIxbal revista metropolitana de matematicas
Monatshefte fur Mathematik
Monografias del instituto de matematicas
Morfismos (Mexico, D.F.)
Nagoya Mathematical Journal
New York Journal of Mathematics
News Bulletin - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
News Letter - National Council of Teachers
News Letter Nato: Scientific Publications
Nieuw Archief Voor Wiskunde
Nonlinear Analysis: hybrid systems
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
Numerische Mathematik
Operations Research
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathem
Pi Mu Epsilon Journal
PM Praxis der Mathematik
Potential Analysis
Primus (Terre Haute, In.)
Probability Theory and Related Fields
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
Publicacions de la Seccio de Matematiques. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelon
Publicacions Matemàtiques
Publicationes Mathematicae
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique
Publications Mathématiques de L'IHÉS
Quantum: The Student Magazine of Math and Science
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
Real Analysis Exchange
Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo
Rendiconti Del Seminario Matematico
Reports on Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
Revista de Matemática e Estatística
Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones (UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA)
Revista del Seminario de Enseñanza y Titulación-Departamento de Matemáticas
Revista del Seminario Iberoamericano de Matemáticas Singularidades en Torde
Revista Integracíon
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingenieria
Revista Matemática (México, D.F.)
Revista Matemática Complutense
Revista Matemática Hispano-Americana
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
Revista Mexicana de Física
Revista Real Academia Galega de Ciencias
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium
Russian Academy of Sciences Izvestiya Mathematics
Russian Academy of Sciences Sbornik Mathematics
Russian Mathematical Surverys
Sbornik Mathematics
School Science and Mathematics
Science Books & Films
Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae
Scripta Mathematica
Selecta Mathematica : New Series
SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods *
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems *
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics *
SIAM Journal on Computing *
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization *
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics *
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis *
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications *
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis *
SIAM Journal on Optimization *
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing *
SIAM News *
SIAM Review *
Simon Stevin: A Quarterly Journal of Pure And Applied Mathematics
Soviet Mathematics Doklady
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Stochastic Models
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Stochastics (New York, N.Y.)
Studia Mathematica
Studies in Applied Mathematics
Studies of the university of zilina
Surveys in Diferrential Geomety -Supplement
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
The UMAP Jounal
Theory of Probability and Mathemarical Statistics
Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Topology and its Applications
Topology Proceedings
Trabajos de Matemática: Serie A - Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Físi
Trabajos de Matematica: Serie B - Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Físi
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society
Universidad de Mexico
Uspekhi Matematitcheskikh Nauk
Variedades Matematicas

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ACM Inroads
ACM journal of data and information quality *
ACM journal on computing and cultural heritage *
ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems *
ACM Transaction on management information systems *
ACM Transactions on algorithms *
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Sistems *
ACM Transactions on intelligent systems and technology *
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
ACM Transactions on knowledge discovery from data *
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems *
Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarrollo
AJSE- Mathematics
Algebraic and Geometric Topology
Andamios (revista de investigacion social)
Ansys Advantage (excellence in enginering simulation)
Ansys Solutions (the premier magazine for desing innovstion)
Biometric Bulletin
Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana (serie ix)
Ciencia y tecnologia al alcance de todos
CNRS International Magazine
Communications in Analysis and Geometry
Computer (inovative technology for computer professionals)
Crux Mathematicorum
Ebsco Discovery Service
Equilibrio Económico (Revista de Economia, Politica y Sociedad)
European Journal of Psychiatry
Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision
Generalizes Low Rank Models
Geometry y Topology
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Instructor (Dansville, N.Y.)
Journal of modern dynamical
Journal of Applied Analysis
Journal of Computational Neurocience
Journal of Topology
La Matematica Nella Societa e Nella Cultura
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Mathematical Geosciences
Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Measurement Science And Technology
Memorial Des Sciences Matheamtiques
MIxbal revista metropolitana de matematicas
Pembroke College Cambridge Society
Quantitative Economics
Reporte De Investigacion
Reporte Iinterno del Centro de Iinvestigacion y de Estudios Avanzados
Reporte Interno
Reserarch Report ( centre for mathematical physics and stochastics )
Reviews of National Science Technology Policy
Revista de Divulgacion ( univesrsidad juarez de tabasco)
Revista de la Olimpiada Mexicana de Matematicas
Revista de los alumnos de matematicas y actuaria de itam
Revista de Matematicas
Revista Informativa Del Profesor De Matematicas
Revista Integracíon
Revista Latinoamericana de Investigaciom en matematica educativa
Sampling Theory In Signal And Image Processing(an international journal)
Seminario Iberoamericano de Matematicas
Special Libraries
STATISTICS a journal of theoretical and applied statistics
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Technical Report Departament of Statistics
Teorijsk: Primenjena Menhnika
Texto Abierto
The World Bank Economic Review
Theoretical Economics ( jornal of the econometric society)
Tool Kit (Boletin Mensual del Desarrollador)
Trend Letter
Universidad Y Ciencia (universidad de juarez autonoma de tabasco)
Universite De Bourgogne
Universty Of A Arhus
Warwick Preprints
Zeitschrif fur Angewante Mathematik und Mechanik
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mthematik und Physik
Zeitschrift fur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen
Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathematic
Zentralblatt fur Mathematik und .......
Zentranblatt fur Mathematik und Ihre Grenzgeb

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Advances in Applied Probability
American Statistician *
Amstat News
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Calcul des Probabilités et
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Probabilites et Statistiques
Annals of Applied Probability
Annals of Applied Statistics
Annals of Mathematical Statistics (Microfilm)
Annals of Probability
Annals of Statistics
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Applied Statistics
BMS (Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique)
Boletín de Política Informática
Boletín Inflación y Análisis Macroeconómico
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute
Canadian Journal of Statistics (la revue canadienne de statistisque)
Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods
Computational Statistics
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Current Index to Statistics
Economía Mexicana
Economic Systems Research
Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Estadistica - Instituto Interamericano de Estadística
Extremes. Statistical Theor& Apps. in Science, Engineering and Economics
Finance and Stochastics
Games and Economic Behavior
Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
International Journal of Game Theory
International Statistical Review
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
Journal of Applied Probability
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics *
Journal of computational and graphical statistics *
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Journal of Educational Statistics
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Journal of Quality Technology
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Journal of Statistical Software
Journal of Statistics Education
Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) *
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Serie A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician)
Journal of Theoretical Probability
Journal of Time Series Analysis
MaPhySto: Lecture Notes
MaPhySto: Miscellanea
MaPhySto: Research Report
Markov Processes and Related Fields
Mathematical Finance
Mathematical Reviews
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Notas - INEGI
Operations Research
Potential Analysis
Probability Theory and Related Fields
Quality Engineering
Quality Progress
Research Reports
Research Technology Management
Revista de Econometria
Sankhya (2003)
Sankhya. Series A: Methods and techniques
Sankhya. Series B: Indian Journal of Statistics
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Significance: Statistics Making Sense
Statistica Sinica
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Statistical Papers
Statistical Science
Statistical Theory & Method Abstracts [CD-ROM]
Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts
Statistics & Probability Letters
STATISTICS a journal of theoretical and applied statistics
Statistics in Medicine
Statistische Hefte
Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Stochastic Models
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Stochastics (New York, N.Y.)
Stochastics an international journal of probability and stochastics process
Teaching Statistics
Technometrics *
Tecnolab (Irapuato, Gto.)
Theory of Probability and its Applications
Theory of Probability and Mathemarical Statistics
Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete

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