Seminario de geometría diferencial y sistemas dinámicos, CIMAT

Fecha y lugar: Lunes, February 8th, at 16:30 hrs CST.

Por: Chris Connell, Indiana Univ at Bloomington USA

Título: Measure-Entropy rigidity for RCD-spaces

Abstract: We present extensions of the entropy rigidity results of Ledrappier-Wang and Besson-Courtois-Gallot to the class of RCD metric spaces. These are the metric-measure spaces with a weak notion of Ricci curvature being bounded from below. RCD spaces arise as a natural class of metric spaces containing all measured-Gromov-Hausdorff limits of manifolds with Ricci curvatures bounded from below. For this reason, they have been intensely studied over the past decade by Lott, Villani, Gigli, Mondino and many others. From our results we are also able to also derive new corollaries about manifolds. This is joint work with Xianzhe Dai, Jesús Núñez-Zimbrón, Raquel Perales, Pablo Suárez-Serrato and Guofang Wei.