Seminario de geometría diferencial y sistemas dinámicos, CIMAT

Fecha y lugar: Lunes 15 de Marzo, 4:30pm, en lĂ­nea:

Por: Marco Radeschi, University of Notre Dame, USA

Título: Manifold submetries, with applications to Invariant Theory

Abstract: Given an orthogonal representation of a Lie group G on a Euclidean vector space V, Invariant Theory studies the algebra of G-invariant polynomials on V. This setting can be generalized by replacing the orbits of the representation with a foliation by the fibers of a manifold submetry from the unit sphere S(V), and consider the algebra of polynomials that are constant along these fibers (effectively producing an Invariant Theory, but without groups). In this talk we will exhibit a surprisingly strong relation between the geometric information coming from the submetry and the algebraic information coming from the corresponding algebra, with several applications to classical Invariant Theory. This talk is based on a joint work with Ricardo Mendes.