Seminario de geometría diferencial y sistemas dinámicos, CIMAT

Fecha y lugar: Lunes, Feb 22, at 16:30 hrs CST.

Por: Romina Arroyo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Título: On the signature of the Ricci curvature on nilmanifolds

Abstract: A classical problem in Riemannian geometry is to determine the possible signatures of the Ricci curvature in a given space. In this talk, we will completely describe all possible signatures for the Ricci curvature of invariant metrics on nilmanifolds. To do that, we use ideas from GIT to construct a metric whose Ricci curvature has signature with as many zeros as possible, and then we apply an Implicit Function Theorem argument. This is joint work with Ramiro Lafuente (The University of Queensland).