Victor Pérez-Abreu
Probability & Statistics/CIMAT


Publications on statistics/several


1) PCA and eigen-inference for a spiked covariance model with largest eigenvalues of same asymptotic order, with Addy Bolivar-Cimé Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 28, 255-274 (2014).

2) Semi-parametric multivariate modeling when the marginals are the same, with J. Steve Marron and Miguel Nakamura, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 86, 310-329 (2003).

3) Index of effectiveness of a multivariate environmental monitoring network, with Elías Rodríguez, Environmetrics 7, 489-501 (1996).

4) Bartlett corrections for V-Statistics, with Gauss Cordeiro, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 9, 119-130 (1995).

5) Some statistical analyses of the cluster point processes of Hurricanes on the Coasts of Mexico, with Iván  Castro-Rivadeneyra. Statistics and the Environment: Water Related Issues, Chapter 6, 95-108, (1994).

6) Propiedades asintóticas de los estimadores de máxima verosimilitud en los procesos ramificados bisexuales, with Antonio González-Fregoso. Agrociencia: Serie de Matemáticas, Estadística y Computación  2,  115-126, (1991).

7) Poisson Approximation to Power Series Distributions, American Statistician 45, 46-49 (1991).