The Boltzmann Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (BUMDA), is a direct optimization method from the family of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs), a kind of black-box optimization methods which intend to approximate the optimum of a function by estimating and sampling from a probability distribution. The BUMDA approximates the optimum of a function defined in a n-dimensional real domain, by using a set of univariate Gaussian distributions. The parameters of each Gaussian distribution are computed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence from a Boltzmann distribution which energy function is the objective function. This page provides of a draft version of the article, and matlab source code of the method. For any request or question please send it to

The BUMDA full reference


The BUMDA at ScienceDirect of Elsevier (Information Sciences journal))

The BUMDA preprint article

Source code

The BUMDA matlab code  





Centre for Research
in Mathematics (CIMAT) A.C.


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