The training of professionals in mathematics and computer science at the undergraduate level plays an important role in the development of the Country and the well-being of its citizens. Since 1983, CIMAT has worked for this, creating a Mathematics Degree program, which is offered through an agreement with the University of Guanajuato, currently through its Department of Mathematics (Demat).
In this same scheme, the Bachelor’s Degree in Computing is now also offered. Both programs have obtained recognition that exceeds the national level, by training graduates who access postgraduate programs of a level of excellence. At the national level, the institutions that receive CIMAT-DEMAT graduates in their postgraduate programs include UNAM and CIMAT itself. Beyond our borders, graduates of our bachelor’s degrees are in postgraduate programs at institutions such as the Courant Institute, New York University; at Cornell University, Princeton and Harvard, in the United States, as well as at the IMPA in Brazil and at the Freie Universität, in Berlin, Germany.
Together with the DEMAT Researchers, the CIMAT staff participates in the training of undergraduate students, integrating as part-time professors at the University of Guanajuato.
Similarly, DEMAT’s services and infrastructure are complemented by CIMAT’s resources: auditorium, classrooms and seminars, as well as CIMAT’s own library, one of the most important specialized libraries in the country’s mathematical areas. .
For more information, visit the website of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Guanajauato.