2023 Computational Economics
Andrés García Medina, Ester Aguayo Moreno
2020 Studia Mathematica
Arizmendi O., Ballesteros M., Torres-Ayala F.
2020 Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Arizmendi G., Arizmendi O.
2020 Random Matrices: Theory and Application
Arizmendi O., Celestino A.
2020 Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics
Arizmendi O., Tarrago P., Vargas C.
2020 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
Saldaña F., Flores-Arguedas H., Camacho-Gutiérrez J.A., Barradas I.
2020 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Becerra I., Suomalainen M., Lozano E., Mimnaugh K.J., Murrieta-Cid R., Lavalle S.M.
2020 Nonlinear Dynamics
Trujillo M.A., Aldana-López R., Gómez-Gutiérrez D., Defoort M., Ruiz-León J., Becerra H.M.
Colunga, J. Armando; Becerra, Hector Manuel; Vazquez, Carlos Renato; Gomez-Gutierrez, David
2020 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
N. G. Aldana-Murillo, L. Sandoval, J. B. Hayet, C. Esteves and H. M. Becerra
2020 Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
Betancourt de la Parra A., Julio-Batalla J., Petean J.
2020 International Journal of Psychophysiology
Bosch-Bayard J., Girini K., Biscay R.J., Valdes-Sosa P., Evans A.C., Chiarenza G.A.
2020 Brain Sciences
Martínez-Briones B.J., Fernández-Harmony T., Gómez N.G., Biscay-Lirio R.J., Bosch-Bayard J.
2020 Nonlinearity
Bor G., Levi M.
Bor, Gil; Levi, Mark; Perline, Ron; Tabachnikov, Sergei
2020 Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing.
H. Esqueda, R. Herrera, S. Botello and C. Valero
Brambila-Paz, L.; Mata-Gutierrez, O.
2020 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
Bravetti A., Seri M., Vermeeren M., Zadra F.
2020 Revista Matematica Iberoamericana
Calvo-Andrade O., Rodríguez Díaz L.O., Sá Earp H.N.
2020 Journal of the London Mathematical Society
José Cantarero, Natàlia Castellana, Lola Morales
2020 Journal of Microbiological Methods
A.E. Parker, J.A. Christen, L. Lorenz, H. Smith,
2020 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
JA Christen y A Parker
2020 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
Blaauw M., Christen J.A., Aquino-López M.A.
2020 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
Gonzalo Contreras José Antônio G. Miranda
2020 Acta Neuropsychiatrica
Cuellar-Barboza A.B., Sánchez-Ruiz J.A., Rodriguez-Sanchez I.P., González S., Calvo G., Lugo J., Costilla-Esquivel A., Martínez L.E., Ibarra-Ramirez M.
2020 Mathematics, MDPI
Maria de Jesus Estudillo-Ayala Hugo Aguirre-Ramos Juan Gabriel Avina-Cervantes Jorge Mario Cruz-Duarte Ivan Cruz-Aceves Jose Ruiz-Pinales
2020 Mathematics
Ovalle-Magallanes E., Avina-Cervantes J.G., Cruz-Aceves I., Ruiz-Pinales J.
2020 Sensors (Switzerland)
Calvario G., Alarcón T.E., Dalmau O., Sierra B., Hernandez C.
2020 Computational and Applied Mathematics
Figueroa E.F., Dalmau O.
2020 Numerical Algorithms
Oviedo H., Dalmau O., Lara H.
2020 Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Isidro Nieto-Baños Pedro Luis del Angel-Rodriguez
2020 Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Escobar M.A., Estrada J.C., Vargas J.
2020 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
Qadir G.A., Euán C., Sun Y.
2020 Journal of the Franklin Institute
Nancy López-Reyes, Raúl Felipe-Sosa and Raúl Felipe
2020 Positivity
Maite Fernández Unzueta; Luisa Fernanda Higueras Montaño
2020 Journal of Functional Analysis
Angulo-López J.C., Fernández-Unzueta M.
2020 Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Fernández-Unzueta M.
2020 Optics and Laser Technology
Islas Islas J.M., Flores-Muñoz V.H., Serrano-García D.-I., Ortega- Mendoza J.G., Durán Sánchez M., Guzmán Barraza A., Toto-Arellano N.-I.
2020 Journal of Algebra
R. García-Delgado G. Salgado O. A. Sánchez-Valenzuela
2020 Entropy
García-Medina A., Hernández J.B.C.
Andrés García Medina Graciela González Farías
2020 Boletín de la SMCCA
Juan Salvador Garza Ledesma
2020 Boletín de la SMCCA
Juan Salvador Garza Ledesma
2020 Osaka Journal of Mathematics
Gómez-Larrañaga J.C., González-Acuña F., Heil W.
2020 Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana
Gómez-Larrañaga J.C., González-Acuña F., Heil W.
Bonatti, Christian; Gomez-Mont, Xavier; Martinez, Matilde
2020 The International Journal of Biostatistics
F. Peraza-Garay, J. U. Márquez-Urbina and G. González-Farías
2020 Test
Bhattacharya R., Saha B.N., Farías G.G., Balakrishnan N.
2020 Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana
Guadarrama L., Prieto C., Van Houten E.
2020 IEEE Access
Hou Y., Cui X., Canul-Ku M., Jin S., Hasimoto-Beltran R., Guo Q., Zhu M.
2020 International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and Practice
Ricardo P.-R., Arturo H.-A.
2020 International Journal of Remote Sensing
Téllez-Quiñones, A., Salazar-Garibay, A., Valdiviezo-Navarro, J. C., Hernandez-Lopez, F. J., Silván-Cárdenas, J. L.
2020 Journal of Medical Imaging
Juan C. Valdiviezo-N, Francisco J. Hernandez-Lopez, Carina Toxqui-Quitl
2020 Signal, Image and Video Processing
Hernandez-Lopez F.J., Trejo-Sánchez J.A., Rivera M.
2020 Forum Mathematicum
María Alejandra Álvarez and Isabel Hernández
2020 Complex Manifolds
Arizmendi G., Herrera R.
2020 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry
G. Arizmendi, R. Herrera, P. Piccinni
2020 Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.
S. Jerez; J. Verdugo
2020 Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Diaz-Adame R., Jerez S.
2020 Math. Comput. Appl.
F. Solis; S. Jerez; R. Ku-Carrillo; S. Delgadillo
2020 Nonlinear Dynamics
Jerez S., Pliego E., Solis F.J.
2020 Frontiers in Genetics
Davidson R., Martín del Campo A.
2020 RISTI
Yadira Quiñonez, Oscar Zataraín, Carmen Lizárraga, Juan Peraza, Juan Peraza, Jezreel Mejía.
2020 Cluster computing
Rea-Guaman, A.M., Mejía, J., San Feliu, T. and Calvo-Manzano J.A.
2020 RISTI
Jezreel Mejía, Edgar Bonilla, Elizabeth Villanueva, Einar Serna, Israel Faustino, Alessandro Milán.
2020 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Pinedo-Sánchez L.A., Mercado-Ravell D.A., Carballo-Monsivais C.A.
2020 Energies
Reyes A., Sucar L.E., Ibargüengoytia P.H., Morales E.F.
2020 International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries
Vargas P., Moreles M.A., Peña J., Monroy A., Alavez S.
2020 Arnold Mathematical Journal
Moreno Rocha M.
2020 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis (J. Nonlinear Convex Anal.)
Omar Muñiz-Pérez
2020 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (J. Math. Anal. Appl.)
J. Garcia-Falset, O. Muñiz-Pérez
2020 Remote Sensing
Aldana-Bobadilla E., Molina-Villegas A., Lopez-Arevalo I., Reyes-Palacios S., Muñiz-Sanchez V., Arreola-Trapala J.
2020 RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Muñoz M., Peralta M.
2020 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
Diaz E.O., Muñoz M.
2020 RISTI
VERA, Raúl Aguilar; MATA, Mirna Muñoz; MENDOZA, Julio Díaz y PECH, Juan Ucán
2020 RISTI
Muñoz Mirna y Peralta Manuel
2020 International Journal of Control
Reyes R., Murrieta-Cid R.
2020 Journal of the Franklin Institute
Luis Bravo, Ubaldo Ruiz and Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2020 Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana
Núñez-Betancourt L., Smirnov I.
2020 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Núñez-Zimbrón J., Perales R.
2020 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series
Antonio Campillo, Jorge Olivares
2020 Electronic Journal of Probability
Gerardo Barrera and Juan Carlos Pardo
2020 Theoretical Population Biology
AdriánGonzález CasanovaaVerónicaMiró PinabJuan CarlosPardoc
2020 Potential Analysis
Pantí H., Pardo J.C., Rivero V.M.
2020 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Noba K., Pérez J.-L., Yu X.
2020 Applied Mathematics and Optimization
Pérez J.-L., Yamazaki K.
2020 Finance and Stochastics
Palmowski Z., Pérez J.L., Surya B.A., Yamazaki K.
2020 Journal of Differential Equations
Juan Carlos Fernandez, Jimmy Petean
2020 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Juan Carlos Fernandez, Oscar Palmas, Jimmy Petean
2020 Journal of Geometric Analysis
Otoba N., Petean J.
2020 Applied Mathematical Modelling
Emilene Pliego-Pliego Olga Vasilieva Jorge Velázquez-Castro
Portilla Cuadrado, Pablo
2020 Journal of Lie Theory
Raul Quiroga Barranco
2020 Frontiers en Neuroinformatics
Jonathan Rafael-Patino, David Romascano, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Erick J. Canales-Rodríguez, Gabriel Girard, and Jean-Philippe Thiran.
2020 Journal of Complex Networks
Villareal-Haro J.L., Ramirez-Manzanares A., Pichardo-Corpus J.A.
2020 Revista Colombiana de Estadística - Applied Statistics
Wagala, A., González-Farías, G., Ramos, R. & Dalmau, O.
2020 Journal of Symplectic Geometry
Lisi S., Rieser A.
2020 Optical Engineering
Flores V.H., Rivera M.
2020 Optics Communications
Víctor H. Flores Mariano Rivera
2020 Optics and Laser Technology
Flores V.H., Reyes-Figueroa A., Carrillo-Delgado C., Rivera M.
2020 Potential Analysis
Kyprianou A.E., Rivero V., Satitkanitkul W.
2020 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Kyprianou A.E., Rivero V., Şengül B., Yang T.
2020 Optimization Letters
Chacón Castillo J., Segura C.
2020 Entropy
López-López I., Sosa-Gómez G., Segura C., Oliva D., Rojas O.
2020 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis F.J., Sotolongo A.
2020 Math Meth Appl Sci.
Solis, F Azofeifa, D
2020 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis F.J., Chen-Charpentier B.M., Kojouharov H.V.
2020 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis F.J., Sotolongo A.
2020 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis F.J., Barradas I., Juarez D.
2020 Advances in Operator Theory
Sontz S.B.
2020 Journal of Mathematical Physics
Durdevich M., Sontz S.B.
2020 Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Dozzi M., Kolkovska E.T., López-Mimbela J.A.
2020 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Alejandro Flores-Lamas, José Alberto Fernández-Zepeda, Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez
2020 International Journal of Applied Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez,Daniel Fajardo-Delgado, J. Octavio Gutierrez-García
2020 IEEE Access
Candelaria Sansores-Pérez, Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez
2020 International Journal of Sediment Research
Zhang W., Uh Zapata M., Bai X., Pham-Van-Bang D., Nguyen K.D.
2020 European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids.
2020 Computación y Sistemas
Luis Eduardo Urbán Rivero, Maite Regina Benı́tez Escárcega, Jonas Velasco Álvarez
2020 Operations Research Letters
Berrones A., Velasco J., Banda J.
2020 Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI
Rodríguez-González, M., Velasco-Alvarez, J., Flores-Figueroa, E., Zuloaga-Garmendia, M. A., Nava-Muñoz, S. M., & Velázquez-González, A. M.
2020 PeerJ
Echavarria-Heras H.A., Castro-Rodriguez J.R., Leal-Ramirez C., Villa-Diharce E.
2020 Communications in Computer and Information Science
Héctor Cardona-Reyes, José Eder Guzman-Mendoza, Gerardo Ortiz-Aguiñaga, Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga
2020 Virtual Reality Designs
Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, Héctor Cardona Reyes
2020 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
Dawson M., Ólafsson G., Quiroga-Barranco R.
2020 Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
López-Monroy A.P., Escalante H.J., Montes-Y-Gómez M., Baró X.
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Mejia J., Muñoz M., Rocha Á., Calvo-Manzano J.
2020 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
Quiroga-Barranco R.
2020 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications
Sontz S.B.
2020 Trends in Mathematics
Sontz S.B.
2020 In Estuaries and Coastal Zones in Times of Global Change
2020 Studies in Computational Intelligence
Leal-Ramírez C., Echavarría-Heras H., Villa-Diharce E.
2020 An Introductory Path to Quantum Theory: Using Mathematics to Understand the Ideas of Physics
Sontz S.B.
2020 CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Muñoz-Arteaga J., Calvillo Moreno E.A., Reyes H.C., Guzmán-Mendoza J.E.
2020 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE)
José Eder Guzmán Mendoza, Jaime Muñoz Arteaga, Héctor Cardona Reyes, Alfredo Zapata González
2020 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Cervantes-Sanchez F., Cruz-Aceves I., Hernandez-Aguirre A., Hernandez-Gonzalez M.A., Solorio-Meza S.E.
2020 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Estrada J.C., Escobar M.A., Vargas J.
2020 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP)
Andrea Ek-Hobak ; Angel Sanchez ; Jean-Bernard Hayet
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Botello-Aceves S., Valdez S.I., Hernández-Aguirre A.
2020 Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Aguirre-Nunez J.A., Pablo Serrano-Rubio J., Herrera-Guzman R.
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Aragón M.E., López-Monroy A.P., González L.C., Montes-y-Gómez M.
2020 CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Garrido-Espinosaa M.G., Rosales-Péreza A., López-Monroy A.P.
2020 CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Guzman-Silverio M., Balderas-Paredes Á., López-Monroy A.P.
2020 Computer
C. Y. Laporte; J. M. Miranda
2020 Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1160. Springer, Cham
Mejía J., Maciel P., Muñoz M., Quiñonez Y.
2020 Trends and Innovations in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1161. Springer, Cham
Quiñonez Y., Zatarain O., Lizarraga C., Peraza J., Estrada R., Mejía J.
2020 Proceedings of the workshop in complex dynamics; Actas T1, Colección Papiros, UNAM
Víctor Nopal Coello; Mónica Moreno Rocha
2020 Communications in Computer and Information Science
Gasca-Hurtado G.P., Gómez-Álvarez M.C., Muñoz M., Betancur S.H.
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Aguilar Vera R.A., Díaz Mendoza J.C., Muñoz-Mata M.A., Ucán Pech J.P.
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Gasca-Hurtado G.P., Londoño J.A.H., Muñoz M.
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Mejía J., Maciel P., Muñoz M., Quiñonez Y.
2020 Procc. 26th Annual Meeting of the organization for Human Brain Mapping
Juan Luis Villarreal Haro, Gabriel Girard, Jean-Philippe Thiran and Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares.
2020 Procc. 26th Annual Meeting of the organization for Human Brain Mapping
Jonathan Rafael-Patino, Gabriel Girard, Elda Fischi-Gomez, David Romascano, Thomas Yu, Marco Pizzolato, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Erick Canales Rodríguez, Jean-Philippe Thiran
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Gutierrez-Garcia J.O., Gómez de Silva Garza A., Ramírez-Ramírez L.L., Patiño R., Candela E.
2020 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Ávila-Ayala R.M., Ramírez-Ramírez L.L.
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Renteria-Vidales O.I., Cuevas-Tello J.C., Reyes-Figueroa A., Rivera M.
2020 GECCO 2020
Germán González-Almagro, Alejandro Rosáles-Pérez, Julián Luengo, José-Ramón Cano, Salvador García.
2020 GECCO 2020 Companion - Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
Vázquez G., Segura C.
2020 MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry
Octavio Arizmendi
2020 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Joel Antonio Trejo Sánchez, Daniel Fajardo Delgado J. Octavio Gutierrez Garcia
Saldana, Fernando; Barradas, Ignacio
2019 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Marcos A. Capistrán, Juan Antonio Infante del Río
2019 Expert Systems with Applications
I. Segovia-Domínguez, R. Herrera-Guzman, J. P. Serrano-Rubio, A. Hernández-Aguirre
2019 Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations
Renato Iturriaga, Konstanin Khanin, Ke Zhang
2019 Expert Systems with Applications
A. Pastor López-Monroy, Fabio A .González, Thamar Solorio
2019 Pure and Applied Geophysics
Emilia Fregoso, Abel Palafox, Miguel Angel Moreles
2019 Communications in Computer and Information Science
Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga José E. Guzmán Mendoza Héctor Cardona Reyes Ricardo Mendoza-González
2019 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis
Ivan Cruz-Aceves Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre Martha A. Hernandez-Gonzalez Sergio E. Solorio Meza
2019 International Conference3 Supercomputing in Mexico, Supercomputing 2019
Marco A. Noguez, Salvador Botello, and Rafael Herrera
2019 2019 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC)
J. A. Aguirre-Nunez, L. M. Garcia-Barajas, J. de Jesus Hetnandez-Gomez, J. P. Serrano-Rubio, R. Herrera
2019 International Conference3 Supercomputing in Mexico, Supercomputing 2019
Jorge López, Salvador Botello, Rafael Herrera and Mauricio Carrillo-Tripp
Argaez-Garcia, Alejandro
2019 Linear Algebra and its Applications
Octavio Arizmendi, Beatriz Careli Luna Marcelino Ramírez Ibáñez,
2019 TEST
Ritwik Bhattacharya, Baidya Nath Saha, Graciela Gonzalez Farı́as and N. Balakrishnan
2019 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Ignacio Barradas, Virgilio Vázquez
2019 Abstract and Applied Analysis
Fernando Saldaña, Andrei Korobeinikov and Ignacio Barradas
2019 Infectious Disease Modelling
Fernando Saldaña, Ignacio Barradas
Rivera, Rocio Caja; Barradas, Ignacio
2019 Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Christopher Widdowson, Israel Becerra, Cameron Merrill, Ranxiao Frances Wang, and Steven LaValle
Bhattacharya, Ritwik; Aslam, Muhammad
de la Cruz, H.; Jimenez, J. C.; Biscay, R. J.
2019 Memorias de la Escuela de Computo Evolutivo
Luis Blanco Cocom, Salvador Botello Rionda y S. IvvanValdez,
2019 Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing
Victor Cardoso Nungaray, Salvador Botello, Francisco Zarate, Eugenmio Oñate
2019 Glasgow Mathematical Journal
L. Brambila-PAz, O.Mata-Gutierrez
2019 International Journal of Mathematics
L. Brambila-Paz, O. Mata-Gutiérrez, P. E. Newstead and Angela Ortega
2019 Automatica
A. Bravetti, P. Padilla
2019 IJERA
Domínguez D.J., Guadarrama B.L., Lozano D.A.
Calvo-Andrade, Omegar; Molinuevo, Ariel; Quallbrunn, Federico
2019 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Marcos A. Capistrán, Pham Chi Vinh, Tran Thanh Tuan
2019 Digital library ACM -CONTIE 2019
José Eder Guzmán Mendoza Jaime Muñoz Arteaga Héctor Cardona Reyes Alfredo Zapata González
2019 Digital ACM Library - REHAB2019
Hector Cardona Reyes Jaime Muñoz Arteaga Ivan Gonzalez Romo Miguel Angel Ortiz Esparza
2019 Ecological Modeling
Laura Jimenez, Jorge Soberón, J Andrés Christen, Desireé Soto
Juarez-Trevino, Myrthala; Costilla Esquivel, Antonio; Leal Isida, Lilia Marytza; Galarza Delgado, Dionicio Angel; Cavazos, Manuel E. de la O.; Garza Ocanas, Lourdes; Sepulveda, Rosalinda Sepulveda
2019 Applied Sciences, MDPI
Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre, Martha A. Hernandez-Gonzalez, Sergio E. Solorio-Meza
2019 Intelligent Multimedia Data Analysis
Sebastian Salazar-Colores Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre Ivan Cruz-Aceves
Ivan Cruz Aceves Fernando Cervantes Sanchez Arturo Hernandez Aguirre Martha A. Hernandez Gonzalez Teodoro Cordova Fraga
Aguirre-Ramos, Hugo; Gabriel Avina-Cervantes, Juan; Ilunga-Mbuyamba, Elisee; Cruz-Duarte, Jorge M.; Cruz-Aceves, Ivan; Gallegos-Arellano, Eloisa
2019 Computacion y Sistemas
Jose Hernandez-Delgado Ivan Cruz-Aceves Teodoro Cordova-Fraga Modesto Sosa-Aquino Rafael Guzman-Cabrera
del Angel R, P. Luis; Doran, C.; Kerr, M.; Lewis, J.; Iyer, J.; Mueller-Stach, S.; Patel, D.
2019 Memorias del Décimo Tercer Coloquio Nacional de Códigos, Criptografía y Áreas Relacionadas
José Rodríguez Escobar, Luis J. Dominguez Perez
2019 Osaka Journal of Mathematics
Fabiola Manjarrez Gutiérrez Mario Eudave Muñoz Enrique Ramírez Losada Jesús Rodríguez Viorato
2019 Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble
Raúl Felipe and Gloria Marí-Beffa
2019 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications
Maite Fernández-Unzueta; Samuel García-Hernández
2019 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
J.M. Calabuig; M. Fernández-Unzueta; F. Galaz-Fontes; E.A. Sánchez-Pérez.
2019 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Maite Fernández-Unzueta; Samuel García-Hernández
2019 Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 38th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVIII). ISBN: 978-1-5386-6123-9. doi: 10.1109/CONCAPAN.2018.8596627.
2019 Investigación y Ciencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Jovan Ezequiel Basaldúa-Sánchez, Norberto Flores-Guzmán, Rafael Ávila-Carrera, Alejandro Rodríguez-Castellanos
2019 Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 38th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVIII). ISBN: 978-1-5386-6123-9. doi: 10.1109/CONCAPAN.2018.8596329
2019 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Jose Calabuig Rodríguez Maite Fernández Unzueta Fernando Galaz Fontes Enrique A. Sánchez Pérez
2019 Experimental Mathematics
E. Cotterill and C. Garay.
2019 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
C. Bryan Dawson, Matthew Dawson
2019 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Israel Martínez-Hernández, Marc G. Gentona, Graciela González-Farías
2019 Osaka Journal of Mathematics
Eudave-Muñoz, M. Guzmán-Tristán, A.
2019 IEEE Access
2019 The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Procedia Computer Science
J. Antonio Garcia-Macias, Alberto G. Ramos, Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltran, Saul E. Pomares Hernandez
2019 TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting
Guillermo Díaz Méndez, Francisco Ocampo-Torres, Daniel Pelaez Zapata – CICESE; Bernardo Esquivel Trava – IIO-UABC; Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltran – CIMAT
2019 CASA’19 - International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents.
Javad Amirian, Wouter van Toll, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Julien Pettré
2019 he IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops
Javad Amirian, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Julien Pettre
2019 Modeling, Stochastic Control, Optimization, and Applications
D. Hernández, E. Treviño-Aguilar
2019 SIAM J. Control Optimization
R. Cavazos Cadena, D. Hernández
Hernandez-Hernandez, Daniel; Moreno-Franco, Harold A.; Perez, Jose-Luis
2019 Journal CIM, Coloquio de Investigación Multidisciplinaria
Jose Miguel Vasquez-Velazquez Francisco Javier Hernandez-Lopez Mario Renán Moreno-Sabido Mauricio Gabriel Orozco-del-Castillo Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez
2019 Journal CIM, Coloquio de Investigación Multidisciplinaria
Juan Manuel Martin Sosa Francisco Javier Hernández López Mario Renan Moreno Sabido Mauricio Gabriel Orozco Del Castillo Joel Antonio Trejo Sánchez
2019 Journal of Geometry and Physics
Rafael Herrera, Alexander Quintero
2019 Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
Rafael Herrera, Noemi Santana
Jerez, Silvia; Adrian Canto, J.
2019 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
A. Camacho; F. Saldaña; I. Barradas; S. Jerez
2019 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
F.J. Solis;L.M. Gonzalez; S. Jerez
2019 RISTI
Jezreel Mejia Miranda
2019 Research in Computing Science
Juan Ramon V. Barraza Hector Rodriguez R. Victor Gonzalez Huitron Carlos A. Lara Alvarez Juan J. Flores
2019 Statistics and Probability Letters
Eugenio Guerrero Ruiz José Alfredo López Mimbela
Pastor Lopez-Monroy, A.; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Jair Escalante, Hugo; Gonzalez, Fabio A.
2019 In Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL HLT 2019)
Mario Ezra Aragón, Adrián Pastor López-Monroy, Luis Carlos González-Gurrola, Manuel Montes-y-Gómez
2019 Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2019) co-located with 35th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2019), Computer Science
Hairo Ulises Miranda-Belmonte, Adrián Pastor López-Monroy
2019 In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-2019)
Mahsa Shafaei, Adrián Pastor López-Monroy, Thamar Solorio
2019 CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol-2380
Mario Ezra Aragón, Adrián Pastor López-Monroy, Manuel Montes-Y-Gómez
2019 New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies
Quiñonez Y., Almeraya S., Almeraya S., Reyna J., Mejía J.
2019 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering
Yadira Quiñonez, Oscar Zatarain, Carmen Lizarraga, Juan Peraza, and Jezreel Mejía
2019 IET Software
Muñoz, Mirna; Mejia, Jezreel; Laporte, Claude Y.
2019 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering, Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series, proceedings 8th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2019)
Jezreel Mejía, Mirna Muñoz, Patricia Montoya.Méndez, Héctor Girón Bobadilla, Isaac Rodríguez Maldonado
2019 14th Iberian conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)2019 ISBN: 978-989-98434-9-3
Jezreel Mejía, Isaac Rodríguez-Maldonado, Héctor Girón-Bobadilla, Mirna Muñoz
2019 New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies
Muñoz M., Negrete M., Mejía J.
2019 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering, Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series, proceedings 8th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2019)
Oswaldo Díaz, Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía
2019 Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces (Q2)
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia, Adriana Peña, Graciela Lara, Claude Y. Laporte
2019 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters RA-L
Adrian Manzanilla; Sergio Reyes; Miguel Garcia; Diego Mercado; Rogelio Lozano
2019 Advanced Robotics
Diego A. Mercado-Ravell Pedro Castillo & Rogelio Lozano
2019 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Mirna Muñoz, Adriana Peña, Jezreel Mejia, Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, María Clara Gómez-Alvarez, Claude Laporte
2019 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado,María Clara Gómez-Alvarez, Mirna Muñoz, Adriana Peña
2019 Research in Computing Science
Mitre-Ortiz Andres, Mitre-Hernandez Hugo
Banerjee, Agnid; Garofalo, Nicola; Munive, Isidro H.
2019 RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçã; Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información. Scopus/ SCImago Journal Rank (Q3)
Mirna Muñoz
2019 Processes — Open Access Journal Special Issue Green Technologies: Bridging Conventional Practices and Industry 4.0
Miguel De-la-Torre, Omar Zatarain, Himer Avila-George,Mirna Muñoz, Jimy Oblitas, Russel Lozada, Jezreel Mejía, Wilson Castro
2019 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering, Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series, proceedings 8th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2019)
Mirna Muñoz, Mario Negrete
2019 Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Gabriel Aguilar, Luis Bravo, Ubaldo Ruiz, Rafael Murrieta-Cid and Edgar Chavez
2019 International Journal of Control
Ramses Reyes and Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2019 Computación y Sistemas
Rigoberto Lopez-Padilla and Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2019 Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics
Heikel Yervilla-Herrera, Irving Vasquez, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Israel Becerra and Enrique Sucar
2019 Autonomous Robots
Edgar Martinez, Guillermo Laguna, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Hector M. Becerra, Rigoberto Lopez-Padilla and Steven M. LaValle
2019 PloS ONE
Rodríguez, P., Ochoa-Ochoa, L., Munguía, M., Sánchez-Cordero, V., Navarro-Sigüenza, A.G., Flores-Villela, O., and Nakamura, M.
2019 International Mathematical Research Notices
Luis Nuñez-Betancourt, Sandra Spiroff, Emily E.Witt),
2019 Advances in Mathematics
Holger Brenner, Jack Jeffries, Luis Nuñez Betancourt
2019 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
Rivera-García, Luis A. García-Escudero, Agustín Mayo-Iscar, Joaquín Ortega
2019 Electronic Journal of Probability
Arturo Jaramillo, Juan Carlos Pardo, and José Luis Pérez
Rogelio Perez-Buendia, J.
2019 Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering
Meza-Palacios, R., Aguilar-Lasserre, A.A., Morales-Mendoza, L.F., Pérez-Gallardo, J.R., Rico-Contreras, J.O., Avarado-Lassman, A.
2019 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Irmina Czarna, José-Luis Pérez, Tomas Rolski, Kazutoshi Yamazaki
2019 Risks
2019 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Juan Bory-Reyes, Cesar Octavio Pérez-Regalado, Michael Shapiro
2019 International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice
Pérez-Rodríguez R, Hernández-Aguirre A, Nava-Muñoz S, Méndez-Gómez-Humarán I, Manzano-Martínez I.
2019 Computers & Industrial Engineering
Pérez-Rodríguez R, Hernández-Aguirre A
Petean, Jimmy; Barrantes Gonzalez, Hector
Petean, Jimmy; Miguel Ruiz, Juan
2019 Journal of Functional Analysis
Jimmy Petean
Narvaez-Delgado, Omar; Rojas-Vite, Gilberto; Coronado-Leija, Ricardo; Ramirez-Manzanares, Alonso; Luis Marroquin, Jose; Noguez-Imm, Ramses; Aranda, Marcos L.; Scherrer, Benoit; Larriva-Sahd, Jorge; Concha, Luis
2019 NeuroImage
Rojas-Vite G, Coronado-Leija R, Narvaez-Delgado O, Ram´ırez-Manzanares A, Marroqu´ın JL, Noguez-Imm R, Aranda ML, Scherrer B, Larriva-Sahd J, Concha L.
2019 Journal of Big Data
Piña-Garcia, C.A. and Ramírez Ramírez, L.L.
2019 Conference: 2018 Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement (NANOfIM)
Maria T. Orvananos-Guerrero, Claudia N. Sanchez, Oscar Davalos-Orozco, Mariano Rivera
Kyprianou, Andreas E.; Rivero, Victor M.; Satitkanitkul, Weerapat
Rodriguez-Guzman, Diego
2019 Journal of Algebra and Its Applications
E. Dorado-Aguilar, R. García-Delgado, E. Martínez-Sigala, M. C. Rodríguez-Vallarte and G. Salgado
2019 Jour. of Geom. and Physics
G. Salgado-González
2019 Journal of Lie Theory
M.A. Alvarez, M.C. Rodríguez-Vallarte, G. Salgado
Barajas, T.; Roque, E.; Salgado, G.
2019 Journal of Algebra and Its Applications
García-Delgado, Rosendo Salgado, Gil Sánchez-Valenzuela, O.A.
2019 Atmósfera
Jorge Luis Morales, Francisco Antonio Horta -Rangel, Ignacio Segovia-Domínguez, Agustín Robles Morua, Jesús Horacio Hernández
2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2019
Carlos Segura, Gara Miranda, Eduardo Segredo, Joel Chacon
2019 Computación Evolutiva
Carlos Segura, Joel Chacón Castillo
2019 IEEE Access
Eduardo Segredo, Gabriel Luque, Carlos Segura, Enrique Alba
Sotolongo, Alina; Solis, Francisco J.
Solis, Francisco
2019 Trends in Mathematics
Stephen Bruce Sontz
2019 Journal of Applied Probability
Ekaterina T.KOlkovska Ehyter M. Martin-Gonzalez
2019 Stochastic Models
Ekaterina Todorova Kolkovska José Alfredo López-Mimbela
2019 Communications in Computer and Information Science (proceedings of International Conference on Supercomputing in Mexico IUSM 2018)
Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez, Andrés Vela-Navarro, Alejandro Flores-Lamas, José Luis López-Martínez, Carlos Bermejo-Sabbagh, Nora Leticia Cuevas-Cuevas, Homero Toral-Cruz
Zapata, Miguel Uh; Zhang, Wei; Damien Pham Van Bang; Kim Dan Nguyen
2019 International Journal of Sediment Research
2019 Memorias del XXXI Foro Internacional de Estadística y del XXXII Foro Nacional de Estadística
Flor de Marıa Martınez Sermeno, Johan Van Horebeek
2019 Theoretical and Applied Genetics
Abelardo Montesinos-López, Osval A. Montesinos-López, Enrique R. Villa-Diharce, Daniel Gianola, José Crossa
2019 Biomed Research International
Echavarría-Heras, Leal-Ramírez, Villa-Diharce, Montesinos-López
2019 nternational Mathematics Research Notices,
Omegar Calvo-Andrade, Maurício Corrêa, Marcos Jardim
2019 Color Research and Application
Carlos Lara‐Alvarez Tania Reyes
2018 Research in Computing Science
Damian A. Michel-Vera Francisco J. Hernandez-Lopez Anabel Martin-Gonzalez
2018 RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçã; Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información. Scopus/SCImago Journal Rank (Q3)
Muñoz, Mirna; Mejia, Jezreel; Laporte, Claude Y.
2018 Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A
Arizmendi, Octavio; Perales, Daniel
2018 Archiv der Mathematik
Arizmendi, Octavio; Salazar, Mauricio
2018 Electronic Journal of Probability
Arizmendi, O., Hasebe T.
2018 Linear Algebra and its Applications
Arizmendi, O., Fernandez J., Juarez-Romero, O.
2018 Advances in Applied Mathematics
Arizmendi, O.
2018 International Journal of Biomathematics
Vazquez, Virgilio; Barradas, Ignacio
2018 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
Saldaña, F. Barradas, I.
2018 Robotica
Botello-Aceves, Salvador; Valdez, S. Ivvan; Becerra, Hector M.; Hernandez, Eusebio
2018 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
S. I. Valdéz, S. Botello-Aceves, H. M. Becerra and E. Hernández
2018 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
J. Delfín, H. M. Becerra and G. Arechavaleta
2018 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
J. A. Colunga, C. R. Vázquez, H. M. Becerra and D. Gómez-Gutierrez
2018 IFAC-PapersOnLine
Arechavaleta, G., Obregón, J., Becerra, H.M., Morales-Díaz, A.
2018 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Becerra, Hector M.; Armando Colunga, J.; Guadalupe Romero, Jose
2018 Annals of Data Science
Tanmay Sen, Yogesh Mani Tripathi and Ritwik Bhattacharya
2018 IEEE Access
2018 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences
Tanmay Sen, Ritwik Bhattacharya , Yogesh Mani Tripathi and Biswabrata Pradhan
2018 Statistics
Tanmay Sen, Biswabrata Pradhan, Yogesh Mani Tripathi and Ritwik Bhattacharya
2018 Frontiers in Neuroscience
Bosch-Bayard, Jorge; Galan-Garcia, Lidice; Fernandez, Thalia; Lirio, Rolando B.; Bringas-Vega, Maria L.; Roca-Stappung, Milene; Ricardo-Garcell, Josefina; Harmony, Thalia; Valdes-Sosa, Pedro A.
2018 Frontiers in Neuroscience
Biscay, Rolando J.; Bosch-Bayard, Jorge F.; Pascual-Marqui, Roberto D.
2018 Journal Of Computational Physics
Mora, C. M.; Fernandez, J.; Biscay, R.
2018 Life
Martínez-Cano, D.J., Bor, G., Moya, A., Delaye, L.
2018 Transactions Of The American Mathematical Society
Bor, Gil; Hernandez Lamoneda, Luis; Nurowski, Pawel
2018 ”, International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics
J. G Fuentes, S.I Valdes, Salvador Botello
2018 Learning Applied Intelligence
Noe Furrieta, S.I Valdes, J.L Marroquin, S. Botello
2018 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
J.L Alonso, Salvador Botello, Rafael Herrera, Mauricio Carrillo
2018 Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería RIMNI
Humberto Esqueda, Rafael Herrera, Salvador Botello, Miguel Angel Moreles
2018 Renewable Energy
Dennis Wilson, Silvio Rodrigues, Carlos Segura, Ilya Loshchilov, Frank Hutter, Guillermo López Buenfil, Ahmed Kheiri, Ed Keedwell, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Ender Özcan, Sergio Ivvan Valdez Peña, Brian Goldman, Salvador Botello Rionda, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Sylvain Cussat-Blanc
2018 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
2018 Journal of Mathematical Physics
A. Adem, J. Cantarero y J. M. Gómez
2018 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Marcos Aurelio Capistrán Ocampo Mayra Nuñez López Grzegorz Rempala
2018 Nonlinear Analysis
Hector Andres Chang-Lara Nestor Guillen Russell W. Schwab
2018 Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics
Aquino-López, M., Blaauw, M., Christen, J. A. and Sanderson, N. K.
2018 Quaternary Science Reviews
Blaauw, Maarten; Andres Christen, J.; Bennett, K. D.; Reimer, Paula J.
2018 Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Cruz-Aceves, Ivan; Cervantes-Sanchez, Fernando; Susana Avila-Garcia, Maria
2018 Applied Mathematics and Computation
Hugo Aguirre-Ramos, Juan G. Aviña-Cervantes, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Jose Ruiz-Pinales, Sergio Ledesma
2018 Signal, Image and Video Processing
Ulises Rodríguez-Domínguez, Oscar Dalmau, Omar Ocegueda Jorge Bosch-Bayard
2018 Optimization Methods and Software
Harry Oviedo, Hugo Lara y Oscar Dalmau
2018 Computational and Applied Mathematics
Oscar Susano Dalmau Cedeño, Harry Fernando Oviedo Leon
2018 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Matthew Dawson, Gestur Ólafsson, Raúl Quiroga-Barranco
2018 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
H. Fetter, M. Japón, J. Villada Bedoya
2018 Journal of Functional Analysis
F. E. Castillo Santos, P.N. Dowling, H.Fetter, M. Japón, C.J. Lennard, B. Sims, B. Turett
2018 RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Velasco-Elizondo, P., Castañeda-Calvillo, L., García-Fernández, A., Vazquez-Reyes, S.
2018 Physica A
Andrés García Medinaa Leonidas SandovalJunior Efraín Urrutia Bañuelos A.M.Martínez-Argüello
2018 Topology Proceedings
J. C. G omez-Larra~naga, F. Gonz alez-Acu~na, and Wolfgang Heil
2018 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas
J. C. Gómez-Larrañaga, F. González-Acuña, Wolfgang Heil
2018 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Nelson Muriel Graciela González-Farías David Dickey
2018 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Israel Martínez-Hernández Marc G. Genton Graciela González-Farías
2018 Econometrics and Statistics
Nelson Muriel, Graciela González-Farías
2018 Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications
Carlos, H., Hayet, J.-B., Murrieta-Cid, R.
2018 Soft Computing
Pablo Serrano-Rubio, Juan; Hernandez-Aguirre, Arturo; Herrera-Guzman, Rafael
2018 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Hernandez Castillo José Jaime
2018 Advances in Applied Probability
R. Cavazos Cadena, D. Hernández-Hernández
2018 SIAM. J. Control and Optimization
D. Hernández-Hernández, M. Sirbu
2018 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
D. Hernández-Hernández
2018 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society
Hernández-Lamoneda, L., Ruiz-Hernández, G.
2018 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A
López-Hernández, F.J.
2018 Tecnología Educativa, Revista CONIAC
Canché Chan, Y. A. Capetillo Loeza, A. Sandoval Ramírez, N. A. Moreno Sabido, M. R. Hernández López, F. J.
2018 Optical Engineering
Javier Hernandez-Lopez, Francisco; Rivera, Mariano; Salazar-Garibay, Adan; Legarda-Saenz, Ricardo
2018 International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics
Uh Zapata, M. A. Hernandez-Lopez, F. J.
2018 Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
Iturriaga, Renato; Lopes, Artur O.; Mengue, Jairo K.
2018 Mathematical Biosciences
S Jerez, S Díaz-Infante, B Chen
2018 J. Comput. Appl. Math.
S. Jerez; J.A. Cantó
2018 J. Math. Biol.
A. Camacho; S. Jerez
2018 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.
S. Flores; S. Jerez
2018 IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Carlos Lara-Alvarez, Hugo Mitre-Hernandez, J Flores, H Perez
2018 Journal of Theoretical Biology
C. Smadi, H. Leman, V. Llaurens
2018 Progress in Probability
Eugenio Guerrero José Alfredo López-Mimbela
2018 Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Informactión (RISTI)
Jezreel Mejía, Marcos Gonzalez, Jose Calvo-Manzano, Tomas San Feliu
2018 Scientific Programming
Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez, Giner Alor-Hernández and Jezreel Mejía-Miranda
2018 Scientific Programming
Giner Alor-Hernández, Jezreel Mejía-Miranda and José María Álvarez-Rodríguez
2018 IET Software
Mirna Muñoz, Adriana Peña, Jezreel Mejia, Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, María Gómez-Álvarez, Luis Hernández
2018 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
Jezreel Mejía; Freddy Íñiguez; Mirna Muñoz
2018 IEEE Software
Laporte, Claude Y.; Munoz, Mirna; Miranda, Jezreel Mejia; O'Connor, Rory V.
2018 Nutrición Hospitalaria
María del Carmen Morales Ruán, Danae Gabriela Valenzuela Bravo, Alejandra Jiménez Aguilar, Lucía Cuevas Nasu, Ignacio Méndez Gómez Humarán y Teresa Shamah Levy.
2018 Salud Pública de México
Teresa Shamah-Levy MD, Fabiola Mejía-Rodríguez, Ignacio Méndez Gómez Humaran, Vanesa De la Cruz-Gongora, Verónica Mundo-Rosas, Salvador Villalpando-Hernández
2018 Salud Pública de México
Lucia Cuevas-Nasu, MSc, Teresa Shamah-Levy Sonia L. Hernández-Cordero, L. Dinorah González-Castell, Ignacio Méndez Gómez- Humarán, Marco A. Ávila-Arcos, Juan A. Rivera-Dommarco
2018 Salud Pública de México
Araceli A Salazar-Coronel, Brenda Martinez-Tapia, Verónica Mundo-Rosas, Ignacio Méndez Gómez-Humarán y Rebeca Uribe-Carvajal
2018 PLOS One
Alejandra Menendez-Ortiz, Claudia Feregrino-Uribe, Jose Juan Garcia-Hernandez
2018 Applied Cognitive Psychology, WILEY
Hugo Mitre‐Hernandez, Jorge Sanchez‐Rodriguez, Ramon Zatarain‐Cabada, Lucia Barron‐Estrada
2018 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Montalvo-Urquizo, J., Niebuhr, C., Schmidt, A., Villarreal-Marroquín, M.G.
2018 International Journal of Game Theory
Ignacio García-Marco, Kolja Knauer, Luis Pedro Montejano
2018 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Chappelon, J., Martínez-Sandoval, L., Montejano, L., Montejano, L.P., Ramírez Alfonsín, J.L.
2018 New York Journal of Mathematics
Jane Hawkins, Mónica Moreno Rocha
2018 Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Informactión (RISTI)
Oswaldo Díaz, Mirna Muñoz
2018 IET Software
Gasca-Hurtado, Gloria Piedad; Gómez-Álvarez, María Clara; Muñoz, Mirna; Mejía, Jezreel
2018 Intelligent Service Robotics
Heikel Yervilla-Herrera, J. Irving Vasquez-Gomez, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Israel Becerra and L. Enrique Sucar
2018 Automatica
Macias, Vladimir; Becerra, Israel; Murrieta-Cid, Rafael; Becerra, Hector M.; Hutchinson, Seth
2018 Commun. Korean Math. Soc.
Núñez-Betancourt, Luis; Pitones, Yuriko; Villarreal, Rafael H.
2018 Journal of Algebra
Hernández, Daniel J.; Núñez-Betancourt, Luis; Pérez, Felipe; Witt, Emily E.
2018 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
Nunez-Betancourt, Luis; Pitones, Yuriko; Villarreal, Rafael H.
2018 Journal of Singularities
Antonio Campillo, Jorge Olivares
2018 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Sofía Ortega Castillo Ángeles Prieto
2018 Journal of Classification
Euan, Carolina; Ombao, Hernando; Ortega, Joaquin
2018 Statistics in Medicine
Euán, C., Ombao, H., Ortega, J.
2018 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités et Statistiques
Juan Carlos Pardo José Luis Pérez Victor Rivero
2018 Annales mathématiques du Québec
J. Rogelio Pérez Buendía
2018 Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Perez-Gallardo, J.R., Azzaro-Pantel, C., Astier, S.
2018 Journal of Cleaner Production
López-Andrés, J.J., Aguilar-Lasserre, A.A., Morales-Mendoza, L.F., Azzaro-Pantel, C., Pérez-Gallardo, J.R., Rico-Contreras, J.O.
2018 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
Noba, Kei; Perez, Jose-Luis; Yamazaki, Kazutoshi; Yano, Kouji
2018 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Valdez, S.I., Marroquín, J.L., Botello, S., Faurrieta, N.
2018 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Czarna, I., Pérez, J.-L., Yamazaki, K.
2018 Risks
Pérez, J.-L., Yamazaki, K.
2018 Statistics and Probability Letters
Pérez, J.-L., Yamazaki, K.
2018 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Florin Avram, José Luis Pérez, Kazutoshi Yamazaki
2018 Conciencia Tecnológica
Marín-Limón M, Rangel-Sánchez G, Barrios-Aviña J, Briones-Briones D, Domínguez-Casasola S, Pérez-Rodríguez R
2018 Applied Intelligence
Pérez-Rodríguez, Ricardo Hernández-Aguirre, Arturo
2018 Mathematische Nachrichten
Quiroga-Barranco, Raul
2018 Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematics
Dawson, Matthew; Olafsson, Gestur; Quiroga-Barranco, Raul
2018 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Naturales, Serie A. Matemáticas
Víctor Núñez Enrique Ramírez'Losada Jair Remigio'Juárez
2018 Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Mariano Rivera
2018 Bernoulli
Blancas, Airam; Rivero, Victor
2018 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré: Probabilités et Statistiques
Kyprianou, Andreas E.; Rivero, Victor; Sengul, Bati
2018 Journal of Dynamics and Games
Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Miguel Vargas Valencia
2018 Optimization Letters
Segredo, Eduardo; Paechter, Ben; Segura, Carlos; Gonzalez-Vila, Carlos I.
2018 Computación y Sistemas
Sergio Alvarado, Carlos Segura, Oliver Schütze, Saúl Zapotecas
2018 Renewable Energy
Dennis Wilson, Silvio Rodrigues, Carlos Segura, Ilya Loshchilov, Frank Hutter, Guillermo López Buenfil, Ahmed Kheiri, Ed Keedwell, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Ender Özcan, Sergio Ivvan Valdez Peña, Brian Goldman, Salvador Botello Rionda, Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Sylvain Cussat-Blanc
2018 Applied Mathematics and Computation
Solis, Francisco J., and Luz M. Gonzalez
2018 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Solis, Francisco J., and Fernando Saldaña
2018 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis, Francisco J., Ignacio Barradas, and Daniel Juarez
2018 Advances in Mathematics
Tarrago, Pierre; Wahl, Jonas
2018 The Annals of Probability
Pierre Tarrago
2018 Theoretical Computer Science
Flores-Lamas Alejandro; Fernández-Zepeda José Alberto Trejo Sánchez Joel Antonio
2018 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Yam-Uicab, Reyes; López-Martínez, José Luis Llanes-Castro, E.; Narvaez-Díaz, L.; Trejo-Sánchez, Joel Antonio
2018 Journal of Supercomputing
R. Sanchez-LaraJ. A. Trejo-SanchezJ. L. Lopez-Martínez J. A. Alvarez-Chavez
2018 International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics
Trejo-Sánchez Joel Antonio López-Martínez José Luis Gutierrez García José Octavio Ramírez-Pacheco Julio César Fajardo Delgado Daniel
2018 Computers and Fluids
M.Uh Zapata, D.Pham Van Bang, K.D. Nguyen
2018 Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation
Martinez-Diaz, Yoanna; Hernandez, Noslen; Biscay, Rolando J.; Chang, Leonardo; Mendez-Vazquez, Heydi; Enrique Sucar, L.
2018 Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics
Manuel González Villa Gary Kennedy Lee J. McEwan
2018 Fuzzy Logic Augmentation of Neural and Optimization Algorithms: Theoretical Aspects and Real Applications. Part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 749)
Marco Aurelio Sotelo, Figueroa Arturo Hernández, Aguirre Andrés Espinal, Jorge Alberto Soria Alcaraz, Janet Ortiz López
2018 XII Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes
D. Hernández-Hernández, L. Pérez-Hernández
2018 Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies
García YM., Muñoz M., Mejía J., Gasca GP., Mireles A.
2018 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering
Muñoz M., Mejia J., Laporte C.Y.
2018 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Muñoz M., Peña A., Mejia J., Gasca-Hurtado G.P., Gómez-Álvarez M.C., Hernández L.
2018 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvemen
Gasca-Hurtado G.P., Gómez-Alvarez M.C., Muñoz M., Mejía J
2018 Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization – NEO 2017, Studies in Computational Intelligence
Moreles M.A., Peña J., Neria J.A.
2018 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Munoz, E., Capón-García, E.
2018 Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies
Lara G., De Antonio A., Peña A., Muñoz M.
2018 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering
Lara G., Peña A., Rolon C., Muñoz M., Estrada E.
2018 Singularities and foliations. geometry, topology and applications
Hailong Dao, Alessandro De Stefani, Craig Huneke, Luis Nunez-Betancourt, Eloísa Pires
2018 Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces
Dawson, Matthew; Quiroga-Barranco, Raul
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo
Carlos Segura, Gara Miranda y Carlos A. Coello Coello
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo 2017
Joel Chacon Castillo, Carlos Segura, Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Gara Miranda y Coromoto León
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo 2017
Emmanuel Romero Ruiz, y Carlos Segura
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo 2017
J. Emmanuel Estrada, Carlos Segura, Hector M. Becerra y S. Ivvan Valdez
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo 2017
Oscar M. Gonzalez, Carlos Segura, S. Ivvan Valdez y Coromoto Leon
2018 Memorias de la Escuela de Cómputo Evolutivo 2017
Nayeli Angel Perez, Darnes Vilariño Ayala y Carlos Segura
2018 Contemporary Mathematics
Vargas, C.
2018 Studies in Computational Intelligence
Echavarria-Heras, H., Leal-Ramirez, C., Castro-Rodríguez, J.R., Diharce, E.V., Castillo, O.
2018 Contributions of Mexican mathematicians abroad in pure and applied mathematics, Contemp. Math.
Octavio Arizmendi Oliver Juarez
2018 Proc. of Second IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON)
J. Armando Colunga, C. R. Vazquez, H. M. Becerra and D. Gómez-Gutiérrez
2018 Proc. of Second IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON)
M. A. Trujillo, H. M. Becerra, D. Gómez-Gutiérrez, J. Ruiz-Leon and A. Ramirez-Trevino
2018 14th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis, SIPAIM 2018. 24-26 Oct.
Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Martha A. Hernández-González
2018 5th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence LA-CCI-2018, 7-9 Nov.
Ivan Cruz-Aceves and Sergio I. Valdez-Peña
2018 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Martínez-Jiménez, L., Rosales, J.J., Cruz-Duarte, J.M., Cruz-Aceves, I.
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
N. Angel, C. Segura and O. Dalmau Cedeño
2018 Local and Global Methods in Algebraic Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics
Manuel Gonzalez Villa, Anatoly Libgober, and Laurentiu Maxim
2018 International Conference on Digital Humanities-2018
Jimenez-Badillo, Diego; Ruiz-Correa, Salvador; Canul-Ku, Mario; Hasimoto, Rogelio
2018 Computer Applications and Quantitave Methods in Archaeology-CAA Conference 2018
Diego Jiménez-Badillo, Salvador Ruíz-Correa, Mario Canul-Ku and Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltrán
2018 Proc. of Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Escamilla ES, Hayet J-B.
Francisco Jimenez Fernando Gonzalez Carlos Lara
2018 Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology. The 20th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods. 12-16 November 2018 - Gold Coast, Australia
Luis Antonio Ibarra González Luis J. Dominguez Perez Alejandro García Fernández Agustín Rumayor Barraza Carlos Alberto Lara Alvarez
2018 2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía, Saúl Ibarra
2018 2018 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía, Arturo Lagunas
2018 28 th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Computer-Aided Process Engineering
Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon-Garcia, Luis Puigjane
2018 CIMPS 2018
Saúl Alonso Ibarra, Mirna Muñoz
2018 CIMPS 2018
José David Camacho Castillo, Adriana Peña Pérez Negrón, Mirna Muñoz and Graciela Lara López
2018 GITMA 2018
Oswaldo Díaz, Mirna Muñoz
2018 Communications in Computer and Information Science
Building High Effectives Teams Using a Virtual Environment
2018 Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra and Related Topics. Fetschrift for Antonio Campillo on the Ocassion of his 65th Birthday.
Jorge Olivares
2018 Congreso Internacional de Logística y Cadena de Suministro CILOG 2018, CDMX México
Pérez-Rodríguez R, Hernández-Aguirre A, Sánchez-Aguilar J,
2018 Procc. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Jonathan Rafael-Patiño, Giorgio Innocenti, Jean-Philippe Thiran, and Alessandro Daducci
2018 Procc. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Ricardo Coronado-Leija, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares, Jose Luis Marroquin, Luis Concha, Gilberto Rojas-Vite, and Ramsés Noguez-Imm
2018 International Conference on Management Sciences and Engineering Management
Capistrán, M.A Christen, J.A. Ramirez-Ramirez, L.L.
2018 IEEE 37th Central America and Panama Convention, CONCAPAN 2017
Sánchez, C.N., Rivera, M., Velázquez, R.
2018 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
Dennis G Wilson, Silvio Rodrigues, Carlos Segura, Ilya Loshchilov, Frank Hutter, Guillermo López Buenfil, Ahmed Kheiri, Ed Keedwell, Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Ender Özcan, Sergio Iwan Valdez Peña, Brian Goldman, Salvador Botello Rionda, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Sylvain Cussat-Blanc
2018 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
S.Jerez; A. Camacho
2017 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Barradas, Ignacio; Caja Rivera, Rocio Marilyn
2017 Algorithms
Hernandez-Gomez, Jorge J.; Couder-Castaneda, Carlos; Herrera-Diaz, Israel E.; Flores-Guzman, Norberto; Gomez-Cruz, Enrique
2017 Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization 2015 - Results of the Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization Workshop NEO 2015 held at Tijuana - Studies in Computational Intelligence
Segura Carlos, Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Valdez Peña Sergio, Botello Rionda Salvador
2017 Research in Computing Science
Joel Chacón, Carlos Segura, Arturo Hernández Aguirre
2017 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2017)
Edrisi Muñoz, Elisabet Capón-García, Mirna Muñoz, Patricia Montoya
Leticia Brambila Paz, Ciro Ciliberto, Eduardo Esteves, Margarida Melo, Claire Voisin Ed.
2017 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Héctor M. Becerra, Carlos R. Vázquez, Gustavo Arechavaleta, and Josafat Delfin
2017 TEST
Ritwik Bhattacharya, Biswabrata Pradhan
2017 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Mora, C. M., Jimenez, J. C., Mardones, H. A., Biscay, R. J.
2017 International Journal of Mathematics
Omegar Calvo-Andrade, Mauricio Corrêa, Arturo Fernández-Pérez
2017 Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation
Richard A. Norton, J. Andrés Christen y Colin Fox
2017 Applied Sciences - MDPI
Elisee Ilunga-Mbuyamba, Dirk Lindner, Juan Gabriel Avina-Cervantes, Felix Arlt, Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Claire Chalopin
2017 Sensors, MDPI
J. Rodolfo Maestre-Rendon,Tomas A. Rivera-Roman,Juan M. Sierra-Hernandez,Ivan Cruz-Aceves,Luis M. Contreras-Medina,Carlos Duarte-Galvan,Arturo A. Fernandez-Jaramillo
2017 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Jose de Jesus Guerrero-Turrubiates, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Sergio Ledesma, Juan Manuel Sierra-Hernandez, Jonas Velasco, Juan Gabriel Avina-Cervantes, Maria Susana Avila-Garcia, Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez, Roberto Rojas-Laguna
2017 Soft Computing
María Celeste Ramírez Trujillo, Teresa E. Alarcón, Oscar Dalmau, Adalberto Zamudio Ojeda
2017 Sensors
Oscar S. Dalmau Teresa E. Alarcón y Francisco E. Oliva
2017 Sensors
Gabriela Calvario, Basilio Sierra, Teresa E. Alarcón, Carmen Hernandez y Oscar Dalmau
2017 Optical Engineering
OM Medina, Jc Estrada, YY Lopez
2017 Nature Publishing Group, Scientific Reports
JC Estrada, JL Marroquin, OM Medina
2017 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
Helga Fetter Enrique Llorens Fuster
2017 Latin American Economic Reveiw
Francisco Corona, Graciela González Farías, Pedro Orraca
2017 IEEE Pervasive Computing
Salvador Ruiz-Correa, Darshan Santani, Beatriz Ramírez Salazar, Itzia Ruiz Correa, Fátima Alba Rendón-Huerta, Carlo Olmos Carrillo, Brisa Carmina Sandoval Mexicano, Ángel Humberto Arcos García, and Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltrán, Daniel Gatica-Perez
2017 Machine Vision and Applications
Francisco Madrigal, Jean-Bernard Hayet
2017 Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
Noe Aldana Murillo, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Hector Becerra
2017 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics
Antoine Rioux Claudia Esteves Jean-Bernard Hayet Wael Suleiman Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219843617500189
2017 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Hugo Carlos Jean-Bernard Hayet Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2017 J. Optimization Theory Applications
Diego Herández-Bustos, Daniel Hernández-Hernández
2017 Stochastics
Daniel Hernández Hernández, Oscar H. Madrid Padilla
2017 Communications in Stochastic Analysis
WH Fleming, D. Hernández-Hernández
2017 Revista Académica de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Santos Canul, U. Bolón Méndez, G. Moreno Sabido, M. Hernández López, F. Castillo Atoche, A.
2017 Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
Ana Lucia Garcia Pulido, Rafael Herrera Guzman
2017 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Gerardo Arizmendi, Ana L Garcia-Pulido, Rafael Herrera
2017 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Rafael Herrera, Roger Nakad, Iván Téllez
2017 Networks & Heterogeneous Media
Renato Iturriaga, Hector Sanchez Morgado
2017 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
S. Jerez, C. Parés
2017 Revista Mexicana de Física E
J.A. Soto, T. Córdova, M. Sosa, S. Jerez
2017 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
Gonzalez-Salazar, M., Mitre-Hernandez, H., & Lara-Alvarez, C.
2017 Journal of Mathematical Biology
C. Coron, M. Costa, H. Leman, C. Smadi
2017 Recibe
Juan Martínez, Jezreel Mejía, Mirna Muñoz, Yolanda Meredith García
2017 Software Quality Professional Magazine
Muñoz, Mirna; Mejia, Jezreel; Calvo- Manzano, Jose A.; San Feliu, Tomas; Corona, Brisia; Miramontes, Juan
Teresa Shamah Levy, Méndez-Gómez-Humarán I., María del Carmen Morales Ruán, Brenda Martinez Tapia, Salvador Villalpando and Mauricio Hernández Ávila
2017 Nutrition & Diabetes
Sonia Hernandez-Cordero, Lucia Cuevas-Nasu, Ma. del Carmen Morales-Ruán, Ignacio Méndez-Gómez-Humarán, Marco Antonio Ávila Arcos, and Juan Rivera
2017 Salud Pública de México
Martín Romero-Martínez, Teresa Shamah-Levy, Lucía Cuevas-Nasu, Ignacio Méndez Gómez- Humarán, Elsa Berenice Gaona Pineda, Luz María Gómez Acosta, Juan Ángel Rivera-Dommarco & Mauricio Hernández Ávila
2017 Salud Pública de México
Teresa Shamah-Levy, Lucia Cuevas-Nasu, Luz María Gómez-Acosta, Ignacio Méndez Gómez–Humarán, Mara Nadiezhda Robles Villaseñor and Mauricio Hernández Ávila
2017 BMJ Open
Teresa Shamah Levy, Veónica Mundo-Rosas, Carmen Morales-Ruan, Lucia Cuevas-Nasu, Ignacio Méndez-Gómez–Humarán & Rafael Pérez-Escamilla
2017 Journal of Geometry and Physics
Claudio Meneses
2017 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
M. Uh Zapata, R. Itza Balam, J. Montalvo-Urquizo
2017 Advanced in Applied Mathematics
J. Chappelon, L. Martínez, L. Montejano, L. P. Montejano, J. L. Ramírez Alfonsín
2017 Theoretical Computer Science
L.P. Montejano, I. Sau
2017 Combinatorica
L. P. Montejano, K. Knauer, J. L. Ramírez Alfonsín
2017 Computational and Applied Mathematics
Cervantes, D.A., González Casanova, P., Gout, C., M. A. Moreles
2017 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
Adrián Esparza Amador; Mónica Moreno Rocha
2017 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)
Nicola Garofalo, Isidro H. Munive
2017 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Isidro H. Munive
2017 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Arindam Banerjee, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2017 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Daniel J. Hernández, Luis Nuñez-Betancourt, Emily E. Witt
2017 Mathematical Research Letter
Melvin Hochster, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2017 Advances in Mathematics
Josep Álvarez-Montaner, Craig Huneke, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2017 Journal Commutative Algebra
Alessandro De Stefani, Craig Huneke, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2017 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Xavier Gómez-Mont, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2017 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Juan Monterde, Fausto Ongay
2017 TEST
R. Bárcenas J. Ortega A. J. Quiroz
2017 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Sandra Palau y Juan Carlos Pardo
2017 Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
Abreu, R. P., & Schaffer J. R.
2017 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
M. Díaz, V. Pérez-Abreu
2017 Journal of Functional Analysis
J. C. Pardo, J.L. Pérez G., V. Pérez-Abreu
2017 Waste and Biomass Valorization
Perez-Gallardo, J.R., Azzaro-Pantel, C., Astier, S
2017 Investigación y Ciencia de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Alejandra Cecilia Morales Ramos, Marisela Pérez Figueroa, Jorge Raúl Pérez-Gallardo y Sofía De-León Almaraz
2017 Dyna (Spain)
Pérez-Rodríguez, R., Hernández-Aguirre, A., Jöns, S., Cruz, I., Velasco, J., Pérez-Gallardo, J.R.
2017 Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI - Elsevier
Pérez-Rodríguez R, Hernández-Aguirre A.
2017 DYNA
Pérez-Rodríguez R, Hernández-Aguirre A, Reyes-Cortes M
2017 DYNA New Technologies
Pérez-Rodríguez, R, Hernández-Aguirre, A, Reyes-Cortes, M,
2017 Journal of function spaces
Raul Quiroga Barranco Armando Sanchez Nungaray
2017 Papeles de Población
Díaz-Conzález, Eliseo; Ramírez-García, José Bertín
2017 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
G. Brunfiel, H. Hilden, M. T. Lozano, J. M. Montesinos, E. Ramirez
2017 Medical Image Analysis
Ricardo Coronado-Leija, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares and Jose Luis Marroquin
2017 PLoS ONE
Xu, Q., Gel, Y.R., Ramirez Ramirez. L.L. Nezafati. K.. Zhang. Q. and Tsui, K.-L.
2017 TEST
Reyes, M., Francisco-Fernández, M. and Cao, R.
2017 Nuclear Magnetic Resonce in Biomedicine
Ferizi U., Scherrer B., Schneider T., Alipoor M., Eufracio O., Fick R.H.J., Deriche R., Nilsson M., Loya-Olivas A.K., Rivera M., Poot D.H.J., Ramirez-Manzanares Alonso,Jose L. Marroquin, Ariel Rokem, Christian Pötter, Robert F. Dougherty, Ken Sakaie,Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott,Simon K. Warfield,Thomas Witzel,Lawrence L. Wald,José G. Raya,Daniel C. Alexander
2017 Stochastic processes and their applications
Andreas Kyprianou, Victor Rivero, Bati Sengul
2017 Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
Victor Nuñez, Enrique Ramirez, Jesús Rodríguez
2017 Journal of the International Colour Association
Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Baidya Nath Saha, Natalia Gurieva and Reynaldo Thompson Lopez
2017 International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Mark Siprut, and Baidya Nath Saha
2017 Journal of Dynamics and Games
O. Juárez Romero, W. Olvera López y F. Sánchez Sánchez
2017 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Carlos Segura, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre, Francisco Luna, Enrique Alba
2017 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
Solis, Francisco J., and Luz M. Gonzalez
2017 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Felipe‐Sosa, Raul, J. A. Otero, and Francisco J. Solis
2017 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis, Francisco J., and Alina Sotolongo
2017 Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
Francisco J. Solis and Ezequiel Ojeda-Gomez
2017 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis, F., Chen B., Kojouharov, H.
2017 The Journal of Supercomputing
R Yam-Uicab, JL Lopez-Martinez, JA Trejo-Sanchez, H Hidalgo-Silva, S Gonzalez-Segura
2017 Entropy
Julio César Ramírez-Pacheco, Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez, Joaquin Cortez-González, Ramón R Palacio
2017 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Agustín Pérez-Ramírez, Julian Guerrero Juk, Rafael Sanchez-Lara,Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez, and Lelio de la Cruz-May2
2017 Applied Mathematics and Computation
Miguel Uh Zapata, Reymundo Itza Balam
2017 Abstraction & Application
Heidy Escamilla Puc, Reymundo Itza Balam, Miguel Uh Zapata
2017 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Juan Banda, Jonás Velasco, Arturo Berrones
J.A. Marmolejo, J. Velasco, H.J. Selley
2017 Hybrid Intelligent Techniques for Pattern Analysis and Understanding
Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Jesus Guerrero-Turrubiates, Juan Manuel Sierra-Hernandez
2017 Bio-Inspired Computing for Image and Video Processing
Hugo Aguirre-Ramos, Juan Gabriel Avina-Cervantes, Ivan Cruz-Aceves
2017 Hybrid Intelligence for Image Analysis and Understanding.
Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre
2017 Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, in Studies in Computational Intelligence
Marco Aurelio Sotelo Figueroa, Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Andrés Espinal Alberto Soria
2017 Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies
Jezreel Mejía,Freddy Íñiguez, Mirna Muñoz
2017 Notas de Modelación y Métodos Numéricos VII: Mathematical Models for Material Sciences and Industrial Applications
J. Montalvo-Urquizo
2017 Engineering and Management of Data Centers,Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy
Mirna Muñoz and Oswaldo Díaz
2017 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Mirna Muñoz, Luis Hernández, Jezreel Mejia, Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, and María Clara Gómez-Alvarez
2017 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Mirna Muñoz, Luis Hernández, Jezreel Mejia, Adriana Peña, Nora Rangel, Carlos Torres, and Gabriele Sauberer
2017 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Nora Rangel, Carlos Torres, Adriana Peña, Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia, and Luis Hernández
2017 Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement
Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, María Clara Gómez-Alvarez, Mirna Muñoz, and Jezreel Mejía
2017 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2017)
Mirna Muñoz, Adriana Peña Pérez Negrón, Jezreel Mejia, Graciela Lara Lopez
2017 Economía Matemática y Econometría. Teoría y aplicaciones
Oliver Juárez Romero, Jony Rojas Rojas y Francisco Sánchez Sánchez
2017 26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017)
Abraham Perez-Trujillo, Andres Espinal, Marco A. Sotelo-Figueroa, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez
2017 International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAppIE-2014)
Alan Reyes-Figueroa Jose Ariel Camacho-Gutierrez Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez Sebastian Salazar-Colores Ivan Cruz-Aceves
2017 9th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition MCPR 2017
Oscar Dalmau y Harry Oviedo
2017 9th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition MCPR 2017
Rogelio Salinas-Gutiérrez, Angélica Hernández-Quintero, Oscar Dalmau-Cedeño y Ángela Paulina Pérez-Díaz
2017 3rd International Conference on Computer Science Networks and Information Technology
G. Calvario, C. Hernandez, E. Lazkano, B. Sierra, O. Dalmau y T. Alarcón
2017 Imaging and Applied Optics
OM Medina, JC Estrada, JA Rengel
2017 Emerging Challenges for Experimental Mechanics in Energy and Environmental Applications, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics and 9th Symposium on Optics in Industry (ISEM-SOI), 2015
A Sicardi-Segade JC Estrada A Martinez-Garcia Guillermo Garnica
2017 European Alliance for Innovation-EAI International Conference on Smart Technology. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST)
Javier Mendoza-Almanza, Francisco de Asís López-Fuentes, Rogelio Hasimoto-Beltrán
2017 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW)
Edgar Sucar, Jean-Bernard Hayet
2017 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
Joel Chacón Castillo, Carlos Segura, Arturo Hernández Aguirre, Gara Miranda Coromoto León
2017 Academia Journals, Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa
José Miguel Vásquez Velázquez, Francisco Javier Hernández Lópe,z Mario Renán Moreno Sabido
2017 Central American and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVI), 2016 IEEE 36th
Iracheta R., Flores Guzmán Norberto
2017 Inproceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Language & Knowledge Engineering
Lara-Alvarez, Carlos Reyes, Tania Rodriguez, Hector
2017 Interacción 2017. ACM Digital Library
Lara-Álvarez, Carlos Alvarado-Hernández, Maria Mitre-Hernández, Hugo
2017 2017 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS)
Jezreel Mejia Miranda, Faleg A Peralta Mtz
2017 2017 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS)
Luis Hernández, Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía, Adriana Peña,Jose A. Calvo-Manzano, San Feliu Tomas
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Mejia Jezreel, González Marcos, Muñoz Mirna
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Jezreel Mejia Miranda, Faleg A. Peralta Mtz., Mirna Ariadna Muñoz Mata
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Yolanda-Meredith García, Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía, Gloria-Piedad Gasca-Hurtado
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Jezreel Mejía, Freddy Iñiguez, Mirna Muñoz
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Jezreel Mejía-Miranda, Ricardo E. Melchor-Velásquez, Mirna Ariadna Muñoz-Mat
2017 Proceedings of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
Luis Hernández, Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejía, Adriana Peña, Nora Rangel, Carlos Torres
2017 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
J. Chappelon, L. P. Montejano, J. L. Ramírez Alfonsín
2017 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Elisabet Capon-García, Edrisi Munoz, José MiguelLaínez-AguirrecKonradHungerbühlera
2017 AIChE annual meeting 2017
Elisabet Capón-García, Edrisi Muñoz, Luis Puigjaner
2017 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon-Garcia, Luis Puigjaner
2017 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Edrisi Muñoz, Elisabet Capón-García, Jose M. Lainez
2017 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Elisabet Capón-García, Edrisi Muñoz, Antonio Espuña, Luis Puigjaner
2017 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
Canan Dombayci, Elisabet Capón-García, Edrisi Muñoz and Antonio Espuña
2017 2017 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS)
Oswaldo Díaz; Mirna Muñoz
2017 2017 6th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS)
González Marcos; Mejia Jezreel; Munoz Mirna; Calvo-Manzano Jose; San Feliu Tomas
2017 Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Luis Bravo, Ubaldo Ruiz, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Gabriel Aguilar and Edgar Chavez
2017 Advances in Computational Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
D. Rivera-García L.A. García-Escudero A. Mayo-Iscar J. Ortega
2017 Welding Structure Symposium
Jesus ROMERO-HDZ, Seiichiro TSUTSUMI, Riccardo FINCATO, Baidya SAHA
2017 Welding Structure Symposium
Jesus ROMERO-HDZ, Baidya SAHA, Seiichiro TSUTSUMI, Riccardo FINCATO, Gengis TOLEDO
2017 IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Baidya Nath Saha,Nilanjan Ray, Sara McArdle, Klaus Ley
2017 MICCAI: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
Baidya Nath Saha, Nilanjan Ray, Sara McArdle, Klaus Ley
2017 Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing/Volume 2-3 2017/2017 International Workshop on Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing
Jesus Antonio Romero Hernandez, Baidya Nath Saha, Gengis Toledo Ramirez, Ismael Lopez Juarez
2017 Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017 IEEE Congress on
Carlos Segura, Eduardo Segredo, Gara Miranda
2017 Book of Abstracts of the 5th International Workshop on Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization
Oscar M. González, Carlos Segura, S. Ivvan Valdez
2017 Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017 IEEE Congress on
Oscar M. González, C. Segura, S. Ivvan Valdez Peña, Coromoto León
2017 8th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2017
Oscar M. González, Carlos Segura, S. Ivvan Valdez
2017 International Symposiu on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics, MuSMe 2017: Multibody Mechatronic Systems
Eusebio Hernandez, S. Ivvan Valdez, Giuseppe Carbone, Marco Ceccarelli
2017 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, IWBBIO 2017: Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
Josué González-Sandoval, S. Ivvan Valdez-Peña, Sergio Dueñas-Jiménez, Gerardo Mendizabal-Ruiz
2017 Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017 IEEE Congress on
Banda, J., Velasco, J., Berrones, A
2017 Journal of Symbolic Computation
Abraham Martin del Campo Jose Israel Rodriguez
2017 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia, Juan Miramontes
2016 Medical Physics: Fourteenth Mexican Symposium On Medical Physics vol. 1747
Cervantes Sanchez Fernando, Cruz Aceves Iván, Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2016 Medical Physics: Fourteenth Mexican Symposium On Medical Physics vol. 1747
Aguirre Ramos Hugo, Avina Cervantes Juan Gabriel, Cruz Aceves Iván
2016 XVI International Symposium on Solid State Dosimetry. ISSSD 2016
Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre, Sergio Solorio-Meza, Teodoro Cordova-Fraga, Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes
2016 Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2016: Tecnologías Emergentes y Avances de la Computación en México
Rogelio Hasimoto Beltrán, Marcos Calderón Calderón, Salvador Ruiz Correa
2016 Applications in Software Engineering Proceedings of the 5th International Conference in Software Processs Improvement (CIMPS 2016)
José Hernández-Reveles, Gabriela, Sobrevilla-Domínguez, Perla Velasco-Elizondo, Silvia Soriano Grande
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Ángel Arturo Rojas-García, Arturo Hernández Aguirre
2016 Memorias del XI Congreso Internacional de Gestión, Calidad y Competitividad Empresarial
Flores, J. J., Cedeño-González, J. R., Calderón, F., Ortiz, J., Flores-Díaz, G, Lara-Alvarez C.
2016 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering - Proceedings of CIMPS 2016
Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon, José Miguel Laínez-Aguirre, Antonio Espuña, Luis Puigjaner
2016 Trends and Applications in Software Engineering - Proceedings of CIMPS 2016
Luis Puigjaner, Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon
2016 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting
Elisabet Capon-Garcia, Edrisi Muñoz, Jose M. Lainez, Luis Puigjaner, Antonio Espuña
2016 20th Annual RoboCup International Symposium
Ramon Izquierdo-Cordova, Eduardo F. Morales, L. Enrique Sucar and Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2016 Mexican Mathematicians Abroad: Recent Contributions (proceedings of the First Workshop Matemáticos Mexicanos Jóvenes en el Mundo)
Sofía Ortega Castillo
2016 Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) Conference. Rhodes, Greece, June 26-July 1, 2016
Álvarez Esteban Pedro C., Euán C., Ortega J.
2016 Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2016
Ricardo Pérez, Arturo Hernández
2016 Memorias electrónicas del NI 2016
Mario Ocampo-Pineda, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares and Alessandro Daducci
2016 Memorias electrónicas del NI 2016
Ricardo Coronado-Leija, Alonso Ramirez-Manzanares and Jose Luis Marroquin
2016 22th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge on Data Discoveryand Data Mining (KDD)
Gel, Y., Lyubchich, V. and Ramirez Ramirez, L.L.
2016 ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (online proceedings)
Loya Olivas Ana Karen, Rivera Mariano
2016 Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Contemporary Mathematics vol. 656)
Rivero Víctor
2016 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Carlos Segura, Sergio Ivvan Valdez Peña, Salvador Botello Rionda, Arturo Hernández Aguirre
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
Hernández Colín Daniel Gilberto, Cardoso Victor E., Valdez S. Ivvan, Botello Salvador
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
Vargas Bernal Paola, Cardoso Víctor E., Valdez S. Ivvan, Botello Salvador
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
Ochoa Miguel Ángel, Valdez S. Ivvan, Botello Salvador
2016 (online) Journal of Neurolinguistics
Carlier-Torres María Elizabeth Mónica, Harmony Thalía, Mendoza Montoya Omar, Marroquín José Luis, Jackson-Maldonado Donnna, Ricardo Garcell Josefina
2016 Journal of Mathematical Physics
Alejandro Betancourt de la Parra, Andrew S. Dancer, McKenzie Y. Wang
2016 Research in Computing Science
Lara-Alvarez, C., Alvarado-Hernandez M., and Mitre-Hernandez, H.
2016 Research in Computing Science
Lara-Alvarez, C., Fuentes, O., Mitre-Hernandez, H., Flores, J.J., López, L.
2016 Maternal & Child Nutrition
Luis A. Rodríguez, Verónica Mundo-Rosas, Ignacio Méndez-Gómez-Humarán, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla & Teresa Shamah-Levy
2016 Nagoya Mathematical Journal
Alesandro De Stefani, Luis Núñez-Betancourt
2016 Weed Research
J L Gonzalez-Andujar, M Francisco-Fernandez, R Cao, Reyes Cortés Miguel, J M Urbano, F Forcella, F Bastida
2016 Communications on Stochastic Analisys
Ekaterina Todorova Kolkovska Ehyter Martin Matias Gonzalez
2016 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
S.I. Valdez, S. Botello, M.A. Ochoa, J.L. Marroquín V. Cardoso
2016 Hybrid Soft Computing for Image Segmentation
Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre
2016 IEEE/PES T&D LA 2016 (2016 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America)
Iracheta Reynaldo, Flores Guzmán Norberto, Hasimoto Beltrán Rogelio
2016 2016 International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS)
Mitre-Hernández Hugo, Alvarado-Hernández Maria, Lara-Álvarez Carlos
2016 RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Ramon Izquierdo-Cordova, Eduardo F. Morales, L. Enrique Sucar and Rafael Murrieta-Cid
2016 Journal of Research in Computing Science
Jesus Romero, Sinaí Aranda, Gengis Toledo, Jose Segura and Baidya Nath Saha
2016 International mathematics research notices
Anshelevich Michael, Arizmendi Octavio
2016 Infinte Dimensional Analysis Quantum probability and related topics
Arizmendi Octavio, Gaxiola Tulio
2016 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Villavicencio Pulido Geiser, Barradas Ignacio, Luna Beatriz
2016 Journal of Statistical Physics (JSP)
Barrera Gerardo, Jara M.
2016 Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
F. Zatare, V.E. Cardoso, A. Barbat, S. Botello
2016 Manuscripta Mathematica
Brambila Paz Leticia, Torres López Hugo
2016 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática New Series
Calvo Andrade José Omegar
2016 Forum Mathematicum
Cantarero José, Castellana Natàlia
2016 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Palafox A., Capistrán M., Christen J. A.
2016 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
Capistrán Marcos A., Christen J. Andrés, Donnetx Sophie
2016 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Daza Torres María Luisa, Capistrán Ocampo Marcos Aurelio, Christen Gracia Andrés, Guadarrama Bustos Lili
2016 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Arturo Mora-Soto, Cuauhtemoc Lemus-Olalde, Carlos A. Carballo
2016 Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online
J Andrés Christen
2016 Lifetime Data Analysis
Rodríguez Narciso S., Christen J.A.
2016 Sensors
Ilunga-Mbuyamba Elisee, Avina-Cervantes Juan Gabriel, Lindner Dirk, Cruz Aceves Ivan, Arlt Felix, Chalopin Claire
2016 Neurocomputing. Elsevier
Elisee Ilunga-Mbuyamba, Juan Gabriel Avina–Cervantes, Arturo Garcia–Perez, Rene de Jesus Romero–Troncoso, Hugo Aguirre–Ramos, Ivan Cruz–Aceves, Claire Chalopin
2016 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Fernando Cervantes-Sanchez, Ivan Cruz-Aceves, Arturo Hernandez-Aguirre, Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes, Sergio Solorio-Meza, Manuel Ornelas-Rodriguez, Miguel Torres-Cisneros
2016 Computers & Electrical Engineering
Cruz Aceves Iván, Cervantes Sánchez Fernando, Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Pérez Rodríguez Ricardo, Ochoa Zezzatti Alberto
2016 DYNA New Technologies
Ricardo Pérez-Rodríguez, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre, S Jöns, Ivan Cruz, Jonás Velasco, J Raul Pérez-Gallardo
2016 Applied Soft Computing
Cruz Aceves Iván, Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Valdez Sergio Ivvan
2016 Pattern Recognition Letters
Ocegueda Omar, Dalmau Óscar, Garyfallidis Eleftherios, Descoteaux Maxime, Rivera Mariano
2016 Optics Communications
Dalmau Óscar, Rivera Mariano, Gonzalez Adonai
2016 Linear Algebra and its Applications
Agudelo N., De la Peña J.A., Rada J.
2016 Complexity
Estrada E., De la Peña J.A., Hatano N.
2016 Biomedical Optics Express
Das Anshuman, Valdez Tulio, Vargas José, Saksupapchon Punyapat, Rachapudi Pushyami, Ge Zhifei, Estrada Julio, Raskar Ramesh
2016 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
Luis E. Benítez, Manuel D. Contreras, Santiago Díaz-Madrigal and Raúl Felipe
2016 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society New Series
Benítez Luis E., Felipe Raúl
2016 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
Jeimer A Villada Bedoya, Helga Fetter Nathansky
2016 Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
Rodríguez-Castellanos A., Carbajal-Romero M., Flores Guzmán N., Olivera-Villaseñor E., Kryvko A.
2016 Indagationes Mathematicae
Ávalos Ramos Celia, Galaz Fontes Fernando
2016 Topology and its Applications
Gómez Larrañaga J.C., González Acuña F., Heilc Wolfgang
2016 Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Gutiérrez-Guerra R., Murrieta Dueñas R., Cortez-González J., Segovia-Hernández J.G., Hernández S., Hernández-Aguirre A.
2016 Neural Processing Letters
Serrano Rubio J. P., Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Herrera Guzmán Rafael
2016 Mathematics of Operations Research
R. Cavazos Cadena, D. Hernández-Hernández
2016 Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications
R. Cavazos-Cadena, D. Hernández-Hernández
2016 Asymptotic Analysis
R. Cavazos-Cadena, Hernández Daniel
2016 SIAM J. Control Optim.
D. Hernández-Hernández, J.L. Pérez, K. Yamazaki
2016 Theory and Decision
Luis Hernández Lamoneda Francisco Sánchez Sánchez
2016 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Arizmendi Gerardo, Herrera Rafael, Santana NoemÍ
2016 Journal of Geometry and Physics
Rafael Herrera, Ivan Tellez
2016 Mathematische Zeitschrift
Davini Andrea, Fathi Albert, Iturriaga Renato, Zavidovique Maxime
2016 Inventiones mathematicae
Davini Andrea, Fathi Albert, Iturriaga Renato, Zavidovique Maxime
2016 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Díaz Infante S., Jerez Silvia
2016 PLoS ONE
Valdovinos Flores César, Gaspar Ramírez, Octavio Heras Ramírez María Elena, Lara Álvarez Carlos, Dorantes Ugalde José Antonio, Saldaña Loza Luz María
2016 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
Lara-Álvarez Carlos, Romero Leonardo, Gómez Cuauhtémoc
2016 Intelligent Data Analysis
Lara Álvarez Carlos, Rojas Domínguez Alfonso
2016 British Journal of Nutrition
Teresa Shamah-Levy, Ignacio Méndez Gómez-Humarán, Elsa Berenice Gaona-Pineda, Lucia Cuevas-Nasu and Salvador Villalpando
2016 Nutrición Hospitalaria
Vizuet Vega Norma Isela, Shamah Levy Teresa, Gaona Pineda Elsa Berenice, Cuevas Nasu Lucía, Méndez Gómez-Humarán Ignacio
2016 Matern Child Health
López Olmedo Nancy, Hernández Cordero Sonia, Neufeld Lynnette M., García Guerra Armando, Mejía Rodríguez Fabiola, Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio
2016 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Rodríguez-Enríquez Cristian A., Alor Hernández Giner, Mejia Miranda Jezreel, Sánchez Cervantes José, Rodríguez Mazahua Lisbeth, Sánchez Ramírez Cuauhtémoc
2016 Science of Computer Programming - Special Issue on Knowledge-based Software Engineering
Velasco-Elizondo Perla, Marin-Piña Rosario, Vazquez-Reyes Soldel, Mora Soto Arturo, Mejia Jezreel
2016 IEEE Latin America Transactions
Muñoz M., Peña A., Mejía J., Lara G.
2016 Annals de I'nstitut Fourier
Molinuevo, A.
2016 Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie
Molinuevo, A.
2016 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
D. Hömberg, Q. Liu, J. Montalvo-Urquizo, D. Nadolski, T. Petzold, A. Schulz
2016 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Miguel Angel Moreles, Rafael Lainez
2016 Linear Algebra and its Applications
Mróz Andrzej
2016 Fundamenta Informaticae
Mróz Andrzej
2016 Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS)
Mirna Muñoz, Adriana Peña Pérez Negrón, Jezreel Mejia and Graciela Lara López
2016 Journal of Educational Technology & Society
Peña Adriana, Rangel Nora, Muñoz Mirna, Mejia J., Lara Graciela
2016 International Journal of Control
Ruiz Ubaldo, Murrieta Cid Rafael
2016 International Journal of Robotics Research
Israel Becerra, Luis M. Valentín-Coronado, Rafael Murrieta-Cid and Jean-Claude Latombe
2016 Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
Rigoberto Lopez-Padilla, Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Israel Becerra, Guillermo Laguna and Steven M. LaValle
2016 PLoS ONE
Saldívar-Lucio, R., Di Lorenzo, E., Nakamura, M., Villalobos, H., Lluch-Cota, D., and Del Monte-Luna, P.
2016 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
Ongay Fausto, Velásquez Raúl, Wills-Toro Luis Alberto
2016 Environmetrics
Álvarez Esteban Pedro C., Euán C., Ortega J.
2016 Journal of Applied Probability
Berzunza Gabriel, Pardo Juan Carlos
2016 ALEA Latín American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Sandra Palau Juan Carlos Pardo, Charline Smadi
2016 Journal of Applied Probability
Erick Baurdou, Juan Carlos Pardo, José Luis Pérez, Jean Francois Renaud
2016 Journal of Applied Probability
Baurdoux Erik J., Pardo Juan Carlos, Pérez José Luis, Renaud Jean-François
2016 Differential Geometry and its Applications
Otoba Nobuhiko, Petean Jimmy
2016 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Quiroga Barranco Raúl
2016 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
G. Brumfiel, H. Hilden, M. T. Lozano, J. M. Montesinos-Amilibia, Ramírez Losada Enrique, H. Short, D. Tejada, M. Toro
2016 Comptes Rendus Mathematique
Reveles-Gurrola F.O.
2016 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Reyes Miguel, Francisco-Fernández Mario, Cao Ricardo
2016 Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Rivera Mariano, Dalmau Óscar, Gonzalez Adonai, Hernández López Francisco
2016 SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE)
Andres Sauceda Cienfuegos, Baidya Nath Saha, Jesus Romero-Hdz, David Ortega
2016 Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
Romero-Hdz, J, Saha, BN., and Toledo, G.
2016 SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE)
Enrique Rodriguez, Baidya Nath Saha, Jesús Romero-Hdz, David Ortega
2016 SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE)
José Alonso-Tovar, Baidya Nath Saha, Jesús Romero-Hdz., David Ortega
2016 SSRG International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRG-IJCSE)
Jesus Romero-Hdz, Baidya Saha, Gengis Toledo-Ramirez, David Beltran-Bqz
2016 Operations Research Letters
Jony Rojas Rojas Francisco Sanchez Sanchez
2016 Journal of Algebra and its Applications
Rodríguez-Vallarte M.C., Salgado G., Sánchez Valenzuela Óscar Adolfo
2016 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A)
Bhakti Bhusan Manna, Santra Sanjiban
2016 Soft Computing
Schütze O., Alvarado S., Segura C., Landa R.
2016 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
Segura Carlos, Coello Coello Carlos, Segredo Eduardo, Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2016 Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences
Felipe-Sosa R., Otero J.A., Solis F
2016 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Solis, F., Sotolongo, A.
2016 Communications in Mathematics
Sontz, S.B.
2016 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Miguel Uh Zapata, Damien Pham van Bang, Kim Dan Nguyen
2016 Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines: An International Journal
Valdez S. Ivvan, Chávez-Conde Esteban, Hernández Eusebio, Ceccarelli M.
2016 Guide to Pairing-Based Cryptography
Beuchat Jean Luc, Dominguez Pérez Luis, Duquesne Slvian, El Mrabet Nadia , Fuentes Castañeda Laura, Rodríguez Henríquez Francisco
2016 Guide to Pairing-Based Cryptography
Jean-Luc Beuchat, Luis J. Dominguez Perez, Laura Fuentes-Castaneda, Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez
2016 Guide to Pairing-Based Cryptography
Diego F. Aranha, Luis J. Dominguez Perez, Amine Mrabet, Peter Schwabe
2016 Mathematical Sciences with Multidisciplinary Applications - In Honor of Professor Christiane Rousseau and in Recognition of the Mathematics for Planet Earth Initiative (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics vol 157)
Guadarrama Bustos Lili
2016 Exact Finite-Difference Schemes
S. Jerez, S. Díaz-Infante
2016 New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - vol. 444 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Mirna, Ramírez Heltton, Peña Adriana
2016 Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination - vol. 609 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Corona Brisia, Calvo Manzano José, San Feliu Tomás, Miramontes Juan
2016 C. Kreiner et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2016
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia, Adriana Peña, and Nora Rangel
2016 C. Kreiner et al. (Eds.):EuroSPI 2016, CCIS 633
Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, María Clara Gómez-Alvarez, Mirna Muñoz, and Jezreel Mejía
2016 C. Kreiner et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2016, CCIS 633
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia, Gloria P. Gasca Hurtado, Maria C. Gómez-Álvarez, and Brenda Durón
2016 A Mathematical tribute to Professor José María Montesinos Amilibia
Eudave Muñoz Mario, Ramírez Losada Enrique
2016 Trends in Mathematical Economics, Dialogues Between Southern Europe and Latin America
Oliver Juárez Romero William Olvera López Francisco Sánchez Sánchez
2016 Modelación Matemática
Faurrieta Noé, Valdez S. Ivvan, Botello Salvador
2016 N/A
Noé Bárcenas, Fernando Galaz-García, Mónica Moreno Rocha
2016 Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2016
J. Delfin, H. M. Becerra y G. Arechavaleta
2016 Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Becerra H. M., Colunga A., Romero J. G.
2016 Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence 2016
Botello-Aceves S., Ivvan-Valdez S., Becerra H. M.
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
Fuentes Almeida Juan Gerardo, Cardoso Victor E., Botello Salvador
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
López Ruiz Jorge, Cardoso Victor E., Botello Salvador
2016 Comunications in Computer and Information Science. High Performance Computer Applications: 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, March 9-13, 2015
López Jorge, Cardoso Víctor E., Botello Salvador
2016 Comunications in Computer and Information Science. High Performance Computer Applications: 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, March 9-13, 2015
López Buenfil Manuel Guillermo, Cardoso Víctor E., Botello Salvador
2016 Comunications in Computer and Information Science. High Performance Computer Applications: 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, March 9-13, 2015
Cardoso Víctor E., Botello Salvador
2016 Comunications in Computer and Information Science. High Performance Computer Applications: 6th International Conference, ISUM 2015, Mexico City, Mexico, March 9-13, 2015
Vargas-Felix J. Miguel, Botello Rionda Salvador
2016 7th International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, ISUM 2016
Alonzo Velázquez José Luis, Herrera Rafael, Botello Salvador
2016 Mathematical Congress of the Americas (Contemporary Mathematics vol. 656)
Contreras Gonzalo
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC 2015 Ixtapa)
Flores Juan, Ortiz-Bejar José, Cedeño José, Lara Álvarez Carlos, López-Farías Rodrigo
2015 Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Industry, Research in Computing Science, vol. 109
Muñoz Edrisi, Capon Elisabet, Lainez José Miguel, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
2015 Memorias del Seminario Internacional de Ciencias de la Computación 2015 - ReCIBE 5 (1)
Corona Brisia, Miramontes Juan, Muñoz Mirna, Calvo-Manzano José A., San Feliu Tomás
2015 Epidemiología: diseño y análisis de estudios
Moreno Macías Hortensia, Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio, Murata Chiharu, Méndez Ramírez Ignacio
2015 Recent Patents Of Biotechnology
Morales-Camacho J.I., Domínguez-Domínguez J., Paredes-López O.
2015 The official journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB Journal
Del Carmen Morales Ruan Ma., Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio, Cuvas Nasu Lucía, Shamah Levy Teresa
2015 The official journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB Journal
Shamah Levy Teresa, Villalpando Hernández Salvador, Cuevas Nasu Lucía, Gaona Pineda Elsa Berenice, Méndez Gómez Humarán Ignacio, Rivera Dommarco Juan
2015 South African Journal Of Industrial Engineering
Mares-Castro Armando, Domínguez-Domínguez J.
2015 (online) International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research (IJEIR)
Mares-Castro A., Domínguez-Domínguez J.
2015 Revista Mexicana de Física
Aldana R., Alcalá J. Vidal, González G.
2015 (online) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
Garcia-Falset J., Muñiz Pérez O., Reich S.
2015 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Carlos Lara-Álvarez, Himer Ávila-George
2015 (online) International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Lara-Álvarez Carlos, Flores Juan, Wang Chieh-Chih
2015 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Pérez-Rodríguez Ricardo, Hernández-Aguirre Arturo, Jöns S.
2015 Journal of Computational Chemistry
Ramirez-Manzanares A., Peña Joaquín, Azpiroz, Merino Gabriel
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation GECCO '15
Segura Carlos, Botello Rionda Salvador, Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Valdez Peña S. Ivvan
2015 (online only) Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [ISMRM] 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Toronto
Ocegueda Omar, Garyfallidis Eleftherios, Descoteaux Maxime, Rivera Mariano
2015 Research in Computing Science
Pérez Rodriguez R., Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation GECCO '15
Segovia Domínguez Ignacio, Herrnández Aguirre Arturo
2015 XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications e-proceedings
Valdez Sergio Ivvan, Faurrieta N., Marroquín José Luis, Botello Salvador
2015 Proceedings of the 13th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI)
Aguilar O., Alarcon T., Dalmau O., Zamudio A.
2015 Proceedings Part II of the 14th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence MICAI 2015 / Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications vol. 9414 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Oliva Francisco, Dalmau Óscar, Alarcón Teresa, De-la-Torre Miguel
2015 2015 IEEE-RAS 15th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
Rioux Antoine, Esteves Claudia, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Suleiman Wael
2015 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
Segovia Ignacio, Hernandez Arturo, Valdez S. I.
2015 Research in Computing Science
Suárez-Améndola Manuel Arturo, Ruiz-Correa Salvador, Hasimoto-Beltrán Rogelio
2015 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, White Matter Modeling Challenge 2015
Ramirez-Manzanares A. Marroquin José Luis, Cook P., Gee J., Rivera Mariano
2015 Pattern recognition / Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 9116 / 7th Mexican Conference MCPR Proccedings
Aldana-Murrillo Noé, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Becerra Héctor
2015 Research in Computing Science
Sotelo Figueroa Marco Aurelio, Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Espinal Alberto Soria Andrés
2015 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Madrigal Francisco, Hayet J. B.
2015 (online) Handbook on Computational Intelligence (vol. 2 | Part III) Evolutionary Computation
Coello Carlos, Segura Carlos, Miranda Gara
2015 Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society [IECON2015-Yokohama]
Serrano-Rubio Juan Pablo, Herrera-Guzmán Rafael, Hernández-Aguirre Arturo
2015 (online) Information Sciences
Segura Carlos, Coello Carlos, Hernández Alfredo
2015 (online only) Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [ISMRM] 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Toronto
Loya-Olivas Ana Karen, Rivera Mariano, Ramón Aranda
2015 (online) Autonomous Robots
Becerra Israel, Murrieta-Cid Rafael, Monroy Raúl, Hutchinson Seth, Laumond Jean-Paul
2015 Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Logística y Cadena de Suministro (CiLOG2015)
Pérez-Rodríguez Ricardo, Hernández-Aguirre Arturo
2015 Machine Vision and Applications
Madrigal Francisco, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Rivera Mariano
2015 Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online
Van Horebeek Johan Josef Lode
2015 (online only) International Conference on Power Systems Transients [IPST2015] - Croatia
Iracheta C. Reynaldo, Flores Guzmán Norberto
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA2015]
Becerra Israel, Macías Vladimir, Murrieta-Cid Rafael
2015 Computación y sistemas: an international journal of computing science and applications
Espinoza Judith, Murrieta-Cid Rafael
2015 Proceedings Part I of the 14th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence MICAI 2015 / Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing vol. 9413 series Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Ramírez Trujillo María Celeste, Alarcón Teresa, Dalmau Óscar, Zamudio Ojeda Adalberto
2015 Applied Ocean Research
Ávila Carrera R., Flores Guzmán Norberto, Olivera Villaseñor E., Rodríguez Castellanos A., Rodríguez Sánchez J.E.
2015 Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología
Iracheta Cortez Reynaldo
2015 (online) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Pérez Rodríguez Ricardo, Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2015 Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI
Pérez Ricardo, Jöns S., Hernández Arturo
2015 Medical Image Analysis
Aranda Ramón, Ramírez-Manzanares Alonso, Rivera Mariano
2015 12th international symposium on process systems engineering and 25th european symposium on computer aided process engineering [ESCAPE] -Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 37
Murrieta Dueñas R., Cortez Gonazáez J., Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Gutiérrez Guerra R., Hernández S., Segovia Hernández J. G.
2015 Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns / LNCS vol. 9256 - 16th International Conference CAIP 2015 Proceedings Part I
Guzmán Roberto, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Klette Reinhard
2015 (online) Annals of Operations Research
Segura Carlos, Coello Carlos, Miranda Gara, León Coromoto
2015 (online) Autonomous Robots
Vásquez J. Irving, Sucar L. Enrique, Murrieta-Cid Rafael
2015 Proceedings of the 14th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
Delfín Josafat, Becerra H. M., Arechavaleta Gustavo
2015 (online) International Journal of Control
Delfin Josafat, Becerra Héctor Manuel, Arechavaleta Gustavo
2015 Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Dalmau Óscar; Rivera Mariano; Gonzalez Adonai
2015 IPCV'15 The 19th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition (WORLDCOMP2015) - Las Vegas
Cruz-Aceves Iván, Hernández-Aguirre Arturo, Valdez-Peña Ivvan
2015 Revista Electrónica Nova Scientia
Cruz Aceves Iván, Hernandez Aguirre Arturo, Aviña Cervantes Juan Gabriel
2015 (online) Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Cruz-Aceves Iván, Oloumi Rangaraj Faraz, Rangayyan M., Aviña Cervantes Juan, Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2015 Design of Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Nature-Inspired Optimization (Studies in Computational Intelligence vol. 601)
Cruz Aceves Iván, Hernández Aguirre Arturo
2015 (online) Topology Proceedings
Moreno Rocha Mónica , Pérez Lucas Pablo
2015 (online) International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Solís Francisco J., Chen-Charpentier Benito, Kojouharov Hristo
2015 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Jerez Silvia, Dzib Ivan
2015 Journal of Biological Systems
Olmos Daniel, Baca David, Barradas Ignacio
2015 (online) SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Flores Salvador, Jerez Silvia
2015 Equilibrios y Conjeturas FE-UNAM
Olvera-López William, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
2015 Mathematical Social Sciences
Plata Pérez L., Sanchez Pérez J, Sánchez Sánchez Franscisco
2015 Journal of Biological Systems
Olmos Daniel, Baca David, Barradas Ignacio
2015 (online) Positivity
Ávalos-Ramos Cecilia, Galaz-Fontes Fernando
2015 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Dimant Verónica, Fernández-Unzueta Maite
2015 Journal of Geometry and Physics
Arizmendi Gerardo, Herrera Rafael
2015 Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Manjarrez Fabiola, Núñez Víctor, Ramírez Losada Enrique
2015 (online) Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras
Quiroga-Barranco Raúl, Sánchez-Nungaray Armando
2015 (online) Journal of Functional Analysis
Dawson Matthew; Ólafsson Gestur; Quiroga-Barranco R.
2015 (online) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Díaz-Infante Saúl, Jerez Silvia
2015 (online) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Revista Mexicna
2015 (online) Applied Mathematical Modelling
Cornejo Octavio, Barradas Ignacio
2015 Applied Mathematical Sciences
Rojas Rojas Jony, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
2015 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Solís F., Delgadillo Sandra
2015 (online) Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
Iturriaga Renato, Maderna Ezequiel
2015 (online) Inventiones mathematicae
Contreras Barandiarán Gonzalo
2015 Journal of Biological Systems
Barradas I., Vázquez Virgilio
2015 (online) Abstract and Applied Analysis
Cortés J. C. , Jódar L., Solís Francisco J., Ku-Carrillo Roberto
2015 International Journal of Mathematics
Bhosle U. N. , Brambila-Paz L., Newstead P. E.
2015 (online) Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Olmos Daniel, Barradas Ignacio, Baca-Carrasco David
2015 (online) Linear Algebra and its Applications
Mróz Andrzej, de la Peña José Antonio
2015 Mathematische Nachrichten
Sanjiban Santra, Juncheng Wei
2015 Mathematical Biosciences
Jerez Silvia, Chen Benito
2015 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Fermín Franco-Medrano, Francisco J. Solís
2015 (online) Journal of the mathematical society of Japan
Petean Jimmy, Ruiz Juan Miguel
2015 PLoS ONE
Velasco-Hernandez Jorge X., Núñez-López Mayra, Comas Andreu, Noyola Daniel, Capistrán Marcos
2015 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
Trejo Imelda, Felipe Raúl
2015 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Machado Juan, Becerra Héctor M, Moreno Rocha Mónica
2015 (online) BioMed Research International
García Yury, Christen José Andrés, Capistrán Marcos
2015 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2014)
Saha Baidya Nath, Saini Amritpal, Ray Nilanjan, Greiner Russell, Hugh Judith, Tambasco Mauro
2015 Pharmacogenomics-Future Medicine
Pérez-Páramo Y., Hernández-Cabrera F., Dorado P., Llerena-Ruiz A., Muñoz-Jiménez S., Rojas-Martínez A., Ortiz-López R
2015 Statistica Sinica
Hernández Noslen, Biscay Rolando, Villa Vialaneix Nathalie, Talavera Isneri
2015 (online) Journal of Theoretical Probability
Pardo Juan Carlos, Pérez José Luis, Pérez Abreu Víctor
2015 Electronic Journal of Probability
Doney Ronald A., Rivero Víctor M.
2015 Progress in Probability Series vol. 69
Arizmendi Octavio, Gaxiola Tulio
2015 (online) Journal of Applied Statistics
Christen J. A., Sansó Bruno, Santana-Cibrian Mario, Velasco-Hernández J. X.
2015 Differential Equations & Applications
Álvarez Abner, López Mimbela J., Privault Nicolás
2015 (online) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Arizmendi Octavio, Hasebe Takahiro
2015 Ecological Modelling
Fernández Daniel, Nakamura Miguel
2015 (online) Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Arizmendi Octavio, Hasebe Takahiro
2015 (online) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
T. Kolkovska Ekaterina, Martín-González Ehyter M.
2015 (online) Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Caro-Lopera Francisco J., González-Farías Graciela, Balakrishnan N.
2015 Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (ALEA)
Alili L., Jedidi W., Rivero V.
2015 The Fascination of Probability, Statistics and their Applications: in honour of Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen
Pérez Abreu Víctor, Rocha Alfonso
2015 (online) Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation
Christen J.A., Fox Colin, Santana-Cibrian Mario
2015 Advances in Applied Probability
Baurdoux Erik J., Chen Nan, Surya Budhi A., Yamazaki Kazutoshi
2015 (online) Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Baurdoux Erik J., Yamazaki Kazutoshi
2015 Progress in Probability Series vol. 69
Hernández Daniel
2015 (online) The American Statistician
Díaz-Francés Eloísa
2015 Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling
Echavarría Heras Héctor, Leal Ramírez Cecilia, Villa Diharce Enrique, Cazarez Castro Nohe R.
2015 Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Caro-Lopera Francisco J., González-Farías Graciela, Balakrishnan N.
2015 (online) Canadian Journal of Statistics
Thompson Mary, Ramírez Ramírez Lilia Leticia, Lyubchich Vyacheslav, Gel Yulia
2015 Journal of Mathematical Physics
Arizmendi Octavio, Nechita Ion, Vargas Carlos
2015 (online) Advances in Mathematics
Arizmendi Octavio, Hasebe Takahiro, Lehner Franz, Vargas Carlos
2015 (online only) Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [ISMRM] 23rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Toronto
Coronado-Leija Ricardo, Ramírez-Manzanares Alonso, Marroquín José Luis, Biscay Rolando José
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement / Trends and Applications in Software Engineering / Volume 405 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Muñoz Mirna, Pérez Negrón Adriana, Mejia Jezreel, Lara Graciela
2015 12th international symposium on process systems engineering and 25th european symposium on computer aided process engineering [ESCAPE] -Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 37
Capón-García Elisabet, Muñoz Edrisi, Laínez-Aguirre José, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
2015 (online only) «Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação: Atas da 10ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação [CISTI2015] tomo 1
Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Mirna, Uribe Edgar
2015 Tendencias de la Ingenieria de Software
Corona Brisia, Miramontes Juan, Muñoz Mirna
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement / Trends and Applications in Software Engineering / Volume 405 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Miramontes Juan, Muñoz Mirna, Calvo-Manzano José, Corona Brisia
2015 RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Muñoz Mirna, Rivas Lizbeth
2015 RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Mejia J., Uribe Guadalupe.
2015 RECIBE | Revista electrónica de computación, informática, biomédica y electrónica
Hernández Saucedo Ana Laura, Mejia Miranda J.
2015 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Antioquia
Muñoz-Mata Mirna, Mejia-Miranda J., Valtierra-Alvarado Claudia
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement / Trends and Applications in Software Engineering / Volume 405 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Illescas Gustavo, Martínez Mariano, Mora-Soto Arturo, Cantú González José Roberto
2015 (online only) «Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação: Atas da 10ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação [CISTI2015]
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia J., García Josefina, Minero Jesús
2015 12th international symposium on process systems engineering and 25th european symposium on computer aided process engineering [ESCAPE] -Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 37
Muñoz Edrisi, Capón-García Elisabet, Laínez-Aguirre José, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
2015 New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies Volume 1 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 353)
Mirna Muñoz, Jezreel Mejia
2015 RECIBE | Revista electrónica de computación, informática, biomédica y electrónica
García Durán Josefina, Minero Guardado Jesús, Muñoz Mata Mirna, Mejia Miranda Jezreel
2015 12th international symposium on process systems engineering and 25th european symposium on computer aided process engineering [ESCAPE] -Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 37
Dombayci Canan, Farreres Javier, Rodríguez Horacio, Muñoz Edrisi, Capón-García Elisabet, Espuña Antonio, Graells Moisés
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement / Trends and Applications in Software Engineering / Volume 405 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Muñoz Edrisi, Capon Elisabet, Lainez José Miguel , Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
2015 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement / Trends and Applications in Software Engineering / Volume 405 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Hernández-Saucedo Ana, Mejia Jezreel
2015 Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference EuroSPI2015 - Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 543
Gasca-Hurtado Gloria, Vega-Zepeda Vianca, Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel
2015 Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference EuroSPI2015 - Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 543
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Gasca-Hurtado Gloria, Vega-Zepeda Vianca, Valtierra Claudia
2015 (online) Science of Computer Programming
Mejia J., Muñoz Edrisi, Muñoz Mirna
2015 RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel
2015 (online) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Process Improvement [CIMPS2015] - Trends and Applications in Software Engineering - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 405 Part V
Mitre-Hernández Hugo, Lara-Álvarez Carlos, González-Salazar Mario, Martín Diego
2015 The 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management [ECKM Future and Past] e-proceedings
Mitre-Hernández Hugo, Mora-Soto Arturo, Pérez López-Portillo Héctor , Lara-Álvarez Carlos
2015 Revista de Ciencias de la Universidad del Valle
Felipe Raúl, Velasquez Raúl
2015 Studia Mathematica
Dimant Verónica, Fernández Unzueta Maite
2015 Revista Ingeniería e Investigación (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Iracheta Cortez R.
2015 International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Mitre-Hernández Hugo A., Lara-Álvarez Carlos, González-Salazar Mario, Mejia-Miranda Jezreel , Martín Diego
2015 Random Matrices - Theory and Applications
Manrique Paulo, Pérez-Abreu Víctor, Roy Rahul
2015 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
Rodríguez Viorato Jesús, González Acuña Francisco
2015 International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Rojas Rojas Jony, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
Becerra Héctor, M. Sagüés Carlos
2014 Lean Manufacturing in the Developing World: Methodology, Case Studies and Trends from Latin America (part IV)
Becerra-Rodríguez María Blanca, Domínguez-Domínguez Jorge, Zitzumbo-Guzmán Roberto, García-Alcaraz Jorge Luis
2014 Agile estimation techniques and innovative approaches to Software Process Improvement
Pesantes Mery, Risco Becerra Jorge Luis, Lemus Cuauhtémoc
2014 New perspectives in information systems and technologies, vol. 1 (series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing v.275)
Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Mirna, Uribe Edgar, Márquez Jorge, Uribe Guadalupe, Valtierra Claudia
2014 New perspectives in information systems and technologies, vol. 1 (series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing v.275)
Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Mirna, Uribe Guadalupe, Uribe Édgar, Márquez Jorge, Valtierra Claudia
2014 Agile estimation techniques and innovative approaches to Software Process Improvement
Mitre Hugo, Bermon-Angarita Leonardo
2014 Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology 3rd edition
Sánchez-Segura María-Isabel, Medina-Dominguez Fuensanta, Mora-Soto Arturo
2014 New perspectives in information systems and technologies, vol. 1 (series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 275)
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Duron Brenda, Valtierra Claudia
2014 Émile Borel and the Notion of Strategy
Cantala David, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
2014 Modern Stochastics and Applications Part II, (series: Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol. 90)
Todorova Kolkovska Ekaterina, Dozzi Marco, López-Mimbela José
Optics and Lasers in Engineering
González Adonai, Rivera Mariano, Servín Manuel, Legarda-Saenz Ricardo, Dalmau Óscar, Martínez Amalia
Medical Image Analysis
Aranda Ramón, Rivera Mariano, Ramírez Manzanares Alonso
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Funkhouser Chloe M., Solís Francisco J., Thornton K.
Composite Structures
Comellas Ester, Botello S., Valdez S.I., Oller Sergio
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Guerrero Alejandro, Moreles Miguel Ángel
The International Journal of Robotics Research
García Mauricio, Stasse Olivier , Hayet Jean-Bernard, Dune Claire, Esteves Claudia, Laumond Jean-Paul
Computers & Chemical Engineering
Muñoz Edrisi, Capón-García Elisabet, Laínez-Aguirre José, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
Physical review E: statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics
Valero Valdés Carlos, Herrera-Guzmán Rafael
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Gutiérrez-Guerra Roberto, Cortez-González Jazmín, Murrieta-Dueñas Rodolfo, Segovia-Hernández Juan Gabriel, Hernández Salvador, Hernández-Aguirre Arturo
Inventiones mathematicae
Contreras Gonzalo, Figalli Alessio, Rifford Ludovic
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Pérez-Rodríguez Ricardo, Jöns S., Hernández-Aguirre Arturo, Alberto-Ochoa Carlos
Autonomous Robots
Becerra Héctor, Sagüés Carlos, Mezouar Youcef, Hayet J.B.
Optics and Lasers in Engineering
R. Legarda-Saenz, C. Brito-Loeza, Rivera Mariano, Espinosa-Romero A.
Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Rivera Mariano, Hernández-López Francisco J., Gonzalez Adonai
International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research
Pérez P. Joel, Pérez José, Hernández Castillo José Jaime
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Valdez S. Ivvan, Hernández Arturo, Botello Salvador
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Solís Francisco J., Ku-Carrillo Roberto A.
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Solís Francisco J., Yebra Carlos
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Jerez Silvia, Arciga Mario
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications
Petean Jimmy
Almasalha Fadi, Hasimoto-Beltrán Rogelio, A. Khokhar Ashfaq
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Contreras Gonzalo, Iturriaga Renato, Siconolfi Antonio
The Annals of Applied Probability
Hernández Daniel, Simon R., Zervos M.
The Annals of Probability
Kyprianou Andreas E., Pardo Juan Carlos, Watson Alexander R.
Asian Journal of Control
Jurado Francisco, Palacios Guillermo, Flores Francisco, Becerra Héctor
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Treviño Érick, Hernández Daniel
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Ruiz Ubaldo, Marroquín José Luis, Murrieta-Cid Rafael
Advances in Mathematics
de la Peña José A.
Computer Communications
Mota-García Edmar, Hasimoto-Beltrán Rogelio
Herpetological Journal
López-Alcaide S., Nakamura M., Macip-Ríos R., Martínez-Meyer E.
Soft Computing
Segredo Eduardo, Segura Carlos, León Coromoto, Hart Emma
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)
González Pérez Pedro D., González Villa Manuel
Wave Motion
Chi Vinh Pham, Thanh Tuan Tran, Capistrán Marcos A.
Pardo Juan Carlos, Rivero Víctor Manuel, van Schaik Kees
Chaumont Loïc, Pantí Henry, Rivero Víctor
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Jódar L., Chen-Charpentier Benito M., Cortés J.C., Solís Francisco J., Villanueva R. J.
Hydrological Science Journal
Bolívar Cimé Addy Margarita, Díaz-Francés E., Ortega J.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Valero Valdés Carlos, Herrera-Guzmán Rafael
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Hernández I., Guzzo H. Jr., Sánchez-Valenzuela O.A.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
Dalmau Óscar, Alarcón Teresa, González Graciela
International Journal of Control
Jacobo David, Ruiz Ubaldo, Murrieta-Cid Rafael, Becerra Héctor, Marroquín José Luis
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
López Mimbela José Alfredo, Pérez Pérez Aroldo
Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Special Issue on Visual Control of Mobile Robots
Becerra Héctor, Hayet J.B., Sagüés C.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Palafox Abel, Capistrán Marcos, Christen J. Andrés
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Pérez-Gallardo Jorge Raúl, Hernández-Vera Beatriz, Moras Sánchez Constantino Gerardo, Aguilar Lasserre Alberto Alfonso, Posada-Gómez Rubén, Juárez-Martínez Ulises, Alor-Hernández Giner
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Jerez Silvia, González Luz María, Solís Francisco J.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Nualart David, Pérez-Abreu Víctor
Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Hernández Daniel, Yamazaki Kazutoshi
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Madrigal Francisco, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Lerasle Frédéric
Linear Albegra and its Appplications
Estrada Ernesto, de la Peña José A.,Hatano Naomichi
Linear Algebra and its Applications
Estrada Ernesto, de la Peña José A.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Pérez-Abreu Víctor, Stelzer Robert
Hernández Martínez Eusebio, Valdez Peña S.I., Ceccarelli Marco, Hernández Arturo, Botello Salvador
Journal of Geometric Analysis
Henry Guillermo, Petean Jimmy
Journal of Theoretical Probability
Kyprianou Andreas , Pardo Juan Carlos, Pérez José Luis
Electronic Journal of Probability
Kuznetsov Alexey, Kyprianou Andreas E., Pardo Juan Carlos, Watson Alexander R.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Defez Emilio, Tung Michael, Solís Francisco, Ibáñez Javier
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
González Villa Manuel, Lemahieu Ann
Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Yarza Sergio, Ongay Fausto
Journal of Applied Probability
Kersting Götz, Pardo Juan Carlos, Siri-Jégousse Arno
Journal of Applied Probability
Kyprianou A. E., Pardo Juan Carlos, Watson A. R.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas
Calabuig J. M., Fernández Unzueta M., Galaz-Fontes F., Sánchez-Pérez E. A.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas,Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas
González Villa Manuel
Electronic Communications in Probability
Arizmendi Octavio, Jaramillo Arturo
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Arizmendi Octavio, Hasebe Takahiro
Differential Geometry and its Applications
Holguín Cardona Sergio
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Malicki Piotr, de la Peña José A.,Skowroński Andrzej
Advanced Robotics
Valentín Luis, Murrieta-Cid Rafael, Muñoz Lourdes, López Rigoberto, Alencastre Moisés
Theory and Decision
Hernández Lamoneda Luis, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Quiroga-Barranco Raúl, Sánchez-Nungaray Armando
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Vásquez Irving, Sucar Enrique, Murrieta-Cid Rafael, López Efraín
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems
Hernández Martínez Eusebio, Valdez Peña S. Ivvan, Sánchez Soto Eduardo
Manuscripta Mathematica
Gómez-Larrañaga J. C., González-Acuña F., Wolfgang Heil
Journal of Operator Theory
Sontz Stephen Bruce
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Bolívar Cimé Addy Margarita, Pérez-Abreu Víctor
Journal of Applied research and Technology-JART
Santoyo-Morales Juana E., Hasimoto-Beltrán Rogelio
Comptes Rendus Mathematique
Díaz-Barriga Alejandro, González-Acuña Francisco, Marmolejo Francisco, Romero Nadia
Asian Journal of Mathematics
Henry Guillermo, Petean Jimmy
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics - Special issue on progress and open problems in motion planning and navigation for humanoids
Ramos Óscar, García Mauricio, Mansard Nicolás, Stasse Olivier, Hayet Jean-Bernard, Soueres Philippe
Communications in algebra
de la Peña José A., Skowroński Andrzej
Miscelánea Matemática
Bor Gil, Montgomery Richard
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Gasca-Hurtado Gloria P.
International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing (AutoSoft)
Becerra Héctor
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Calvo-Manzano José A., Mejia Jezreel, Hernández Giner Alor
IEEE Latin America Transactions (Revista IEEE América Latina)
Landaeta, J.F., García Guzmán J., Mitre Hernández Hugo Arnoldo
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Eudave-Muñoz Mario, Núñez Víctor
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Gómez-Larrañaga J. C., González-Acuña F., Wolfgang Heil
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Eudave-Muñoz Mario, Ozawa Makoto
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
de la Peña José A.
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Arizmendi Octavio, Vargas Carlos
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Pardo Juan Carlos, Rivero Víctor Manuel
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
Sánchez Castañeda M., Walker Stephen G.
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI)
Carrillo Razón Oscar, García Durán Josefina, García González Julio Alonso, Iturriaga Cortés Felipe, Mejia Miranda Jezreel
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI)
Ixmatlahua Sergio, Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Mirna, Sánchez Alma
Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología
Mitre Hugo A., Ortega-Martínez Édgar, Lemus Olalde Cuauhtémoc
Miscelánea Matemática
Eudave-Muñoz Mario
Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología
Mitre Hugo Arnoldo, García Guzmán Javier, de Amescua Seco Antonio, Velasco Elizondo Perla
IEEE Latin America Transactions
Muñoz Edrisi, Capon Elisabet, Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel
Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI)
Muñoz Mirna, Gasca Gloria, Valtierra Claudia
Miscelánea Matemática
Sánchez-Valenzuela O.A.
Acta Colombiana de Psicología
Carlier-Torres María Elizabeth Mónica, Harmony Thalia, Ricardo-Garcell Josefina, Marroquín José L., Colmenero Miguel
Monterde Juan, Ongay Fausto
Communications in Mathematics
Sontz Stephen Bruce
Economics Research International
Olvera-López William, Sánchez-Sánchez Francisco, Tellez-Tellez Iván
Journal of statistical theory and practice
Díaz-García J.A., Rodríguez J.E., Ramos Quiroga R.
Operational Research: an International Journal
Olvera López William, Sánchez Sánchez Francisco
Revista Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología
Cruz-Salgado Javier, Domínguez Jorge, Alonso Romero Sergio, Zitzumbo Guzmán Roberto
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica
Ruiz Correa Salvador, Campos Yerania
Salud Pública de México
Vega Macedo M, Shamah Levy T, Peinador Roldán R, Méndez Gómez Ignacio, Melgar Quiñonez H.
Salud Pública de México
Cuevas Nasu L, Rivera Dommarco JA, Shamah Levy T, Mundo Rosas V, Méndez Gómez Ignacio
Salud Pública de México
Morales Ruán MC, Méndez Gómez Ignacio, Shamah Levy T, Valderrama Álvarez Z, Melgar Quiñónez H.
Salud Pública de México
Pérez-Escamilla Rafael, Villalpando Salvador, Shamah-Levy Teresa, Méndez Gómez Ignacio
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics
Caro Lopera Francisco J., González Farías Graciela, Balakrishnan N.
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics
Caro Lopera Francisco J., González Farías Graciela, Balakrishnan N.
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
Becerra M.B., Zitzumbo Roberto, Domínguez Jorge, García J.L., Alonso Romero Sergio
Muriel Torrero Nelson Omar
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
de la Peña José A., Skowroński Andrzej
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting [14AIChE]
Muñoz Edrisi, Capón Elisabet, Laínez José Miguel, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
2014 AIChE Annual Meeting [14AIChE]
Capón Elisabet, Muñoz Edrisi, Laínez José Miguel, Espuña Antonio, Hungerbuhler Konrad, Puigjaner Luis
2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation [CEC]
Segura Carlos, Coello Carlos, Segredo Eduardo, León Coromoto
2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation [CEC]
Segredo Eduardo, Segura Carlos, León Coromoto
Actas de la 9ª conferencia Ibérica de sistemas y tecnologías de Información (CISTI 2014)
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Muñoz Edrisi
Advances in Artificial Intelligence [IBERAMIA2014] / Proceedings of the 14th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Inteligence (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2014)
Serrano Rubio Juan Pablo, Hernández Arturo, Herrera Guzman Rafael
Computers & Chemical Engineering: selected papers from the 23th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering [ESCAPE-23] vol. 66
Muñoz Edrisi, Capón-García Elisabet, Laínez-Aguirre José, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
Image and Video Technology: proceedings of the 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium [PSIVT 2013] Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8333 - subseries: image processing computer vision pattern recognition and graphics
Othmani Ahlem, Piboule Alexandre, Dalmau Óscar, Lomenie Nicolas, Mokrani Said, Lew Fock Chong Lew Yan Voon
Image and Video Technology: proceedings of the 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium [PSIVT 2013] Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8333 - subseries: image processing computer vision pattern recognition and graphics
Rodríguez González Domingo Iván, Hayet Jean-Bernard
Image and Video Technology: proceedings of the 6th Pacific-Rim Symposium [PSIVT 2013] Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8333 - subseries: image processing computer vision pattern recognition and graphics
Serrano Juan Pablo, Hernández Arturo, Herrera Rafael
Memorias del XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático [CLCA 2014]
Delfín J., Arechavaleta G., Becerra H. M.
Memorias del XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático [CLCA 2014]
Machado J. E., Becerra H. M., Moreno Mónica
Multibody Mechatronic Systems: proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics [MUSME] - (series Mechanisms and Machine Science vol. 25)
Chávez Conde Esteban, Valdez P. S. Ivvan, Hernández Eusebio
Proceedgins of the 21st European Conference (EuroSPI 2014) in Systems Software and Services Process Improvement (Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 425)
Gasca-Hurtado Gloria Piedad, Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Jose A. Calvo-Manzano
Proceedgins of the 21st European Conference (EuroSPI 2014) in Systems Software and Services Process Improvement (Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 425)
Muñoz Mirna, Mejia Jezreel, Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, Valtierra Claudia, Durón Brenda
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XIII) Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8672
Segovia Ignacio, Hernández Arturo, Valdez S. Ivvan
Proceedings of the 19th Iberoamerican Congress [CIARP 2014]: progress in pattern recognition image analysis computer vision and applications - Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8827
Rojas Alfonso, Lara Carlos, Bayro Eduardo
Proceedings of the 19th Iberoamerican Congress [CIARP 2014]: progress in pattern recognition image analysis computer vision and applications Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8827
Lara Carlos, Rojas Alfonso, Bayro-Corrochano Eduardo
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition [ICPR 2014]
Madrigal F., Hayet J. B., Lerasle F.
Proceedings of the 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE24 in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 33
Muñoz Edrisi, Capón-García Elisabet, Laínez-Aguirre José Miguel, Espuña Antonio, Puigjaner Luis
Proceedings of the 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE24 in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering vol. 33
Capón-García E., Muñoz Edrisi, Laínez-Aguirre J.M., Espuña A., Puigjaner L., Hungerbühler K.
Proceedings of the 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies [CISTI 2014]
Mejia J., Muñoz M., Rojo Cruz Guillermo, Tinajero Iván, Ramírez Heltton E., García Jesús
Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean Offshore and Arctic Engineering [OMAE2014] vol. 4B: Structures Safety and Reliability
Euán Carolina, Ortega Joaquín, Álvarez-Esteban Pedro
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference [GECCO '14]
Serrano Rubio Juan Pablo, Hernández Arturo, Herrera Guzmán Rafael
Proceedings of the IEEE First International Workshop on Service Orchestration and Choreography for the Future Internet [OrChor / SERVICES 2014]
Velasco-Elizondo P., Barredo-Hernández D., Mitre Hugo Arnoldo
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA 2014]
García M., Stasse O., Hayet Jean-Bernard
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA 2014]
Becerra Israel, ValentÍn-Coronado Luis M., Murrieta-Cid Rafael, Latombe Jean-Claude
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA 2014]
Laguna Guillermo, Murrieta-Cid Rafael, Becerra Héctor, Lopez-Padilla Rigoberto, M. LaValle Steven
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems [IROS 2014]
Vasquez Irving, Sucar Luis Enrique, Murrieta-Cid Rafael
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Algebraic Monoids Group Embeddings and Algebraic Combinatorics - Fields Institute Communications vol. 71
Brambila-Paz L., Ritattore Álvaro
Proceedings of the IEEE Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXIV)
Iracheta R., Flores Guzmán N
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré
Caballero María Emilia, Pérez José Luis, Uribe Gerónmio
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Guerrero Víctor M., Islas Camargo Alejandro, Ramirez Ramirez Lilia Leticia
o-Granada, A. M., Reyes-Figueroa, A. D., & Ruiz-Suárez, J. C. (2022). Xenon and Krypton Dissolved in Water Form Nanoblobs: No Evidence for Nanobubbles. Physical Review Letters, 129(9), 094501.
ing class groups son grupos polacos que se obtienen a partir del grupo de homeomorfismos de una superficie. En esta charla nos enfocaremos en aquellos que provienen de superficies cuyo grupo fundamental no es finitamente generado, sin suponer que la audiencia tenga conocimiento previo del tema. Revisare las principales propiedades de estos grupos, asi como los resultados recientes que se han obtenido
Solomon Lefschetz fue un matemático estadounidense con un impacto significativo en las matemáticas mexicanas. El objetivo de la charla es mostrarle a la audiencia una de las evoluciones de un teorema de Lefschetz fuera de su contexto inicial.
La charla comenzará describiendo el célebre teorema del hiperplano de Lefschetz y reportará investigación sobre una evolución de éste. Dicho teorema nos dice que algunos invariantes topológicos de una variedad algebraica a menudo están totalmente determinados por los de su espacio ambiente. Al parecer este fenómeno es tan robusto que también ocurre en el contexto de geometría birracional. Hacer esta frase explícita es el objetivo de la charla.
La charla estará basada en el siguiente artículo:
erminar las posibles simetrías de un espacio y sus propiedades, se usan técnicas de homotopía equivariante, que es la subárea de topología algebraica en la que solo permitimos deformaciones continuas compatibles con las simetrías.
En esta charla comenzaré explicando por qué son importantes las simetrías en geometría y topología y algunos ejemplos de propiedades que nos interesa probar, incluyendo algunos problemas abiertos. Después hablaré sobre la construcción de Borel y teorías de cohomología equivariantes. Finalmente describiré un cálculo reciente de K-teoría equivariante torcida de Borel. Esta última parte es un trabajo conjunto con Alffer G. Hernández.
ue actúan en el plano preservando una foliación o dos foliaciones transversales, inducen una acción en "el círculo al infinito". Después de precursores como Thurston o Calegari, este círculo al infinito es un objeto más folclórico que bien entendido en particular cuando está asociado a más que una foliación. En un trabajo reciente, estoy proponiendo mi propia versión de este círculo al infinito. En el camino exploré hasta dónde se puede extender esta noción, por ejemplo para foliaciones no transversales y/o foliaciones singulares del plano.
Ilustraré esa generalidad construyendo el círculo al infinito canónicamente asociado a cualquier familia numerable {X_i} de campos polinomiales del plano R2 cuyas singularidades son todas sillas hiperbólicas. Es la única compactificación tal que:
-- toda órbita que no va a una de las sillas tiene su límite en 1 punto del círculo al infinito;
-- el conjunto de órbitas que van al mismo punto del círculo es finito o numerable;
-- en cualquier intervalo abierto I del círculo al infinito, hay 2 órbitas del mismo X_i que llegan en I.
heory, named after the British mathematician and economist Frank P. Ramsey, is a branch of mathematics that focuses on how highly organized substructure MUST appear inside large enough mathematical objects. Some people say Ramsey theory is about how ``complete disorder is impossible’’.
Ramsey-type theorems appear in Number theory, Combinatorics, and Ergodic Theory. The Ramsey numbers indicate the size where this happens for the first time!
I will discuss computation, bounds, and verification of Ramsey numbers and the fascinating true origins of Ramsey theory, with names like Hilbert, Schur, van der Waerden, appearing along the way. I will discuss how methods from Algebraic Geometry and Logic play a role. I will not assume the audience has prior knowledge.
orner growth model on the first quadrant of Z^2, squares are added/removed according to the rule: Squares in the other quadrants are always `on'. A new `on' square in the first quadrant is added with rate p if there are `on' squares just below and to the left of it. An old `on' square is removed with rate 1-p if there are no `on' squares just above and to the right of it. Such a model may also be written in terms of the simple exclusion process on Z, that is `traffic' in one dimension. Depending on the value of p, different evolutions arise in different scales. In this talk, we review some of the previous developments, and discuss a recent result when p=1/2.
work, a distributed model predictive control (MPC) scheme based on consensus theory is proposed for the formation control of a group of quadcopters. The MPC scheme provides velocities for the quadcopters, which are considered as holonomic agents modeled at kinematic level. We propose soft and hard constraints for the MPC problem to address collision and obstacle avoidance as well as to maintain the connectivity of the communication topology during the motion of the agents to reach the desired formation. The contributions of this work are the following: First, we propose an integrated solution for the three tasks, including connectivity maintenance, which is uncommon in existing approaches, in addition to dynamic formation control and collision/obstacle avoidance. Second, we show that using both soft and hard constraints in the MPC problem gives better performance than using only one of the two. Third, unlike most MPC-based schemes from the literature, the effectiveness of our approach is validated through real experiments for a group of quadcopters.
ta-offset-key="5he4i-80-0">Radial-like Toeplitz operators on Cartan domains of type I are a set of linear partial differential equations that have been used to describe a variety of physical phenomena such as the scattering of acoustic and elastic waves, the propagation of electromagnetic radiation, and the propagation of sound waves in inhomogeneous media. They are usually studied in the real or complex domain, depending on the application at hand.
be assumed to be continuous functions defined on an infinite-dimensional space for many phenomena. However, the infinite-dimensional data might be driven by a small number of latent variables. Hence, factor models are relevant for functional data. In this paper, we study functional factor models for time-dependent functional data. We propose nonparametric estimators under stationary and nonstationary processes. We obtain estimators that consider the time-dependence property. Specifically, we use the information contained in the covariances at different lags. We show that the proposed estimators are consistent. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we find that our methodology outperforms estimators based on functional principal components. We also apply our methodology to monthly yield curves. In general, the suitable integration of time-dependent information improves the estimation of the latent factors.
central Wishart and inverted Wishart distributions are studied in this work under elliptical models; some distributional results are based on some generalizations of the wellknown Kummer relations, which leds us to determine that some moments have a polynomial representation. Then the non-central F and “studentized Wishart” distributions are derived in a general setting. After some generalizations, including the so called non-central generalized inverted Wishart distribution, the classical results based on Gaussian models are derived here as corollaries.
, J. U., & Schmiegel, J. (2016). Modelling turbulent time series by BSS-processes. The Fascination of Probability, Statistics and their Applications: In Honour of Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, 29-52.
Urbina, J. U., González Farías, G., Ramírez Ramírez, L. L., & Rodríguez González, D. I. (2022). A multi-source global-local model for epidemic management. Plos one, 17(1), e0261650.
aray, F., Márquez-Urbina, J. U., & González-Farías, G. (2020). Inference for the analysis of ordinal data with spatio-temporal models. The International Journal of Biostatistics, 16(2).
Martínez, R., González Farías, G., Márquez Urbina, J. U., & Ramos Quiroga, R. (2023). A Gompertz mixture approach for modeling the evolution of the COVID-19 dynamics. Revista de Matemática Teoría y Aplicaciones, 30(1), 141-172.
-Urbina, J. U., & González-Farías, G. (2022). A flexible special case of the CSN for spatial modeling and prediction. Spatial Statistics, 47, 100556.
r inference of general nonlinear dynamical models of gene regulatory networks from small and noisy time series
riminative and predictive power of a continuous-valued marker for survival outcomes can be summarized using the receiver operating characteristic and predictiveness curves, respectively. In this paper, fully parametric and semi-parametric copula-based constructions of the joint model of the marker and the survival time are developed for characterizing, plotting, and analyzing both curves along with other underlying performance measures. The formulations require a copula function, a parametric specification for the margin of the marker, and either a parametric distribution or a non-parametric estimator for the margin of the time to event, to respectively characterize the fully parametric and semi-parametric joint models. Estimation is carried out using maximum likelihood and a two-stage procedure for the parametric and semi-parametric models, respectively. Resampling-based methods are used for computing standard errors and confidence bounds for the various parameters, curves, and associated measures. Graphical inspection of residuals from each conditional distribution is employed as a guide for choosing a copula from a set of candidates. The performance of the estimators of various classification and predictiveness measures is assessed in simulation studies, assuming different copula and censoring scenarios. The methods are illustrated with the analysis of two markers using the familiar primary biliary cirrhosis data set.
Fermín Héctor Manuel
Barranco Raúl
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
Gracia José Andrés
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
Ravell Diego Alberto
Ravell Diego Alberto
a Miguel Ángel
a Miguel Ángel
a Miguel Ángel
Guzmán Rafael
Guzmán Rafael
uendía Jesús Rogelio
z Villa Manuel
z Villa Manuel
ez López Francisco Javier
ves Iván
ves Iván
ves Iván
ves Iván
ez Aguirre Arturo
Rionda Salvador
iranda Jezreel
Savoy Miguel
Álvarez Jonás
onzález Carlos
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Urbina José Ulises
Urbina José Ulises
ata Mirna Ariadna
Páez Rodrigo
ma Bustos Lili
Joel Antonio Trejo Sánchez Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores Pérez Jesús García Diaz Jose Alberto Fernández Zepeda
Sánchez Francisco
érez Omar
Beltrán Rogelio
rnández Hugo Arnoldo
Durán Israel
Cid Rafael Eric
Cid Rafael Eric
arrañaga José Carlos
arada Lázaro Raúl
arada Lázaro Raúl
a Miguel Ángel
z Villa Manuel
Manzanares Alonso
Manzanares Alonso
Manzanares Alonso
Manzanares Alonso
ocom Luis Daniel
ocom Luis Daniel
Beltrán Rogelio
Beltrán Rogelio
ves Iván
parza Miguel Ángel
Reyes Héctor
ata Mirna Ariadna
ves Iván
llán Juan Carlos
onzález Carlos
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
Fajardo-Delgado, D., Hernández-Bernal, C., Sánchez-Cervantes, M. G., Trejo-Sánchez, J. A., Espinosa-Curiel, I. E., & Molinar-Solis, J. E.
Trejo-Sánchez, J. A., Madera-Ramírez, F. A., Fernández-Zepeda, J. A., López-Martínez, J. L., & Flores-Lamas, A.
ntes Fernando
edeño Óscar Susano
edeño Óscar Susano
edeño Óscar Susano
edeño Óscar Susano
edeño Óscar Susano
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
onroy Adrián Pastor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Barranco Raúl
Durán Israel
ez Hernández Daniel
gueroa Ángel David
gueroa Ángel David
gueroa Ángel David
e James Christopher
arcía José Ángel
iranda Jezreel
i Echegaray Octavio
i Echegaray Octavio
i Echegaray Octavio
am Reymundo Ariel
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Gracia José Andrés
Vázquez Miguel Ángel
Cid Rafael Eric
Cid Rafael Eric
llán Juan Carlos
ocom Luis Daniel
liano Silvia
Vega Fernando
a Miguel Ángel
a Miguel Ángel
ez López Francisco Javier
ez López Francisco Javier
ez Viorato Jesús
ves Iván
s Gonzalo
ez López Francisco Javier
Beltrán Rogelio
ves Iván
ves Iván
edeño Óscar Susano
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Guzmán Rafael
Vega Fernando
Vega Fernando
Vega Fernando
onzález Carlos
Rionda Salvador
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Beltrán Rogelio
am Reymundo Ariel
ata Mirna Ariadna
ata Mirna Ariadna
a Miguel Ángel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
arrañaga José Carlos
ata Mirna Ariadna
mírez Martha Selene
Vázquez Miguel Ángel
Manzanares Alonso
Pérez Alejandro
ata Mirna Ariadna
Reyes Héctor
onzález Carlos
Fermín Héctor Manuel
edeño Oscar Susano
ozano Francisco Javier
Sergio Daniel
Durán Israel
iranda Jezreel
rre Gutiérrez Héctor
iranda Jezreel
ata Mirna Ariadna
Manzanares Alonso
llán Juan Carlos
iranda Jezreel
ata Mirna Ariadna
ocha Mónica
varez Carlos Alberto
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
ez Viorato Jesús
e James Christopher
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
edeño Oscar Susano
edeño Oscar Susano
onroy Adrián Pastor
eraz Mariano José Juan
Álvarez Jonás
Beltrán Rogelio
varez Carlos Alberto
a Acevedo Renato Gabriel
ópez Marco Antonio
armendia José Luis
llán Juan Carlos
iman Stephen Bruce
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
Vázquez Miguel Ángel
res María Luisa
Manzanares Alonso
llán Juan Carlos
Gómez-Humarán Ignacio
Gracia José Andrés
Fermín Héctor Manuel
Bribiesca José Ignacio
Guzmán Rafael
ánchez Víctor
umen Jimmy
Fermín Héctor Manuel
varez Carlos Alberto
Ravell Diego Alberto
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
ez Unzueta Maite
Zimbrón Jesús Ángel
Cuadrado Pablo
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
harce Enrique
z Farías Graciela María de los Dolores
Reyes Héctor
Medina Andrés
Cid Rafael Eric
ra Héctor
liano Silvia
ata Mirna Ariadna
del Campo Abraham
Páez Rodrigo
an Bernard
an Bernard
Gómez-Humarán Ignacio
ez López Francisco Javier
Fermín Héctor Manuel
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
varez Carlos Alberto
rnández Hugo Arnoldo
e James Christopher
Manzanares Alonso
ocom Luis Daniel
ntonio Peter
Cid Rafael Eric
liego Carmelita Emiline
i Echegaray Octavio
am Reymundo Ariel
varez Carlos Alberto
iranda Jezreel
edeño Oscar Susano
ata Mirna Ariadna
Gracia José Andrés
Álvarez Jonás
Cid Rafael Eric
Cid Rafael Eric
Cid Rafael Eric
Rico Julio Cesar
Rico Julio Cesar
homas Pierre Robert
Beltrán Rogelio
ozano Francisco Javier
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
Betancourt Luis Cristóbal
llán Juan Carlos
llán Juan Carlos
llán Juan Carlos
llán Juan Carlos
llán Juan Carlos
am Reymundo Ariel
ves Iván
ves Iván
ves Iván
ves Iván
ves Iván
ez María Isabel
ocom Luis Daniel
drade José Omegar
onzález Carlos
Ravell Diego Alberto
Ravell Diego Alberto
Ravell Diego Alberto
Rionda Salvador
edeño Oscar Susano
edeño Oscar Susano
Medina Andrés
Medina Andrés
Medina Andrés
iranda Jezreel
Barranco Raúl
Barranco Raúl
Losada Enrique
Guzmán Rafael
Reyes Héctor
Reyes Héctor
mírez Martha Selene
a Miguel Ángel
a Miguel Ángel
a Miguel Ángel
Vázquez Jorge
liano Silvia
Durán Israel
Urbina José Ulises
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
onroy Adrián Pastor
Vázquez Miguel Ángel
Durán Israel
Durán Israel
eraz Mariano José Juan
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
iranda Jezreel
onroy Adrián Pastor
Cid Rafael Eric
Cid Rafael Eric
Vega Fernando
ves Iván
ves Iván
Rionda Salvador
Rionda Salvador
ata Mirna Ariadna
ata Mirna Ariadna
ata Mirna Ariadna
Manzanares Alonso
Reyes Héctor
rnández Hugo Arnoldo
am Reymundo Ariel
ves Iván
ata Mirna Ariadna
ata Mirna Ariadna
ata Mirna Ariadna
Pérez Alejandro