Estimation of individual axon bundle properties by a Multi-Resolution Discrete-Search method marzo 23, 2021/0 Comentarios/en Investigadores, Publicaciones /por Ramírez Manzanares AlonsoRamírez Manzanares Alonso Leer más 0 0 Ramírez Manzanares Alonso Ramírez Manzanares Alonso2021-03-23 20:30:382021-03-23 22:05:48Estimation of individual axon bundle properties by a Multi-Resolution Discrete-Search method
Accurate Multi-resolution Discrete Search to Estimate the Number, Directions and Diffusion Anisotropy of Axon Packs marzo 23, 2021/0 Comentarios/en Investigadores, Publicaciones /por Ramírez Manzanares AlonsoRamírez Manzanares Alonso, Marroquín Zaleta José Luis Leer más 0 0 Ramírez Manzanares Alonso Ramírez Manzanares Alonso2021-03-23 19:19:542021-03-23 22:05:53Accurate Multi-resolution Discrete Search to Estimate the Number, Directions and Diffusion Anisotropy of Axon Packs