Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 18:12:302023-06-20 18:12:30Proposal to Integrate Security Practices into the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard to Develop Mobile Apps Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 18:12:292023-06-20 18:12:29Gamification Principles to Decrease SPI Change Resistance Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 18:12:292023-06-20 18:12:29An Exploratory Analysis of the Perception of the Utility of Proven Practices of the Software Basic Profile of ISO/IEC 29110 by a Set of VSEs in Mexico Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 18:12:132023-06-20 18:12:13Beyond factors that motivate the adoption of the ISO/IEC 29110 inMexico: An exploratory study of the implementation pace of thisstandard and the benefits observedñoz Mata Mirna Ariadnañoz Mata Mirna Ariadna2023-06-20 18:11:212023-06-20 18:11:21Biblioteca de juegos serios para hacer más efectiva la enseñanza de Kanban acorde a objetivos de aprendizaje enfocados Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 17:46:202023-06-20 17:46:20New Perspectives in Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Software Process Improvement (CIMPS 2022) Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2023-06-20 17:46:052023-06-20 17:46:05“A proposal for assessing and evolving an agile software development method,”ñoz Mata Mirna Ariadnañoz Mata Mirna Ariadna2023-06-20 17:44:352023-06-20 17:44:35Mathematical model of social behavior for the allocation of members in software development teams. Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2021-03-23 20:36:092021-03-23 22:55:36Method for lightening software process through optimizing the selection of software engineering best practices Miranda Jezreel Miranda Jezreel2021-03-23 20:36:092021-03-23 22:55:21Method to Establish Strategies for Implementing Process Improvement According to the Organization’s Context