
An Exploratory Analysis of the Perception of the Utility of Proven Practices of the Software Basic Profile of ISO/IEC 29110 by a Set of VSEs in Mexico.

Building a Guideline to Reinforce Agile Software Development with the Basic Profile of ISO/IEC 29110 in Very Small Entities

Building a Guideline to Reinforce Agile Software Development with the Basic Profile of ISO/IEC 29110 in Very Small Entities

A Case Study of Improving a Very Small Entity with an Agile Software Development Based on the Basic Profile of the ISO/IEC 29110

Coverage of the University Curricula for the Software Engineering Industry in Mexico

Mejia Miranda Jezreel, Muñoz Mata Mirna Ariadna

A Computational Measure of Saliency of the Texture Based a Saliency Map by Color

Muñoz Mata Mirna Ariadna

Application of a Risk Management Tool Focused on Helping to Small and Medium Enterprises Implementing the Best Practices in Software Development Projects

Mejia Miranda Jezreel