
A plant-pollinator system: How learning versus cost-benefit can induce periodic oscillations

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio

Control Strategies in Multigroup Models: The Case of the Star Network Topology

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio

Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Peru using a vector-host model: Backward bifurcation and sensitivity analysis

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio

Evaluating the potential of vaccine-induced type replacement for high-risk human papillomaviruses

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio 

Backward Bifurcation as a Desirable Phenomenon: Increased Fecundity Through Infection

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio 

Optimal Control against the Human Papillomavirus: Protection versus Eradication of the Infection

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio 

The role of behavioral changes and prompt treatment in the control of STIs

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio 

Vector Preference Annihilates Backward Bifurcation and Reduces Endemicity

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio 

From Backward Approximations to Lagrange Polynomials in Discrete Advection–Reaction Operators

Solís Lozano Francisco Javier, Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio

Modeling the transmission dynamics and the impact of the control interventions for the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak

Barradas Bribiesca José Ignacio