
VSD-MOEA: A Dominance-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm with Explicit Variable Space Diversity Management

A parallel memetic algorithm with explicit management of diversity for the job shop scheduling problem

A replacement scheme based on dynamic penalization for controlling the diversity of the population in Genetic Programming

A parallel memetic algorithm to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows

Segura González Carlos, Peña Valdez Sergio Ivvan

A Memetic Algorithm to Solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem withTime-Windows, Unmatched Pickups and Deliveries, and Inventory Restrictions

Segura González Carlos

The Importance of the Individual Encoding in Memetic Algorithms with Diversity Control Applied to Large Sudoku Puzzles

Segura González Carlos

A multi-objective decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm with enhanced variable space diversity control

Hernández Aguirre Arturo, Segura Conzález Carlos

Improving Diversity in Evolutionary Algorithms: New Best Solutions for Frequency Assignment

Segura González Carlos